update 31 aug

This commit is contained in:
Francesco Mecca 2023-08-31 12:13:58 +02:00
parent 81516ba74e
commit b7d60d0ab6
3 changed files with 142 additions and 127 deletions

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@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ You can generate the pdf using `make filename=eng` or `make filename=ita`.
The repo will also store related files that I sent to recruiters or for applications.
Those files must be considered outdated.
If you want to hire me, shoot me an email: **me** at <name\><surname\>.eu.
If you want to hire me, shoot me an email: me @ <name\><surname\>.eu.

latex.dir/cv.tex Executable file → Normal file
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@ -13,25 +13,37 @@
\hspace{3cm} \= \hspace{4cm} \= \kill
{\bf \iftagged{ita}{Blog personale}{Personal Blog}} \> \href{https://francescomecca.eu}{francescomecca.eu} \\
{\bf Github} \> \href{https://github.com/FraMecca}{FraMecca} \\
{\bf Email} \> \href{mailto:me@francescomecca.eu}{me@francescomecca.eu} \\
{\bf Email} \> \href{mailto:hire@francescomecca.eu}{hire@francescomecca.eu} \\
\iftagged{ita}{Expat italiano residente a Londra. Appassionato di \textbf{informatica} e l'\textbf{ingegneria} del software. Ho talento per la \textbf{comunicazione} e la \textbf{scrittura}, grazie anche alle mie ottime \textbf{capacità relazionali}}{Italian expat currently living in London. I have a broad interest in \textbf{computer science} and software \textbf{engineering}. I have talent for \textbf{writing} and \textbf{communication}, enhanced by my \textbf{people skills}}.
\iftagged{ita}{Expat italiano residente ad Amsterdam. Appassionato di \textbf{informatica} e \textbf{ingegneria} del software. Ho talento per la \textbf{comunicazione} e la \textbf{scrittura}, grazie anche alle mie ottime \textbf{capacità relazionali}}
{Italian expat currently living in Amsterdam. I have a broad interest in \textbf{computer science} and software \textbf{engineering}. I have talent for \textbf{writing} and \textbf{communication}, enhanced by my \textbf{people skills}}.
\iftagged{ita}{In futuro vorrei esplorare questi argomenti}{Topics I would like to explore if given the possibility}: \textbf{project management, \iftagged{ita}{insegnamento}{teaching}.}
%% \iftagged{ita}{In futuro vorrei esplorare questi argomenti}{Topics I would like to explore if given the possibility}: \textbf{project management, \iftagged{ita}{insegnamento}{teaching}.}
\section*{\iftagged{ita}{Esperienze lavorative}{Work Experiences}}
{09/2020 }{ongoing}
{09/2022 }{Ongoing}
{\textbf{Symmetry Investments}}
{Research Developer}%
{\iftagged{ita}{Al momento lavoro per Symmetry Investments, un hedge fund che opera ad Hong Kong, Londra, Singapore e Jersey. Sono assunto come ricercatore per il DSL funzionale usato internamente. I miei ambiti di ricerca riguardano concetti di programmazione funzionale, type inference e type systems, virtual machine, semantiche dei linguaggi.
Un'altra grande parte del mio lavoro riguarda la supervisione e l'aiuto dei practitioners (quant, analisti e trader) nei differenti task di programmazione, tra cui code review, pratiche di software development e project management e richiede la conoscenza di competenze specifiche.
Oltre a questo sono frequentemente coinvolto nel processo di assunzione, dove mi occupo di sottoporre i candidati ad un colloquio tecnico dedicato. Inoltre, collaboro al management di progetti aziendali che riguardano lo sviluppo di tooling interno%
}{I am currently working for Symmetry Investments, a hedge fund operating in Hong Kong, London, Singapore and Jersey. I work primarily as a researcher for the functional DSL used in the firm. My topics of research and development encompass functional programming concepts, type inference and type systems, virtual machines, and language semantics. Another relevant part of the job is supporting practitioners (quant, analysts and traders) with programming related tasks, such as code reviews, project management, software development practices and it requires domain specific knowledge. In addition to this I am involved in the hiring process and interview candidates regularly}.}
{Team Lead}%
{Symmetry Investments is a hedge fund operating in Hong Kong, London, Singapore and Jersey.
Here I am leading a small team specialized in web scraping. I oversee the development of the application and the underlying infrastructure. Responsabilities encompass quarterly performance reviews, regulatory compliance, full project cycle management. I report directly to the CTO.
In addition to this I am involved in the hiring process and interview candidates regularly.
{09/2020 }{09/2022}
{\textbf{Symmetry Investments}}
{\iftagged{ita}{Symmetry Investments è un hedge fund che opera ad Hong Kong, Londra, Singapore e Jersey che mi ha assunto come ricercatore per il DSL funzionale usato internamente. I miei ambiti di ricerca riguardano concetti di programmazione funzionale, type inference e type systems, virtual machine, semantiche dei linguaggi.
Un'altra grande parte del mio lavoro ha riguardato la supervisione e l'aiuto dei practitioners (quant, analisti e trader) nei differenti task di programmazione, tra cui code review, pratiche di software development e project management e richiede la conoscenza di competenze specifiche.
Oltre a questo sono stato frequentemente coinvolto nel processo di assunzione, dove mi occupo di sottoporre i candidati ad un colloquio tecnico dedicato. Ho collaborato al management di progetti aziendali che riguardano lo sviluppo di tooling interno%
