2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
/* Copyright (C) 2012 Kristian Lauszus, TKJ Electronics. All rights reserved.
This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU
General Public License version 2 ( GPL2 ) as published by the Free Software
Foundation and appearing in the file GPL2 . TXT included in the packaging of
this file . Please note that GPL2 Section 2 [ b ] requires that all works based
on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of
the GPL2 ( " Copyleft " ) .
Contact information
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kristian Lauszus , TKJ Electronics
Web : http : //www.tkjelectronics.com
e - mail : kristianl @ tkjelectronics . com
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
getBatteryLevel and checkStatus functions made by timstamp . co . uk found using BusHound from Perisoft . net
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
# include "XBOXRECV.h"
# define DEBUG // Uncomment to print data for debugging
//#define EXTRADEBUG // Uncomment to get even more debugging data
//#define PRINTREPORT // Uncomment to print the report send by the Xbox 360 Controller
2013-01-28 00:55:01 +01:00
const uint8_t LEDS [ ] PROGMEM = {
0x02 , // LED1
0x03 , // LED2
0x04 , // LED3
0x05 , // LED4
0x01 // ALL - Used to blink all LEDs
} ;
const uint16_t BUTTONS [ ] PROGMEM = {
0x0100 , // UP
0x0800 , // RIGHT
0x0200 , // DOWN
0x0400 , // LEFT
0x2000 , // BACK
0x1000 , // START
2013-02-02 22:14:01 +01:00
0x4000 , // L3
0x8000 , // R3
2013-01-28 00:55:01 +01:00
0 , 0 , // Skip L2 and R2 as these are analog buttons
0x0001 , // L1
0x0002 , // R1
0x0020 , // B
0x0010 , // A
0x0040 , // X
0x0080 , // Y
0x0004 , // XBOX
0x0008 // SYNC
} ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
pUsb ( p ) , // pointer to USB class instance - mandatory
bAddress ( 0 ) , // device address - mandatory
bPollEnable ( false ) { // don't start polling before dongle is connected
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < XBOX_MAX_ENDPOINTS ; i + + ) {
epInfo [ i ] . epAddr = 0 ;
epInfo [ i ] . maxPktSize = ( i ) ? 0 : 8 ;
epInfo [ i ] . epAttribs = 0 ;
epInfo [ i ] . bmNakPower = ( i ) ? USB_NAK_NOWAIT : USB_NAK_MAX_POWER ;
if ( pUsb ) // register in USB subsystem
pUsb - > RegisterDeviceClass ( this ) ; //set devConfig[] entry
uint8_t XBOXRECV : : Init ( uint8_t parent , uint8_t port , bool lowspeed ) {
uint8_t buf [ sizeof ( USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR ) ] ;
uint8_t rcode ;
UsbDevice * p = NULL ;
EpInfo * oldep_ptr = NULL ;
uint16_t PID ;
uint16_t VID ;
// get memory address of USB device address pool
AddressPool & addrPool = pUsb - > GetAddressPool ( ) ;
Notify ( PSTR ( " \r \n XBOXRECV Init " ) ) ;
# endif
// check if address has already been assigned to an instance
if ( bAddress ) {
# ifdef DEBUG
Notify ( PSTR ( " \r \n Address in use " ) ) ;
# endif
// Get pointer to pseudo device with address 0 assigned
p = addrPool . GetUsbDevicePtr ( 0 ) ;
if ( ! p ) {
# ifdef DEBUG
Notify ( PSTR ( " \r \n Address not found " ) ) ;
# endif
if ( ! p - > epinfo ) {
# ifdef DEBUG
Notify ( PSTR ( " \r \n epinfo is null " ) ) ;
# endif
// Save old pointer to EP_RECORD of address 0
oldep_ptr = p - > epinfo ;
// Temporary assign new pointer to epInfo to p->epinfo in order to avoid toggle inconsistence
p - > epinfo = epInfo ;
p - > lowspeed = lowspeed ;
// Get device descriptor
rcode = pUsb - > getDevDescr ( 0 , 0 , sizeof ( USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR ) , ( uint8_t * ) buf ) ; // Get device descriptor - addr, ep, nbytes, data
// Restore p->epinfo
p - > epinfo = oldep_ptr ;
if ( rcode )
goto FailGetDevDescr ;
VID = ( ( USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR * ) buf ) - > idVendor ;
PID = ( ( USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR * ) buf ) - > idProduct ;
if ( VID ! = XBOX_VID & & VID ! = MADCATZ_VID ) // We just check if it's a xbox receiver using the Vendor ID
goto FailUnknownDevice ;
# ifdef DEBUG
Notify ( PSTR ( " \r \n You'll need a wireless receiver for this libary to work " ) ) ;
