This commit is contained in:
Francesco Mecca 2019-08-12 19:05:45 +02:00
parent a5ed95b86d
commit 23d38adf7f
4 changed files with 277 additions and 121 deletions

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
open List;;
open Core;;
open Out_channel;;
open String;;
Random.self_init ();;
@ -20,22 +19,111 @@ let card_type_to_string = function
type card = { seed: card_type ; value: int }
let card_to_string c = String.concat ["{ seed: "; card_type_to_string c.seed;
"; value: "; string_of_int c.value; " }"]
let print_card chan card = Out_channel.output_string chan (card_to_string card);;
let value_cmp a b = a.value b.value
let make seed value =
{ seed=seed; value=value }
let value_cmp a b = if a.value < b.value then -1 else if a.value = b.value then 0 else 1 (* TFW TODO *)
let seed_cmp = fun a b -> if card_type_to_string a.seed > card_type_to_string b.seed then 1 else
if card_type_to_string a.seed = card_type_to_string b.seed then 0 else -1
let make_set tp = ~f:(fun x -> { seed=tp; value=x }) (List.range 1 14);; (* make a set of cards of one seed *)
let rec range start _end accum = if start < _end then range (start+1) _end accum@[start] else accum in (fun x -> { seed=tp; value=x }) (range 1 14 []);; (* make a set of cards of one seed *)
let init =
List.concat [make_set Hearts ; make_set Tiles ; make_set Clovers ; make_set Pikes ;
make_set Hearts ; make_set Tiles ; make_set Clovers ; make_set Pikes] |> ~f:(fun e -> Random.bits (), e) |>
List.sort ~compare:(fun a b -> if fst a > fst b then 1 else -1) |> ~f:snd (fun e -> Random.bits (), e) |>
List.sort (fun a b -> if fst a > fst b then 1 else -1) |> snd
let draw deck = match deck with
| [] as l -> {seed=Nothing ; value=0}, l
| hd::tl -> hd, tl
let no_double_seed cards =
List.sort_uniq seed_cmp cards |> List.length = List.length cards
let is_only_one_seed cards =
List.sort_uniq seed_cmp cards |> List.length = 1
let no_double_value cards =
List.sort_uniq value_cmp cards |> List.length = List.length cards
let is_tris cards =
match (List.sort_uniq value_cmp cards) with
| [_] -> no_double_seed cards (* only one value, check for right seeds *)
| _::_ -> false
| [] -> assert false
let rec split l fst =
match l with
| hd::hd'::tl when hd=hd'-1 -> split (hd'::tl) (fst@[hd])
| hd::tl -> fst@[hd], tl
| [] -> assert false
let is_straight _cards =
let rec _is_straight cards =
match cards with
| hd::hd'::tl when hd=hd'-1 -> _is_straight (hd'::tl)
| [] -> assert false
| [_] -> true (* list was consumed *)
| _::_ -> false in
if (not (no_double_value _cards && is_only_one_seed _cards)) then
let last = List.rev _cards |> hd in
let cards = (fun c -> c.value) _cards (* use only values *) in
if last.value = 13 && (hd cards) = 1 then (* circolare *)
let fst, snd = split cards [] in (_is_straight fst) && (_is_straight snd)
_is_straight cards
let is_valid _cards =
let cards = List.sort value_cmp _cards in
if List.length cards < 3 then
match cards with
| a::b::_ when value_cmp a b = 0 -> is_tris cards
| _ -> is_straight cards;;
let cards = [{seed=Clovers; value=1}; {seed=Hearts; value=1}; {seed=Pikes; value=1}] in
assert (is_valid cards);;
let cards = [{seed=Tiles; value=1}; {seed=Clovers; value=1}; {seed=Hearts; value=1}; {seed=Pikes; value=1}] in
assert (is_valid cards);;
let cards = [{seed=Tiles; value=2}; {seed=Clovers; value=1}; {seed=Hearts; value=1}; {seed=Pikes; value=1}] in
