
70 lines
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2019-08-12 19:05:45 +02:00
open List;;
open Cards;;
open Tcards;;
let sum a b = a + b (* TODO: investigate why list.fold doesn't accept + *)
type table = { cards: tcards list}
let make tcards =
{ cards=tcards }
let valids table =
List.filter (fun ts -> ts.tag == Valid) table.cards;;
let invalids table =
List.filter (fun ts -> ts.tag == Invalid) table.cards;;
let score table =
List.length (valids table) - List.length (invalids table)
let hash table =
List.map (fun ts ->Tcards.hash ts) table.cards |>
List.fold_left sum 0;;
let size table =
List.map (fun tl -> Tcards.length tl) table.cards |>
List.fold_left sum 0 ;;
let flatten table =
List.map (fun (ts:tcards) -> ts.cards) table.cards |>
List.concat ;;
let neighbors tcs table =
match tcs.strategy with
| Tris -> List.filter (fun (x:tcards) -> tcs.cards@x.cards |> Cards.is_tris) table.cards
| Straight -> List.filter (fun (x:tcards) -> tcs.cards@x.cards |> Cards.is_straight) table.cards
| Single -> List.filter (fun (x:tcards) ->
tcs.cards@x.cards |> Cards.is_straight || tcs.cards@x.cards |> Cards.is_tris)
let constraints start eend =
let hand = List.filter (fun ts -> ts.strategy == Single) start.cards in
let res = List.filter (fun (e:tcards) -> e.strategy == Single && not (List.mem e hand)) eend.cards in
(List.length res) == 0;; (* investigate why not = nstead of == (TODO) *)
let doesnt_improve scores =
if List.length scores < 7 then
let max = List.fold_left max (-1000) scores in
let min = List.fold_left min 1000 scores in
abs (max - min) < 2
let play table in_play to_move =
let rec _play table_cards in_play to_move accum =
match table_cards with
(* put new combination on the table *)
| hd::tl when hd = in_play -> _play tl in_play to_move ((Tcards.make (to_move::in_play.cards))::accum)
| [] -> accum (* generate a new table *)
| hd::tl -> if hd |> Tcards.contains to_move then
let filtered = List.filter (fun x -> x != to_move) hd.cards in
_play tl in_play to_move ((Tcards.make filtered)::accum)
_play tl in_play to_move (hd::accum)
_play table.cards in_play to_move [] |> make