# endif
goto FailUnknownDevice ;
// Allocate new address according to device class
bAddress = addrPool . AllocAddress ( parent , false , port ) ;
if ( ! bAddress )
// Extract Max Packet Size from device descriptor
epInfo [ 0 ] . maxPktSize = ( uint8_t ) ( ( USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR * ) buf ) - > bMaxPacketSize0 ;
// Assign new address to the device
rcode = pUsb - > setAddr ( 0 , 0 , bAddress ) ;
if ( rcode ) {
p - > lowspeed = false ;
addrPool . FreeAddress ( bAddress ) ;
bAddress = 0 ;
# ifdef DEBUG
Notify ( PSTR ( " \r \n setAddr: " ) ) ;
# endif
PrintHex < uint8_t > ( rcode ) ;
return rcode ;
Notify ( PSTR ( " \r \n Addr: " ) ) ;
PrintHex < uint8_t > ( bAddress ) ;
# endif
p - > lowspeed = false ;
//get pointer to assigned address record
p = addrPool . GetUsbDevicePtr ( bAddress ) ;
if ( ! p )
p - > lowspeed = lowspeed ;
// Assign epInfo to epinfo pointer - only EP0 is known
rcode = pUsb - > setEpInfoEntry ( bAddress , 1 , epInfo ) ;
if ( rcode )
goto FailSetDevTblEntry ;
/* The application will work in reduced host mode, so we can save program and data
memory space . After verifying the VID we will use known values for the
configuration values for device , interface , endpoints and HID for the XBOX360 Wireless receiver */
/* Initialize data structures for endpoints of device */
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_1 ] . epAddr = 0x01 ; // XBOX 360 report endpoint - poll interval 1ms
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_1 ] . epAttribs = EP_INTERRUPT ;
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_1 ] . bmNakPower = USB_NAK_NOWAIT ; // Only poll once for interrupt endpoints
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_1 ] . maxPktSize = EP_MAXPKTSIZE ;
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_1 ] . bmSndToggle = bmSNDTOG0 ;
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_1 ] . bmRcvToggle = bmRCVTOG0 ;
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_1 ] . epAddr = 0x01 ; // XBOX 360 output endpoint - poll interval 8ms
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_1 ] . epAttribs = EP_INTERRUPT ;
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_1 ] . bmNakPower = USB_NAK_NOWAIT ; // Only poll once for interrupt endpoints
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_1 ] . maxPktSize = EP_MAXPKTSIZE ;
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_1 ] . bmSndToggle = bmSNDTOG0 ;
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_1 ] . bmRcvToggle = bmRCVTOG0 ;
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_2 ] . epAddr = 0x03 ; // XBOX 360 report endpoint - poll interval 1ms
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_2 ] . epAttribs = EP_INTERRUPT ;
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_2 ] . bmNakPower = USB_NAK_NOWAIT ; // Only poll once for interrupt endpoints
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_2 ] . maxPktSize = EP_MAXPKTSIZE ;
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_2 ] . bmSndToggle = bmSNDTOG0 ;
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_2 ] . bmRcvToggle = bmRCVTOG0 ;
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_2 ] . epAddr = 0x03 ; // XBOX 360 output endpoint - poll interval 8ms
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_2 ] . epAttribs = EP_INTERRUPT ;
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_2 ] . bmNakPower = USB_NAK_NOWAIT ; // Only poll once for interrupt endpoints
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_2 ] . maxPktSize = EP_MAXPKTSIZE ;
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_2 ] . bmSndToggle = bmSNDTOG0 ;
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_2 ] . bmRcvToggle = bmRCVTOG0 ;
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_3 ] . epAddr = 0x05 ; // XBOX 360 report endpoint - poll interval 1ms
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_3 ] . epAttribs = EP_INTERRUPT ;