assert (not (is_valid cards));;
let cards = [{seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Hearts; value=4}]
in assert (not (no_double_value cards));;
let cards = [{seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Hearts; value=4}]
in assert (not (no_double_seed cards));;
let cards = [{seed=Pikes; value=2}; {seed=Clovers; value=2}; {seed=Tiles; value=4}; {seed=Hearts; value=4}]
in assert (no_double_seed cards);;
let cards = [{seed=Hearts; value=4}; {seed=Hearts; value=3}; {seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Hearts; value=1}]
in assert (is_valid cards);;
let cards = [{seed=Hearts; value=13}; {seed=Hearts; value=12}; {seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Hearts; value=1}]
in assert (is_valid cards);;
let cards = [{seed=Pikes; value=13}; {seed=Hearts; value=12}; {seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Hearts; value=1}]
in assert (not (is_valid cards));;
let cards = [{seed=Pikes; value=13}; {seed=Pikes; value=12}; {seed=Pikes; value=1}]
in assert (is_valid cards);;
let cards = [{seed=Hearts; value=12}; {seed=Pikes; value=12}; {seed=Pikes; value=1}]
in assert (not (is_valid cards));;
let cards = [{seed=Hearts; value=13}; {seed=Hearts; value=3}; {seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Hearts; value=1}]
in assert (is_valid cards);;

View file

@ -1,9 +1,54 @@
open List
open Cards
open Core;;
open Out_channel;;
type ingame_cards = card list
type player = { name: string ; cards: card list }
type table = { deck: card list ; ingame: ingame_cards; players: player list }
open Cards;;
open Tcards;;
open Table;;
let card_to_string c = String.concat ["{ seed: "; card_type_to_string c.seed;
"; value: "; string_of_int c.value; " }"]
let print_card chan card = Out_channel.output_string chan (card_to_string card);;
let tcards_to_string c = "TCards: <"::
Tcards.card_tag_to_string c.tag::":"::
Tcards.game_strategy_to_string c.strategy::
( ~f:(fun c -> card_to_string c) |> String.concat)::
"]"::[] |> String.concat
let print_tcards chan tcards = Out_channel.output_string chan (tcards_to_string tcards);;
let table_to_string c = "Table: <"::
( ~f:(fun c -> tcards_to_string c) |> String.concat)::
">"::[] |> String.concat ;;
let print_table chan table = Out_channel.output_string chan (table_to_string table);;
let t = play (make [
Tcards.make [
Cards.make Pikes 2;
Cards.make Tiles 2;
Cards.make Hearts 2;
Tcards.make [
Cards.make Hearts 2;
]) (* table_cards *)
(Tcards.make [
Cards.make Pikes 2;
Cards.make Tiles 2;
Cards.make Hearts 2;
]) (* in_play *)
(Cards.make Hearts 2) (* to_move *)
(* in make [
* Tcards.make [
* Cards.make Pikes 2;
* Cards.make Tiles 2;
* Cards.make Hearts 2;
* Cards.make Hearts 2;
* ]
* ] ;; *)
Printf.printf "%a\n" t
let deck = Cards.init
let card, _ = draw deck;;
@ -16,111 +61,5 @@ Printf.printf "%a\n" print_card card
considerata una carta giocabile in mano, considera le carte "prossime", bruteforce;
type status =
| Valid
| Invalid
| Unknown ;;
let no_double_seed cards =
List.sort_uniq Cards.seed_cmp cards |> List.length = List.length cards
let is_only_one_seed cards =
List.sort_uniq Cards.seed_cmp cards |> List.length = 1
let no_double_value cards =
List.sort_uniq Cards.value_cmp cards |> List.length = List.length cards
let is_tris cards =
match (List.sort_uniq Cards.value_cmp cards) with
| [_] -> no_double_seed cards (* only one value, check for right seeds *)
