2019-08-15 10:24:53 +02:00

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open Cards;;
type card_tag =
| Invalid
| Valid
let card_tag_to_string t =
match t with
| Invalid -> "Invalid"
| Valid -> "Valid"
type game_strategy =
| Tris
| Straight
| Single
let game_strategy_to_string t =
match t with
| Tris -> "Tris"
| Straight -> "Straight"
| Single -> "Single"
type tcards = { cards: card list ; tag: card_tag ; strategy: game_strategy }
let make cards =
let strategy = if List.length cards = 1 then Single else
if Cards.is_tris cards then Tris else Straight in
{ cards=cards |> List.sort value_cmp ; tag=if Cards.is_valid cards then Valid else Invalid; strategy=strategy }
let contains needle haystack = List.mem needle haystack.cards
let eq a b =
if List.length a.cards <> List.length b.cards || a.tag != b.tag || a.strategy != b.strategy then
a.cards = b.cards
let length ts = List.length ts.cards
let cmp (a:tcards) (b:tcards) =
let tup = (a.strategy, length a, b.strategy, length b, a.tag, b.tag) in
match tup with
| Straight, al, Straight, bl, _, _ -> if al < bl then 1 else -1
| Tris, 4, _, _, _, _ -> -1
| _, _, Tris, 4, _, _ -> 1
| Tris, 3, _, _, _, _ -> -1
| _, _, Tris, 3, _, _ -> 1
| Straight, 3, _, _, _, _ -> -1
| _, _, Straight, 3, _, _ -> 1
| Straight, al, _, _, _, _ when al > 3 -> -1
| _, _, Straight, bl, _, _ when bl > 3 -> 1
| Single, _, Single, _, _, _ -> -1 (* avoid ordering by card value here *)
| (Straight|Tris), _, Single, _, _, _ -> 1
| Single, _, (Straight|Tris), _, _, _ -> -1
| _, _, _, _, Invalid, Valid -> 1
| _, _, _, _, Valid, Invalid -> -1
| _ -> -1 (* doesn't matter if -1 or 1, just don't discriminate otherwise can't try all possible combinations *);;
let hash ts =
ts.cards |>
List.sort (fun a b -> if a.seed = b.seed then Cards.value_cmp a b else Cards.seed_cmp a b) |>
let remove card tcards =
assert (List.mem card tcards.cards);
match (List.filter (fun x -> x <> card) tcards.cards) with
| [] -> None
| (_::_) as lst -> Some (make lst) ;;
let r = remove (Cards.make Hearts 7) (make [Cards.make Hearts 7; Cards.make Clovers 7; Cards.make Pikes 7;]) in
match r with
| None -> assert false
| Some x -> if x <> (make [Cards.make Clovers 7; Cards.make Pikes 7]) then assert false