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_3 ] . bmNakPower = USB_NAK_NOWAIT ; // Only poll once for interrupt endpoints
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_3 ] . maxPktSize = EP_MAXPKTSIZE ;
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_3 ] . bmSndToggle = bmSNDTOG0 ;
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_3 ] . bmRcvToggle = bmRCVTOG0 ;
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_3 ] . epAddr = 0x05 ; // XBOX 360 output endpoint - poll interval 8ms
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_3 ] . epAttribs = EP_INTERRUPT ;
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_3 ] . bmNakPower = USB_NAK_NOWAIT ; // Only poll once for interrupt endpoints
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_3 ] . maxPktSize = EP_MAXPKTSIZE ;
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_3 ] . bmSndToggle = bmSNDTOG0 ;
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_3 ] . bmRcvToggle = bmRCVTOG0 ;
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_4 ] . epAddr = 0x07 ; // XBOX 360 report endpoint - poll interval 1ms
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_4 ] . epAttribs = EP_INTERRUPT ;
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_4 ] . bmNakPower = USB_NAK_NOWAIT ; // Only poll once for interrupt endpoints
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_4 ] . maxPktSize = EP_MAXPKTSIZE ;
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_4 ] . bmSndToggle = bmSNDTOG0 ;
epInfo [ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_4 ] . bmRcvToggle = bmRCVTOG0 ;
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_4 ] . epAddr = 0x07 ; // XBOX 360 output endpoint - poll interval 8ms
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_4 ] . epAttribs = EP_INTERRUPT ;
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_4 ] . bmNakPower = USB_NAK_NOWAIT ; // Only poll once for interrupt endpoints
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_4 ] . maxPktSize = EP_MAXPKTSIZE ;
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_4 ] . bmSndToggle = bmSNDTOG0 ;
epInfo [ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_4 ] . bmRcvToggle = bmRCVTOG0 ;
rcode = pUsb - > setEpInfoEntry ( bAddress , 9 , epInfo ) ;
if ( rcode )
goto FailSetDevTblEntry ;
delay ( 200 ) ; //Give time for address change
rcode = pUsb - > setConf ( bAddress , epInfo [ XBOX_CONTROL_PIPE ] . epAddr , 1 ) ;
if ( rcode )
goto FailSetConf ;
# ifdef DEBUG
2013-01-02 22:38:31 +01:00
Notify ( PSTR ( " \r \n Xbox Wireless Receiver Connected \r \n " ) ) ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
# endif
XboxReceiverConnected = true ;
bPollEnable = true ;
return 0 ; // successful configuration
/* diagnostic messages */
FailGetDevDescr :
# ifdef DEBUG
Notify ( PSTR ( " \r \n getDevDescr: " ) ) ;
# endif
goto Fail ;
FailSetDevTblEntry :
# ifdef DEBUG
Notify ( PSTR ( " \r \n setDevTblEn: " ) ) ;
# endif
goto Fail ;
FailSetConf :
# ifdef DEBUG
Notify ( PSTR ( " \r \n setConf: " ) ) ;
# endif
goto Fail ;
FailUnknownDevice :
# ifdef DEBUG
Notify ( PSTR ( " \r \n Unknown Device Connected - VID: " ) ) ;
PrintHex < uint16_t > ( VID ) ;
Notify ( PSTR ( " PID: " ) ) ;
PrintHex < uint16_t > ( PID ) ;
# endif
goto Fail ;
Fail :
# ifdef DEBUG
Notify ( PSTR ( " \r \n Xbox 360 Init Failed, error code: " ) ) ;
Serial . print ( rcode , HEX ) ;
# endif
Release ( ) ;
return rcode ;
/* Performs a cleanup after failed Init() attempt */
uint8_t XBOXRECV : : Release ( ) {
XboxReceiverConnected = false ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
Xbox360Connected [ i ] = 0x00 ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
pUsb - > GetAddressPool ( ) . FreeAddress ( bAddress ) ;
bAddress = 0 ;
bPollEnable = false ;
return 0 ;
uint8_t XBOXRECV : : Poll ( ) {
if ( ! bPollEnable )
return 0 ;
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
if ( ! timer | | ( ( millis ( ) - timer ) > 3000 ) ) { // Run checkStatus every 3 seconds
timer = millis ( ) ;
checkStatus ( ) ;
uint8_t inputPipe ;