| _::_ -> false
| [] -> assert false
let rec split l fst =
match l with
| hd::hd'::tl when hd=hd'-1 -> split (hd'::tl) (fst@[hd])
| hd::tl -> fst@[hd], tl
| [] -> assert false
let is_straight _cards =
let rec _is_straight cards =
match cards with
| hd::hd'::tl when hd=hd'-1 -> _is_straight (hd'::tl)
| [] -> assert false
| [_] -> true (* list was consumed *)
| _::_ -> false in
if (not (no_double_value _cards && is_only_one_seed _cards)) then
let last = List.rev _cards |> hd in
let cards = (fun c -> c.value) _cards (* use only values *) in
if last.value = 13 && (hd cards) = 1 then (* circolare *)
let fst, snd = split cards [] in (_is_straight fst) && (_is_straight snd)
_is_straight cards
let is_valid _cards =
let cards = List.sort Cards.value_cmp _cards in
if length cards < 3 then
match cards with
| a::b::_ when Cards.value_cmp a b = 0 -> is_tris cards
| _ -> is_straight cards;;
let rec play cards =
let start_play ingame cards =
ingame @ cards |> List.sort Cards.value_cmp |> play
let cards = [{seed=Clovers; value=1}; {seed=Hearts; value=1}; {seed=Pikes; value=1}] in
assert (is_valid cards);;
let cards = [{seed=Tiles; value=1}; {seed=Clovers; value=1}; {seed=Hearts; value=1}; {seed=Pikes; value=1}] in
assert (is_valid cards);;
let cards = [{seed=Tiles; value=2}; {seed=Clovers; value=1}; {seed=Hearts; value=1}; {seed=Pikes; value=1}] in
assert (not (is_valid cards));;
let cards = [{seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Hearts; value=4}]
in assert (not (no_double_value cards));;
let cards = [{seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Hearts; value=4}]
in assert (not (no_double_seed cards));;
let cards = [{seed=Pikes; value=2}; {seed=Clovers; value=2}; {seed=Tiles; value=4}; {seed=Hearts; value=4}]
in assert (no_double_seed cards);;
let cards = [{seed=Hearts; value=4}; {seed=Hearts; value=3}; {seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Hearts; value=1}]
in assert (is_valid cards);;
let cards = [{seed=Hearts; value=13}; {seed=Hearts; value=12}; {seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Hearts; value=1}]
in assert (is_valid cards);;
let cards = [{seed=Pikes; value=13}; {seed=Hearts; value=12}; {seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Hearts; value=1}]
in assert (not (is_valid cards));;
let cards = [{seed=Pikes; value=13}; {seed=Pikes; value=12}; {seed=Pikes; value=1}]
in assert (is_valid cards);;
let cards = [{seed=Hearts; value=12}; {seed=Pikes; value=12}; {seed=Pikes; value=1}]
in assert (not (is_valid cards));;
let cards = [{seed=Hearts; value=13}; {seed=Hearts; value=3}; {seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Hearts; value=1}]
in assert (is_valid cards);;
let cards = [{seed=Hearts; value=1}] in
let ingame = [{seed=Hearts; value=13}; {seed=Hearts; value=3}; {seed=Hearts; value=2}]
in assert (start_play ingame cards);;
let cards = [{seed=Tiles; value=12}; {seed=Tiles; value=13}; {seed=Pikes; value=3}; {seed=Clovers; value=3}] in
let ingame = [{seed=Hearts; value=1}; {seed=Hearts; value=13}; {seed=Hearts; value=12};
{seed=Pikes; value=1}; {seed=Clovers; value=1}; {seed=Tiles; value=1};
{seed=Hearts; value=2}; {seed=Pikes; value=2}; {seed=Clovers; value=2}]
in assert (start_play ingame cards);; (* Risultato: straight 1-2-12-13 Hearts; straight 1-2-3 Pikes; straight 1-2-3 Clovers; straight 1-13-12 Tiles *)

