149 lines
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149 lines
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module Private = struct
type when_ = | Before | After | SameDay
type alert_requestp = {
date_offset: int;
exact_time: int * int;
when_: when_;
type alert_request = {
date_offset: int;
exact_time: int * int;
due_date: Ptime.date;
when_: when_;
let option_bind f opt = Option.bind opt f
let to_exact_date offset alert_data =
let alert_time = (alert_data.exact_time |> fst, alert_data.exact_time |> snd, 0), offset in
let seconds_in_a_day = 24 * 60 * 60 in
let span = alert_data.date_offset * seconds_in_a_day |> Ptime.Span.of_int_s in
let add_span = match alert_data.when_ with | Before -> Ptime.sub_span | _ -> Ptime.add_span in
|> Ptime.of_date
|> option_bind (fun s -> add_span s span)
|> Option.map (Ptime.to_date ~tz_offset_s:offset)
|> option_bind (fun due_date -> Ptime.of_date_time (due_date, alert_time))
let parse_body str =
let prefix = "@alert: " in
let has_alert = String.starts_with ~prefix:prefix in
let idx = String.length prefix in
let rec find_alert acc = function
| line::rest ->
if line |> has_alert then
let until = String.length line - idx in
let alert_rest = String.sub line idx until |> String.split_on_char ' ' in
find_alert (alert_rest@acc) rest
find_alert acc rest
| [] -> acc
String.split_on_char '\n' str
|> find_alert []
let to_alert_request str =
let is_number str = Str.string_match (Str.regexp "[0-9]+") str 0 in
let rec count n str = function
| "-" ->
if String.starts_with ~prefix:"-" str then
let rest = (String.sub str 1 (String.length str-1)) in
count (n+1) rest "-"
else if String.starts_with ~prefix:"+" str then Error "Malformed alert string"
else Ok (n, str)
| "+" ->
if String.starts_with ~prefix:"+" str then
let rest = (String.sub str 1 (String.length str-1)) in
count (n+1) rest "+"
else if String.starts_with ~prefix:"-" str then Error "Malformed alert string"
else Ok (n, str)
| _ -> Ok (n, str)
let od, when_ =
if String.starts_with ~prefix:"-" str then (count 0 str "-", Before)
else if String.starts_with ~prefix:"+" str then (count 0 str "+", After)
else (Ok (0, str), SameDay)
Result.bind od (fun (offset, date_str) ->
let date_str = String.trim date_str |> BatString.trim in
match String.split_on_char ':' date_str with
| h::m::[] when is_number h && is_number m ->
begin match int_of_string_opt h, int_of_string_opt m with
| Some h, Some m ->
Ok {date_offset=offset; exact_time=(h, m); when_=when_}
| None, _ -> Error [%string "Can't parse numbers from string hour: h=%{h}|m=%{m}|"]
| _, None -> Error [%string "Can't parse numbers from string minute: h=%{h}|m=%{m}|"]
| _ -> Error [%string "Malformed time: |%{str}|%{date_str}|"])
open Private
let to_datetime: Datatypes.forgejo_issue_data -> (Ptime.t list option, string) result = function
| {due_date=None; _} -> Ok None
| {due_date=Some due_date; body=body; _} ->
let rec all acc = function [] -> Ok acc | Ok x::xs -> all (x::acc) xs | Error e::_ -> Error e in
let rec all' acc = function [] -> Some acc | Some x::xs -> all' (x::acc) xs | None::_ -> None in
let alerts =
|> parse_body
|> List.map to_alert_request
|> all []
let issue_due_date =
Ptime.of_rfc3339 due_date
|> Ptime.rfc3339_string_error
|> Result.map (fun (timestamp, utc_offset, _) ->
let offset = Option.value ~default:0 utc_offset in
(Ptime.to_date timestamp ~tz_offset_s:offset, offset))
match (issue_due_date, alerts) with
| Error e, _ -> Error e
| _, Error e -> Error e
| Ok (date, offset), Ok alerts ->
let convert = (fun (a: alert_requestp) -> {date_offset=a.date_offset; exact_time=a.exact_time; due_date=date; when_=a.when_}) in
List.map (fun ap -> ap |> convert |> to_exact_date offset) alerts
|> all' []
|> Result.ok
let should_alert now alerts =
let is_noon_in_seconds hour tz_offset minute =
let h = hour * 60 * 60 in
let m = minute * 60 in
let total = tz_offset + h + m in
(12 * 60 * 60) = total
let remove_seconds (t: Ptime.t) =
let (date, ((h, m, _), offset)) = Ptime.to_date_time t in
let time' = ((h, m, 0), offset) in
Ptime.of_date_time (date, time') |> Option.get
let equal a b = Ptime.equal (remove_seconds a) (remove_seconds b) in
let is_noon t = Ptime.to_date_time t |> function (_date, ((h, m, _s), tz_offset)) -> is_noon_in_seconds h tz_offset m in
(List.exists (equal now) alerts) ||
(List.for_all (Ptime.is_earlier ~than:now) alerts && is_noon now)
let issue_data_to_json (issue: Datatypes.forgejo_issue_data) =
let open Yojson.Basic in
let due_date = Option.value ~default:"" issue.due_date |> String.split_on_char 'T' |> List.hd in
let room_id = issue.matrix_target in
let content = [%string {|[%{issue.title}](%{issue.url}) - %{due_date}
%{issue.body}|} ] in
let d = `Assoc [
("content", `String content);
("source_message_id", `Null);
("room_id", `String room_id);
("as_reply", `Bool false);
("as_markdown", `Bool true)
] in
to_string d