import std.string; import std.array : array; import std.random; import std.file; import vibe.http.server; import taggedalgebraic; struct Error {}; union U { string[] args; Error e; } alias Result = TaggedUnion!U; auto shuffle(string[] args, const string t) { Result r; switch(t){ case "mt": Mt19937 gen; gen.seed(unpredictableSeed); args.randomShuffle(gen); break; case "x": Xorshift32 gen; gen.seed(unpredictableSeed); args.randomShuffle(gen); break; case "du": auto gen = DevRandomGen!"/dev/urandom"(); args.randomShuffle(gen); break; case "dr": auto gen = DevRandomGen!"/dev/random"(); args.randomShuffle(gen); break; default: r = Error(); return r; } r = args; return r ; } template DevRandomGen(string gen) if (gen == "/dev/random" || gen == "/dev/urandom") { struct DevRandomGen { alias UIntType = uint; public: enum bool isUniformRandom = true; enum empty = false; /// Smallest generated value. enum UIntType min = 0; /// Largest generated value. enum UIntType max = ubyte.max; string src = gen; void seed(UIntType x0) @safe pure nothrow @nogc {} void popFront() @safe pure nothrow @nogc {} @property UIntType front() const { return (cast(ubyte[])([0]; } @property typeof(this) save() @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return this; } } } enum firstPage = `

Buridan's Donkey

...a man, being just as hungry as thirsty, and placed in between food and drink, must necessarily remain where he is and starve to death.

This is the Buridan's Donkey main page.

Do not be afraid to ask for the help of the Donkey

you have four possibilities:

`; void indexPage(scope HTTPServerRequest req, scope HTTPServerResponse res) { res.writeBody(firstPage); } void handleRequest(scope HTTPServerRequest req, scope HTTPServerResponse res) { void error(){ immutable resp = "Invalid request.
For usage see main page"; res.statusCode = 400; res.writeBody(resp); } res.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html"; if(req.path == "/" || req.path == "/index.html") return indexPage(req, res); immutable path = req.requestPath.bySegment.array; if(path.length != 3){// path[0] == "" error(); return ; } auto engine = path[1].name; auto args = path[2].name.split(","); const result = shuffle(args, engine); result.visit!((string [] r) { immutable body = "Asino says:
" ~ (r.length == 2 ? r[0] : ""); res.writeBody(body); }, (Error e) { error(); } ); } void main(string[] argv) { import std.getopt; import vibe.core.core : runEventLoop, lowerPrivileges; ushort port = 8080; string host = ""; auto rslt = getopt(argv, "port|p", "Bind to this port.", &port, "host|H", "Listen to this interface.", &host, ); if (rslt.helpWanted){ defaultGetoptPrinter("Some information about the program.", rslt.options); return; } auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings; settings.port = port; settings.bindAddresses = [host]; listenHTTP(settings, &handleRequest); lowerPrivileges(); runEventLoop(); }