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bparodi 2024-04-24 15:04:34 +02:00
parent a1eecc01db
commit 7bd7acf0e5
5 changed files with 114 additions and 110 deletions

img/danger-internet.jpg Normal file

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
### Sicurezza dei dati
### Shit happens
You can lose access to your hardware, or even worse it can get confiscated or stolen. Shit happens
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ You can lose access to your hardware, or even worse it can get confiscated or st
## Come risolvo?
## What to do?
- **rank** data by importance
- **classify** data by importance
- **backup** stuff you don't want to lose
- **encrypt** stuff that you wouldn't share
@ -29,7 +29,10 @@ There are a lot of backup programs but first start from the basics:
- ???
- profit
For the hardcore people: the **3-2-1 rule**.
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->Hardcore? the **3-2-1 rule**.
@ -47,8 +50,7 @@ You can read the data ALWAYS if the hardware is ON.
Screen lockers can be bypassed: don't leave your hardware unattended.
<blockquote> 🕭 When bells rings clear, shut down your gear 🕭</blockquote>
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->Protip: <!-- .element: class="fragment" --> <blockquote> <!-- .element: class="fragment" --> 🕭 When bells rings clear, shut down your gear 🕭</blockquote>
se suonano alla porta, spegni il computer o smonta la partizione cifrata prima di aprire.

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@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ You can find the slides at
- The slides are meant to be used as a web resource, so there is a lot of text. I'll try not to read ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Cyberattacks will be mentioned during the presentation. Feel free to ask for details.

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@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
<!-- .slide: data-background="img/internet.jpg" -->
## Connecting to the internet
Let's now talk about the possible dangers of connecting your hardware into the internet.
### How do we connect?
- Wifi? Change the default password
@ -25,11 +26,11 @@
## Browsing the web
- use firefox, always
- use firefox containers, use TOR
- check the address bar: does the web address make sense?
- avoid google, use alternative search engines
- check that you are not logged in automatically by Google, Microsoft and Apple
- remove advertisements from webpages
- use firefox containers, use TOR
- Incognito mode: not what you would think it is
Question: what is the difference between the web and the internet?
@ -47,20 +48,71 @@ Question: what is the difference between the web and the internet?
## Domain Name System
The DNS is the address book of the internet! When you want to connect to ****:
1. Your computer asks a DNS resolver how to reach ****
2. The DNS resolver replies with an IP address:
3. The IP address is used to route your request to the server
4. You can now communicate with the server
## VPN
## Change your DNS
By default, most computers are configured to use the DNS server provided by their Internet Service Provider (ISP), which means your ISP knows which website you visit
Change your DNS to an alternative server, depending on your threat model
## Virtual Private Network
A VPN private tunnel for your internet connection.
- Normally, your internet traffic goes directly from your device to websites/services
- This means your ISP can see your online activities
With a VPN:
- Your device connects to a VPN server first before going to the internet
- This hides your real internet address and location to the ISP
## Why
- You need to access geo-blocked services
- You want to keep something private from your ISP
- You want to protect **some** of your activities on public WiFi networks
Question: when should you avoid a VPN?
<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
## TOR
- TOR stands for The Onion Router
- It's a FOSS tool that enables anonymous communication
- It directs Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer overlay network
- It conceals a user's location and usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis
- The name derives from the method of layered encryption used (like the layers of an onion)
## How TOR works
- TOR uses a system of virtual tunnels to route your traffic
- It randomly selects a path through the TOR network, called a circuit
- Each node in the circuit knows only the IP address of the node before and after it
- The data is encrypted and re-encrypted multiple times as it passes through the nodes
- The final node (exit node) decrypts the data and sends it to its destination
- This makes it difficult for an observer to trace the origin of the data
## When to use TOR
- When you want to contribute to the network
- When you need to hide your IP from multiple parties
- When you want to access the .onion network
- When you value anonimity more than security