{I worked primarily as a researcher for the functional DSL used in the firm. My areas of research inclused type inference and type systems, virtual machines, language semantics. Another relevant part of the job was supporting quants, analysts and traders with programming related tasks, such as code reviews, project management, software development practices and it requires domain specific knowledge}.}
@ -41,7 +53,8 @@ Oltre a questo sono frequentemente coinvolto nel processo di assunzione, dove mi
{\iftagged{ita}{Per un periodo di sei mesi, ospite al centro di ricerca Inria, ho lavorato alla mia tesi sulla verifica a posteriori del pattern matching compiler del linguaggio OCaml.
La tesi di ricerca, supervisionata da \href{http://gallium.inria.fr/~scherer/}{Gabriel Scherer} e visionabile su \href{https://github.com/FraMecca/inria-internship}{Github}, è stata accettata e presentata a \href{https://icfp20.sigplan.org/details/mlfamilyworkshop-2020-papers/6/Translation-validation-of-a-pattern-matching-compiler}{ICFP2020}.
}{For a period of six months I worked on my master thesis regarding the translation validation of the pattern matching compiler for the OCaml language. My work was supervised by \href{http://gallium.inria.fr/~scherer/}{Gabriel Scherer} and is published on \href{https://github.com/FraMecca/inria-internship}{Github}. During the internship, Gabriel and me worked on a \href{https://github.com/FraMecca/inria-internship/raw/master/paper/abstract-submitted.pdf}{workshop submission} that got accepted at \href{https://icfp20.sigplan.org/details/mlfamilyworkshop-2020-papers/6/Translation-validation-of-a-pattern-matching-compiler}{ICFP2020}.}}
{For a period of six months I worked on my master thesis regarding the translation validation of the pattern matching compiler for the OCaml language. My work was supervised by \href{http://gallium.inria.fr/~scherer/}{Gabriel Scherer} and is published on \href{https://github.com/FraMecca/inria-internship}{Github}. During the internship, Gabriel and me worked on a \href{https://github.com/FraMecca/inria-internship/raw/master/paper/abstract-submitted.pdf}{workshop submission} that got accepted at \href{https://icfp20.sigplan.org/details/mlfamilyworkshop-2020-papers/6/Translation-validation-of-a-pattern-matching-compiler}{ICFP2020}.}}
@ -52,7 +65,8 @@ La tesi di ricerca, supervisionata da \href{http://gallium.inria.fr/~scherer/}{G
\iftagged{ita}{Ho partecipato all'iniziativa di Symmetry Investments "Autumn of Code" con un progetto relativo ad un garbage collector concorrente per la \href{https://github.com/dlang/druntime}{runtime di D}, con Leandro Lucarella come mentore.
Il lavoro è opensource ed accessibile dal mio account github, mentre è possibile consultare il riassunto del mio lavoro in questo \href{https://dlang.org/blog/2019/07/22/symmetry-autumn-of-code-experience-report-porting-a-fork-based-gc/}{blogpost}.
Con l'aiuto di altri contributori di D il mio lavoro è stato incluso nella release \href{https://dlang.org/changelog/2.098.0.html\#forkgc}{D 2.098.0}%
}{Symmetry Investments sponsored my work on a concurrent garbage collector for the \href{https://github.com/dlang/druntime}{D runtime} as part of the Symmetry Autumn of Code initiative.
{Symmetry Investments sponsored my work on a concurrent garbage collector for the \href{https://github.com/dlang/druntime}{D runtime} as part of the Symmetry Autumn of Code initiative.
I worked under the mentorship of Leandro Lucarella of Sociomantic.
All of my work is open source and accessible from my github account. A blogpost summing up the effort can be read \href{https://dlang.org/blog/2019/07/22/symmetry-autumn-of-code-experience-report-porting-a-fork-based-gc/}{here}. With the help of other D contributors the work was merged in \href{https://dlang.org/changelog/2.098.0.html\#forkgc}{D 2.098.0}.}
@ -65,7 +79,8 @@ All of my work is open source and accessible from my github account. A blogpost
Ho lavorato come ricercatore al Politecnico di Torino occupandomi dello sviluppo della piattaforma di e-learning \href{https://eduhack.eu/}{EduHack} sotto la supervisione del \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Carlos_De_Martin}{Professor Juan Carlos De Martin}.
Il lavoro svolto è stato \href{https://francescomecca.eu/blog/2018/10/2/eduhack-coventry/}{presentato} alla conferenza \href{https://www.conf.owlteh.org/}{OWLTEH 2018} all'università di Coventry%
}{I worked as a researcher at the Polytechnic of Turin for the Nexa Center for Internet and Society. I developed the web education platform \href{https://eduhack.eu/}{EduHack} under the supervision of \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Carlos_De_Martin}{Professor Juan Carlos De Martin}.
{I worked as a researcher at the Polytechnic of Turin for the Nexa Center for Internet and Society. I developed the web education platform \href{https://eduhack.eu/}{EduHack} under the supervision of \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Carlos_De_Martin}{Professor Juan Carlos De Martin}.
The work was \href{https://francescomecca.eu/blog/2018/10/2/eduhack-coventry/}{presented} at the \href{https://www.conf.owlteh.org/}{OWLTEH 2018 conference} at Coventry university}.
@ -186,7 +201,7 @@ I developed the Network of Centers Semantic Wiki. During the period I attended c
\item J. Gudstedt: Modern C
\item A. Alexandrescu: The D Programming Language
\item A. Goldberg, D. Robinson: Smalltalk-80: The Language and its Implementation
\item K. Kogon, S. Blakemore, J. Wood: Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager
\item F. Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering

Binary file not shown.