import std.string; import std.array : array; import std.random; import std.file; import vibe.http.server; import taggedalgebraic; struct Error {}; union U { string[] args; Error e; } alias Result = TaggedUnion!U; auto shuffle(string[] args, const string t) { Result r; switch(t){ case "mt": Mt19937 gen; gen.seed(unpredictableSeed); args.randomShuffle(gen); break; case "x": Xorshift32 gen; gen.seed(unpredictableSeed); args.randomShuffle(gen); break; case "du": auto gen = DevRandomGen!"/dev/urandom"(); args.randomShuffle(gen); break; case "dr": auto gen = DevRandomGen!"/dev/random"(); args.randomShuffle(gen); break; default: r = Error(); return r; } r = args; return r ; } template DevRandomGen(string gen) if (gen == "/dev/random" || gen == "/dev/urandom") { struct DevRandomGen { alias UIntType = uint; public: enum bool isUniformRandom = true; enum empty = false; /// Smallest generated value. enum UIntType min = 0; /// Largest generated value. enum UIntType max = ubyte.max; string src = gen; void seed(UIntType x0) @safe pure nothrow @nogc {} void popFront() @safe pure nothrow @nogc {} @property UIntType front() const { return (cast(ubyte[])([0]; } @property typeof(this) save() @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return this; } } } void handleRequest(scope HTTPServerRequest req, scope HTTPServerResponse res) { void error(){ res.statusCode = 400; } immutable path = req.requestPath.bySegment.array; if(path.length != 3){// path[0] == "" error(); return ; } auto engine = path[1].name; auto args = path[2].name.split(","); const result = shuffle(args, engine); result.visit!((string [] r) { immutable body = "Asino says:
" ~ (r.length == 2 ? r[0] : ""); res.writeBody(body); }, (Error e) { error(); } ); } void main(string[] argv) { import std.getopt; import vibe.core.core : runEventLoop, lowerPrivileges; ushort port = 8080; string host = ""; auto rslt = getopt(argv, "port|p", "Bind to this port.", &port, "host|H", "Listen to this interface.", &host, ); if (rslt.helpWanted){ defaultGetoptPrinter("Some information about the program.", rslt.options); return; } auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings; settings.port = port; settings.bindAddresses = [host]; listenHTTP(settings, &handleRequest); lowerPrivileges(); runEventLoop(); }