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2019-12-05 16:44:41 +01:00
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## Social Network Usage
This plot compares the frequency of posts by two politicians **over a year**.
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## Word cloud
Displays the most used words over **all posts** of a year, or **every post** considered.
<section data-background="#fff" data-markdown>
## Hottest cities
An heatmap to visualize which cities have been in the spotlight.
Computed over **all posts** of a year or **every post** considered.
Geolocation data included as well.
<section data-background="#fff" data-markdown>
## Hottest hours
Do politicians ever sleep? An heatmap describing the busiest hours of social media usage.
<section data-background="#fff" data-markdown>
## Common topics
Stacked bar plot comparing the most influential topics **shared** by two politicians.
Computed over **all posts** of a year or **every post** considered.
<section data-background="#fff" data-markdown>
# 🔥
🤔 Have you ever wondered how your politicians use Emojis? 🤷🏾
Find out the most used emojis and you can be cool too. 🤣
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