* Pentole Pentole aims to be a companion to the F# standard library. It consists of various extensions to the core library types and additional libraries for common operations. This is a list of the provided modules: - Option: extend the ~Option~ type with auxiliary functions - Path: datatype to represent Posix paths - Result: extend the ~Result~ type with auxiliary functions - String: extensive string manipulation library - TestExtensions: provide methods that complements ~Nunit.Framework.Assert~ * Goals The goals of Pentole are the following: - target developers that work with distributed systems - avoid OOP - use exceptions exclusively when they are the most intuitive approach for the code at hand - prefer the ocaml coding style rather than C# Pascal Case oriented style - avoid dependencies to other companion libraries ~FSharpPlus~ and ~FSharpx~, thus reimplementing some of their functions verbatim - be well documented and tested - target GNU/Linux **exclusively**