open Pam.Datatypes open Pam open Batteries open Utils let _MQ_CLIENT = "mq_client" let _HTTP_CLIENT = "http_client" (* * if the deadline has passed: alert every day at noon * else parse the alert **) let http_client (repos: Config.repo_data list) = let http_actor = Httpclient.init repos in let _ = "Initialized http client" in let check_alert_time now issues = let rec aux acc = function | [] -> Ok acc | issue :: rest -> match Issuelib.to_datetime issue with | Error e -> Error e | Ok None -> aux acc rest | Ok (Some alert_times) -> let acc' = if Issuelib.should_alert now alert_times then issue::acc else acc in aux acc' rest in aux [] issues in let rec loop () = let _ = match Riot.receive_any () with | ListIssues -> let now = () in let issues = Httpclient.make_get_request http_actor in Result.bind issues (check_alert_time now) |> Result.map_error internal_failure |> Result.fold ~ok:forgejo_issues ~error:List.singleton |> (Riot.send_by_name ~name:_MQ_CLIENT) | m -> unhandled m in loop () in loop () let mq_client (mq_url, mq_user, mq_password) = let call_consumer { Amqp_client_lwt.Message.message = (_content, body); _ } = Pamlog.error [%string "Received msg from rabbitmq: %{body}. PAM will ignore."] in let%lwt mq = Mq.init (mq_url, mq_user, mq_password) call_consumer in let rec loop () = let%lwt _ = Lwt_unix.sleep 1.0 in let _ = try%lwt match Riot.receive_any ~after:one_second () with | InternalFailure err -> let _ = Pamlog.error [%string "Got error from Forgejo: %{err}"] in Mq.mq_publish mq err | Reminder reminder -> let formatted = Issuelib.issue_data_to_json reminder in Mq.mq_publish mq formatted | m -> unhandled m with | Riot.Receive_timeout -> Lwt.return_unit in loop () in loop () let main (config: Config.config) = let open Riot in let http_client_pid = spawn (fun () -> http_client config.repos) in let mq_client_pid = spawn (fun () -> (mq_client (config.mq_url, config.mq_user, config.mq_password))) in let _ = Riot.register _HTTP_CLIENT http_client_pid in let _ = Riot.register _MQ_CLIENT mq_client_pid in let timeout = 30.0 in let rec loop_ () = let _ = send http_client_pid ListIssues in sleep timeout |> loop_ in sleep timeout |> loop_ let () = let config = Config.configuration () |> Result.fold ~error:exit2 ~ok:identity in (fun () -> main config)