Arduino Uno as HID keyboard
05 Jul 2016 -Turin is the hometown of Arduino. I have been at the fablab multiple times but I am more of a software guy. -I had to come all the way to America to get my hands on a simple Arduino Uno. -For 60$ I bought a cheap (but still good!) mechanical keyboard by Qisan, a clone of the Arduino Uno and a USB host shield.
+Turin is the hometown of Arduino. I have been at the fablab multiple times but I am more of a software guy.
+ +I had to come all the way to America to get my hands on a simple Arduino Uno.
+ +For 60$ I bought a cheap (but still good!) mechanical keyboard by Qisan, a clone of the Arduino Uno and a USB host shield.
Given that is 3 years since I have been using a dvorak layout and it's a pain to change layout on every machine that you have to use. You can imagine that given this three pieces of hardware together I put together an hardware key mapper for the keyboard.