Francesco Mecca 2ff02a9aef lavoro python
2019-08-14 00:30:28 +02:00

157 lines
4.5 KiB

from collections import namedtuple;
Card = namedtuple('Card', 'seed value')
class Mano:
cards = list() # lista di cards
def __init__(self, carte):
assert type(carte) is list and type(carte[0]) is Card
self.cards = carte # lista di Carte
class TaggedCards:
cards = None
tag = ''
tipo = ''
def __init__(self, carte):
assert type(carte) is list and type(carte[0]) is Card
self.cards = list(sorted(carte, key=lambda x: str(x))) # lista di Carte
self.tag = 'NonValido' if not is_valida(self.cards) else 'Valido'
self.tipo = 'Singolo' if len(carte) == 1 else 'Tris' if is_tris(carte) else 'Scala'
def __hash__(self):
import functools
def cmp(c1, c2):
return c1.value < c2.value if c1.seed == c2.seed else c1.seed < c2.seed
lst = tuple(sorted(self.cards, key=functools.cmp_to_key(cmp)))
return hash(lst)
def __repr__(self):
return "TaggedCards<%s, %s, %s>" % (self.cards, self.tag, self.tipo)
def __iter__(self):
return self.cards.__iter__()
def __eq__(self, other):
assert type(other) is type(self)
if len(other.cards) != len(self.cards) or self.tag != other.tag or self.tipo != other.tipo:
return False
return set(self.cards) == set(other.cards)
def __gt__(self, other):
if self.tipo == 'Tris' and len(self.cards) == 4:
return False
if other.tipo == 'Tris' and len(other.cards) == 4:
return True
elif self.tipo != 'Singolo' and other.tipo == 'Singolo':
return True
elif self.tipo == 'Singolo' and other.tipo != 'Singolo':
return False
elif self.tag == 'NonValido' and other.tag == 'Valido':
return True
return False
class Tavolo:
cards = list() # lista di taggedcards
def __init__(self, cs):
assert type(cs) is list
self.cards = cs
def __hash__(self):
return sum([c.__hash__() for c in self.cards])
def __repr__(self):
return "Tavolo<%s>" % (self.cards,)
def getNonValide(self):
assert type(self.cards[0]) is TaggedCards
f = [c for c in self.cards if c.tag == 'NonValido']
return f
def getValide(self):
assert type(self.cards[0]) is TaggedCards
f = [c for c in self.cards if c.tag == 'Valido']
return f
def getAll(self):
return self.cards
def llen(self):
return len(flatten(self.getAll()))
def punteggio(self):
return len(self.getValide()) - len(self.getNonValide())
# old ocaml work
def flatten(lst):
return sorted([s for subl in lst for s in subl], key=lambda x: x.value)
def no_double_seed(carte):
seeds = set([c.seed for c in carte])
return len(seeds) == len(carte)
def is_only_one_seed(carte):
seeds = set([c.seed for c in carte])
return len(seeds) == 1
def no_double_value(carte):
seeds = set([c.value for c in carte])
return len(seeds) == len(carte)
def is_tris(carte):
values = set([c.value for c in carte])
if len(values) == 1:
return no_double_seed(carte)
return False
def split(values, accum=[]):
a = values[0]
if len(values) > 2:
b = values[1]
if a == b - 1:
return split(values[1:], accum + [a])
return accum + [a], values[1:]
return accum + [a], values[1:]
def is_straight(carte):
assert type(carte) is list and type(carte[0]) is Card
def _is_straight(carte):
if len(carte) == 1:
return True
elif len(carte) == 0:
assert False
a = carte[0]
b = carte[1]
if a == b - 1:
return _is_straight(carte[1:])
return False
if not (no_double_value(carte) and is_only_one_seed(carte)):
return False
values = [v for s, v in sorted(carte, key=lambda x:x.value)]
first, last = values[0], values[-1]
if last == 13 and first == 1:
head, tail = split(values)
return _is_straight(head) and _is_straight(tail)
return _is_straight(values)
def is_valida(carte):
carte = list(sorted(carte, key = lambda x : x[1]))
if len(carte) < 3:
return False
a = carte[0][1]
b = carte[1][1]
if a == b:
return is_tris(carte)
return is_straight(carte)