# Searching in an unknown environment - An optimal randomized algorithm for the cow-path problem ## Introduction * Classical search problems: **cost of a search == number of queries **made to an oracle which knows the position of the goal. * w-lane Cowpath Problem: **position unknown (no oracle)**. **Cost: proportional to the distance between queries**. Example: time required to travel between two query points. *(problem description)* *(problem application - robotics/hybrid algorithms/AI examples etc.)* This problem has various common points (*see later*) with **online algorithms** and because of this we use the notion of **competitive analysis of online algorithms** to measure the **efficiency** of the w-lane Cowpath problem. [Quick description of online algorithms.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_algorithm) - [Competitive analysis of OA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Competitive_analysis_(online_algorithm)). ### Competitive ratio for the Cow-Path problem Competitive analysis uses an optimal offline algorithm (read: one in which **all data is avaiable from the start**) and defines a **competitive ratio** by comparing the performance of the online and offline algorithms. An algorithm is ***competitive*** if its competitive ratio is **bounded**. We define a competitive ratio for the w-lane Cowpath problem: ***The competitive ratio for an algorithm solving the cow-path problem is the worst-case ratio of the expected distance traveled by the algorithm to the shortest-path distance from origin to goal.*** In particular, if the worst-case expected distance traveled by a randomized algorithm is at most `cn+d`, where `n` is the distance to the goal and `d` is a fixed constant, then `c` is the competitive ratio of this algorithm. ## Deterministic algorithm *(baeza-yaetes paper)* ## Randomized algorithm *(quick abstract, see paper for detailed version / formulas)* ### Definitions A deterministic algorithm for the cow-path problem has competitive ratio `c` if: ``` cost(goal) <= c*dist(goal) + d // c,d are constants independent from g ``` Considering a **randomized algorithm**, the distance traveled to find a given goal position is **no longer fixed**. This means that cost(goal) is a **random variable**, and the competitive ratio `c` is computed on the **expected value of that random variable**. ``` E[cost(goal)] <= c*dist(g) + d ``` This means that **a randomized algorithm has competitive ratio c if the expected value of the distance it has to travel is at most** `c*n + /small constant/`. ### Algorithm *(see paper)* ### Theorems #### 3.1 ***For any fixed geometric ratio r*** *(explain)* ***the algorithm has competitive ratio R(r,w)*** #### 4.1 *(see paper)* ### Lower Bound Analysis *(see paper)* ### Minimization of the competitive ratio *(see paper)* ### Growth w. number of paths *(see paper)* *Note: here we could prove that the algorithm is optimal with w=2*