open Pam.Datatypes let test1 () = let body = {|@alert: -12:38 10:02 +09:24 ## Description Specify a time format by writing the exact time of the alert, then adding zero or more '+' or '-'. Examples, due date is 1/1/1970: 1. 12:38: you get the alert 1/1/1970 at 12:38 2. -12:38: you get the alert 31/12/1969 at 12:38 3. --12:38: you get the alert 30/12/1969 at 12:38 4. +12:38: you get the alert 2/1/1970 at 12:38 |} in let _a = ("", "Casa", ("2024-04-20T23:59:59+02:00"), body) in let m = MatrixRoom.make "test" in let reminder = {url=""; title= "example"; due_date= Some "2024-04-20T23:59:59+02:00"; body=body; matrix_target=m} in let res = Pam.Issue_parser.to_datetime reminder in match res with | Ok None -> failwith "none" | Error e -> failwith e | Ok (Some ar) -> let _ = ar |> (Ptime.to_rfc3339)|> List.iter print_endline in let _ = () |> Ptime.to_rfc3339 |> print_endline in failwith "MAnca +2 offset"; failwith "MAnca giorni negativi o positive '+'/'-'" let () = let _ = test1 () in ()