uint16_t bufferSize ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
switch ( i ) {
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
case 0 : inputPipe = XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_1 ; break ;
case 1 : inputPipe = XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_2 ; break ;
case 2 : inputPipe = XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_3 ; break ;
case 3 : inputPipe = XBOX_INPUT_PIPE_4 ; break ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
bufferSize = EP_MAXPKTSIZE ; // This is the maximum number of bytes we want to receive
pUsb - > inTransfer ( bAddress , epInfo [ inputPipe ] . epAddr , & bufferSize , readBuf ) ;
if ( bufferSize > 0 ) { // The number of received bytes
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
Notify ( PSTR ( " Bytes Received: " ) ) ;
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
Serial . print ( bufferSize ) ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
Notify ( PSTR ( " \r \n " ) ) ;
# endif
readReport ( i ) ;
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
printReport ( i , bufferSize ) ; // Uncomment "#define PRINTREPORT" to print the report send by the Xbox 360 Controller
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
# endif
return 0 ;
void XBOXRECV : : readReport ( uint8_t controller ) {
if ( readBuf = = NULL )
return ;
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
// This report is send when a controller is connected and disconnected
if ( readBuf [ 0 ] = = 0x08 & & readBuf [ 1 ] ! = Xbox360Connected [ controller ] ) {
Xbox360Connected [ controller ] = readBuf [ 1 ] ;
2013-01-02 22:38:31 +01:00
# ifdef DEBUG
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
Notify ( PSTR ( " Controller " ) ) ;
Serial . print ( controller ) ;
2013-01-02 22:38:31 +01:00
# endif
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
if ( Xbox360Connected [ controller ] ) {
2013-01-02 22:38:31 +01:00
# ifdef DEBUG
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
char * str = 0 ;
switch ( readBuf [ 1 ] ) {
case 0x80 : str = PSTR ( " as controller \r \n " ) ; break ;
case 0x40 : str = PSTR ( " as headset \r \n " ) ; break ;
case 0xC0 : str = PSTR ( " as controller+headset \r \n " ) ; break ;
Notify ( PSTR ( " : connected " ) ) ;
Notify ( str ) ;
2013-01-02 22:38:31 +01:00
# endif
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
LED led ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
switch ( controller ) {
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
case 0 : led = LED1 ; break ;
case 1 : led = LED2 ; break ;
case 2 : led = LED3 ; break ;
case 3 : led = LED4 ; break ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
setLedOn ( controller , led ) ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
2013-01-02 22:38:31 +01:00
# ifdef DEBUG
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
Notify ( PSTR ( " : disconnected \r \n " ) ) ;
2013-01-02 22:38:31 +01:00
# endif
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
return ;
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
// Controller status report
if ( readBuf [ 1 ] = = 0x00 & & readBuf [ 3 ] & 0x13 & & readBuf [ 4 ] > = 0x22 ) {
controllerStatus [ controller ] = ( ( uint16_t ) readBuf [ 3 ] < < 8 ) | readBuf [ 4 ] ;
return ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
if ( readBuf [ 1 ] ! = 0x01 ) // Check if it's the correct report - the receiver also sends different status reports
return ;
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
// A controller must be connected if it's sending data
if ( ! Xbox360Connected [ controller ] )
Xbox360Connected [ controller ] | = 0x80 ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
ButtonState [ controller ] = ( uint32_t ) ( readBuf [ 9 ] | ( ( uint16_t ) readBuf [ 8 ] < < 8 ) | ( ( uint32_t ) readBuf [ 7 ] < < 16 ) | ( ( uint32_t ) readBuf [ 6 ] < < 24 ) ) ;
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
hatValue [ controller ] [ LeftHatX ] = ( int16_t ) ( ( ( uint16_t ) readBuf [ 11 ] < < 8 ) | readBuf [ 10 ] ) ;