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@ -1,138 +1,86 @@
<!-- .slide: data-background="img/this-is-your-brain-on-apps.jpg" -->
## Smartphone
## Smartphone
- Sono ovunque, sono Lo strumento usato per comunicare
- Telefonate, internet, chat, foto, video, etc..
- Non sono stati progettati per essere sicuri
## Meno controllo
Compared to a computer, it's more complicated:
Rispetto ad un computer è più complicato:
- sostituire il sistema operativo (pensate a quanto vi abbiamo rotto con
- investigare presenza di malware/virus
- disinstallare programmi di default (telefoni brandizzati)
- prevenire il monitoraggio
- to replace the operating system
- to investigate the presence of malware
- to uninstall default programs, see branded phones
- to prevent monitoring
## Obsolescenza..
## Obsolescence
Inoltre il produttore del telefono dichiarando lo stesso obsoleto smette di
fornire aggiornamenti software (lasciando aperte vulnerabilità di pubblico
Furthermore, the phone manufacturer, by declaring it obsolete, stops
providing software updates, leaving vulnerabilities out in the open
## Geolocalizzazione - Cell
## Geolocation
Un telefono acceso si collega ad una cella della rete telefonica, quale
cella e quale telefono vengono segnati dall'operatore, che tiene per molto
tempo questa informazione.
When a phone is on, it connects to a cell of the phone network, which
cell and which phone are marked by the operator, who keeps this information for a long
## Geolocalizzazione - Cell
## Geolocation
E' possibile triangolare un dispositivo stimando la potenza del segnale
ricevuto da celle vicine, si attiva chiamando il 118 e tipo se siete sotto
It is possible to triangulate a device by estimating the signal strength
received from nearby cells, it is activated by calling 118 and kind of like if you are under
Non c'è modo di evitare questo attacco se non lasciando il telefono a casa
There is no way to avoid this attack other than leaving the phone at home
## Geolocalizzazione - IMSI
## Geolocation - IMSI
IMSI Catcher, un simulatore di antenne telefoniche sicuramente
IMSI Catcher, a simulated mobile phone tower definitely
[in Italy](
Può rispondere a domande del tipo: "dammi tutti i numeri di telefono
presenti in questa zona, quel giorno" senza farne richiesta al magistrato.
It can answer questions like: "give me all the phone numbers
present in this area, on that day" without the need to request them from the magistrate.
se volete divertirvi potete costruire un [imsi catcher
notes: disabilitare 2g/3g e il roaming
It is
if you want to have fun you can build an [IMSI Catcher
## Geolocalizzazione
## Geolocation
- WIFI Il telefono va' in giro [urlando ai quattro venti un suo
notes: Disabilita il bluetooth e il wifi quando esci di casa.
- The wifi, when ON, broadcasts a unique identifier
- Same for bluetooth
- 2G, 3G and roaming decrease security
- The geolocation services also uses the list of WiFi networks near you
## Geolocalizzazione
## Good practices
- GPS Il vostro telefono non parla con i satelliti, avviene il contrario.
Ma quando conosce la sua posizione puo' comunicarla su altri canali.
- Does my phone listen to my conversations?
- Even when it's off?
- Should I remove the battery?
La geolocalizzazione usa anche la [lista delle reti
wireless](( che trova intorno a
te. notes:
- Il GPS riceve solamente (accuracy ~5 metri a scopo civile)
- Si geolocalizza anche senza GPS ma col
[WIFI]( (~78 metri)
Faccio una lista delle reti wifi nel posto dove mi trovo e mi segno la
potenza del segnale di ognuna e/o il tempo di risposta.
- O con il cellular positioning (~600 metri)
For sensitive discussions, leave your phone in another room. If 20
people simultaneously turn off their phones in the same location,
the operator knows.
## Malware Vedi
## Physical attacks
[qui]( e
che ne abbiamo parlato un sacco.
Tenete aggiornati i vostri dispositivi, installate solo le app che vi
servono, disinstallate le app di default, usate [software
## Buone pratiche
- Ma ascolta anche quando è spento?
- Devo togliere la batteria?
Per discorsi sensibili, lasciate i telefoni in un'altra stanza, se 20
persone contemporaneamente spengono il telefono in uno stesso luogo
l'operatore lo sa.
## Attacchi fisici
- Inserite un pin, una passphrase o una sequenza per sbloccare lo schermo
- No impronte digitali (stanno sul
[telefono]( e sui
- [Cifrate il
notes: che sia il vostro coinquilino dell'altra stanza, un vostro ex, il
vostro capo o la digos, se qualcuno prende il vostro telefono in mano e non
c'e' protezione alcuna, non e' una bella cosa, Anche se non vi sequestrano
il telefono, in poco tempo e' possibile installare malware o addirittura in
alcuni casi reinstallare l'intero sistema operativo avendone accesso
fisico. Altra cosa, cifrate il telefono, nelle impostazioni -> sicurezza
potete mettere la stessa sequenza/pin/password per accendere il telefono e
per abilitarlo
- Don't use fingerprints and facial recognition
- Encrypt the phone
- Most of the time, if you phone changed hands, you lost