69 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
open List;;
open Cards;;
open Tcards;;
let sum a b = a + b (* TODO: investigate why list.fold doesn't accept + *)
type table = { cards: tcards list}
let make tcards =
{ cards=tcards }
let valids table =
List.filter (fun ts -> ts.tag == Valid);;
let invalids table =
List.filter (fun ts -> ts.tag == Invalid);;
let score table =
List.length (valids table) - List.length (invalids table)
let hash table = (fun ts ->Tcards.hash ts) |>
List.fold_left sum 0;;
let size table = (fun tl -> Tcards.length tl) |>
List.fold_left sum 0 ;;
let flatten table = (fun (ts:tcards) -> |>
List.concat ;;
let neighbors tcs table =
match tcs.strategy with
| Tris -> List.filter (fun (x:tcards) -> |> Cards.is_tris)
| Straight -> List.filter (fun (x:tcards) -> |> Cards.is_straight)
| Single -> List.filter (fun (x:tcards) -> |> Cards.is_straight || |> Cards.is_tris)
let constraints start eend =
let hand = List.filter (fun ts -> ts.strategy == Single) in
let res = List.filter (fun (e:tcards) -> e.strategy == Single && not (List.mem e hand)) in
(List.length res) == 0;; (* investigate why not = nstead of == (TODO) *)
let doesnt_improve scores =
if List.length scores < 7 then
let max = List.fold_left max (-1000) scores in
let min = List.fold_left min 1000 scores in
abs (max - min) < 2
let play table in_play to_move =
let rec _play table_cards in_play to_move accum =
match table_cards with
(* put new combination on the table *)
| hd::tl when hd = in_play -> _play tl in_play to_move ((Tcards.make (
| [] -> accum (* generate a new table *)
| hd::tl -> if hd |> Tcards.contains to_move then
let filtered = List.filter (fun x -> x != to_move) in
_play tl in_play to_move ((Tcards.make filtered)::accum)
_play tl in_play to_move (hd::accum)
_play in_play to_move [] |> make

60 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
open List;;
open Hashtbl;;
open Cards;;
type card_tag =
| Invalid
| Valid
let card_tag_to_string t =
match t with
| Invalid -> "Invalid"
| Valid -> "Valid"
type game_strategy =
| Tris
| Straight
| Single
let game_strategy_to_string t =
match t with
| Tris -> "Tris"
| Straight -> "Straight"
| Single -> "Single"
type tcards = { cards: card list ; tag: card_tag ; strategy: game_strategy }
let make cards =
let strategy = if List.length cards = 1 then Single else
if Cards.is_tris cards then Tris else Straight in
{ cards=cards ; tag=if Cards.is_valid cards then Valid else Invalid; strategy=strategy }
let contains needle haystack = List.mem needle
let (=) a b =
if List.length != List.length || a.tag != b.tag || a.strategy != b.strategy then
else =
let length ts = List.length
let cmp a b =
(* TODO: improve *)
if a.strategy == Tris && List.length == 4 then -1
else if b.strategy == Tris && List.length == 4 then 1
else if a.strategy != Single && b.strategy == Single then 1
else if a.strategy == Single && b.strategy != Single then -1
else if a.tag == Invalid && b.tag == Valid then 1
else -1 ;;
(* TODO tests *)
assert (make [Cards.make Pikes 2] |>
cmp (make [Cards.make Pikes 2 ; Cards.make Clovers 2]) == 1);; (* less than *)
assert (make [Cards.make Pikes 2] |>
cmp (make [Cards.make Pikes 2 ; Cards.make Clovers 2 ; Cards.make Tiles 2; Cards.make Hearts 2]) == -1)
let hash ts = |>
List.sort (fun a b -> if a.seed == b.seed then Cards.value_cmp a b else Cards.seed_cmp a b) |>