hatValue [ controller ] [ LeftHatY ] = ( int16_t ) ( ( ( uint16_t ) readBuf [ 13 ] < < 8 ) | readBuf [ 12 ] ) ;
hatValue [ controller ] [ RightHatX ] = ( int16_t ) ( ( ( uint16_t ) readBuf [ 15 ] < < 8 ) | readBuf [ 14 ] ) ;
hatValue [ controller ] [ RightHatY ] = ( int16_t ) ( ( ( uint16_t ) readBuf [ 17 ] < < 8 ) | readBuf [ 16 ] ) ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
//Notify(PSTR("\r\nButtonState: "));
if ( ButtonState [ controller ] ! = OldButtonState [ controller ] ) {
2013-01-08 08:16:01 +01:00
buttonStateChanged [ controller ] = true ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
ButtonClickState [ controller ] = ( ButtonState [ controller ] > > 16 ) & ( ( ~ OldButtonState [ controller ] ) > > 16 ) ; // Update click state variable, but don't include the two trigger buttons L2 and R2
if ( ( ( uint8_t ) OldButtonState [ controller ] ) = = 0 & & ( ( uint8_t ) ButtonState [ controller ] ) ! = 0 ) // The L2 and R2 buttons are special as they are analog buttons
2013-01-04 00:19:07 +01:00
R2Clicked [ controller ] = true ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
if ( ( uint8_t ) ( OldButtonState [ controller ] > > 8 ) = = 0 & & ( uint8_t ) ( ButtonState [ controller ] > > 8 ) ! = 0 )
2013-01-04 00:19:07 +01:00
L2Clicked [ controller ] = true ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
OldButtonState [ controller ] = ButtonState [ controller ] ;
void XBOXRECV : : printReport ( uint8_t controller , uint8_t nBytes ) { //Uncomment "#define PRINTREPORT" to print the report send by the Xbox 360 Controller
2013-01-19 15:43:28 +01:00
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
if ( readBuf = = NULL )
return ;
Notify ( PSTR ( " Controller " ) ) ;
Serial . print ( controller ) ;
Notify ( PSTR ( " : " ) ) ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < nBytes ; i + + ) {
PrintHex < uint8_t > ( readBuf [ i ] ) ;
Serial . print ( " " ) ;
Serial . println ( ) ;
2013-01-02 22:38:31 +01:00
# endif
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
uint8_t XBOXRECV : : getButtonPress ( uint8_t controller , Button b ) {
if ( b = = L2 ) // These are analog buttons
return ( uint8_t ) ( ButtonState [ controller ] > > 8 ) ;
else if ( b = = R2 )
return ( uint8_t ) ButtonState [ controller ] ;
2013-01-28 00:55:01 +01:00
return ( ButtonState [ controller ] & ( ( uint32_t ) pgm_read_word ( & BUTTONS [ ( uint8_t ) b ] ) < < 16 ) ) ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
bool XBOXRECV : : getButtonClick ( uint8_t controller , Button b ) {
if ( b = = L2 ) {
2013-01-04 00:19:07 +01:00
if ( L2Clicked [ controller ] ) {
L2Clicked [ controller ] = false ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
return true ;
return false ;
2013-01-28 00:55:01 +01:00
else if ( b = = R2 ) {
2013-01-04 00:19:07 +01:00
if ( R2Clicked [ controller ] ) {
R2Clicked [ controller ] = false ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
return true ;
return false ;
2013-01-28 00:55:01 +01:00
uint16_t button = pgm_read_word ( & BUTTONS [ ( uint8_t ) b ] ) ;
bool click = ( ButtonClickState [ controller ] & button ) ;
ButtonClickState [ controller ] & = ~ button ; // clear "click" event
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
return click ;
int16_t XBOXRECV : : getAnalogHat ( uint8_t controller , AnalogHat a ) {
return hatValue [ controller ] [ a ] ;
2013-01-08 08:16:01 +01:00
bool XBOXRECV : : buttonChanged ( uint8_t controller ) {
bool state = buttonStateChanged [ controller ] ;
buttonStateChanged [ controller ] = false ;
return state ;
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
ControllerStatus Breakdown
ControllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x0001 // 0
ControllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x0002 // normal batteries, no rechargeable battery pack
ControllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x0004 // controller starting up / settling
ControllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x0008 // headset adapter plugged in, but no headphones connected (mute?)
ControllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x0010 // 0
ControllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x0020 // 1
ControllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x0040 // battery level (high bit)
ControllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x0080 // battery level (low bit)
ControllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x0100 // 1
ControllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x0200 // 1
ControllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x0400 // headset adapter plugged in
ControllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x0800 // 0
ControllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x1000 // 1
ControllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x2000 // 0
ControllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x4000 // 0
ControllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x8000 // 0
uint8_t XBOXRECV : : getBatteryLevel ( uint8_t controller ) {
2013-01-08 08:16:01 +01:00
uint8_t batteryLevel = ( ( controllerStatus [ controller ] & 0x00C0 ) > > 6 ) * 33 ;
if ( batteryLevel = = 99 )
batteryLevel = 100 ;
return batteryLevel ;
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
void XBOXRECV : : XboxCommand ( uint8_t controller , uint8_t * data , uint16_t nbytes ) {
uint8_t rcode ;
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
uint8_t outputPipe ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
switch ( controller ) {
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
case 0 : outputPipe = XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_1 ; break ;
case 1 : outputPipe = XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_2 ; break ;
case 2 : outputPipe = XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_3 ; break ;
case 3 : outputPipe = XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE_4 ; break ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
rcode = pUsb - > outTransfer ( bAddress , epInfo [ outputPipe ] . epAddr , nbytes , data ) ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
if ( rcode )
Notify ( PSTR ( " Error sending Xbox message \r \n " ) ) ;
# endif
void XBOXRECV : : setLedRaw ( uint8_t controller , uint8_t value ) {
writeBuf [ 0 ] = 0x00 ;
writeBuf [ 1 ] = 0x00 ;
writeBuf [ 2 ] = 0x08 ;
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
writeBuf [ 3 ] = value | 0x40 ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
XboxCommand ( controller , writeBuf , 4 ) ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
void XBOXRECV : : setLedOn ( uint8_t controller , LED led ) {
if ( led ! = ALL ) // All LEDs can't be on a the same time
2013-01-28 00:55:01 +01:00
setLedRaw ( controller , ( pgm_read_byte ( & LEDS [ ( uint8_t ) led ] ) ) + 4 ) ;
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
void XBOXRECV : : setLedBlink ( uint8_t controller , LED led ) {
2013-01-28 00:55:01 +01:00
setLedRaw ( controller , pgm_read_byte ( & LEDS [ ( uint8_t ) led ] ) ) ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
void XBOXRECV : : setLedMode ( uint8_t controller , LEDMode ledMode ) { // This function is used to do some speciel LED stuff the controller supports
setLedRaw ( controller , ( uint8_t ) ledMode ) ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
/* PC runs this at interval of approx 2 seconds
Thanks to BusHound from Perisoft . net for the Windows USB Analysis output
Found by timstamp . co . uk
void XBOXRECV : : checkStatus ( ) {
if ( ! bPollEnable )
return ;
// Get controller info
writeBuf [ 0 ] = 0x08 ;
writeBuf [ 1 ] = 0x00 ;
writeBuf [ 2 ] = 0x0f ;
writeBuf [ 3 ] = 0xc0 ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
XboxCommand ( i , writeBuf , 4 ) ;
// Get battery status
writeBuf [ 0 ] = 0x00 ;
writeBuf [ 1 ] = 0x00 ;
writeBuf [ 2 ] = 0x00 ;
writeBuf [ 3 ] = 0x40 ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
if ( Xbox360Connected [ i ] )
XboxCommand ( i , writeBuf , 4 ) ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00
void XBOXRECV : : setRumbleOn ( uint8_t controller , uint8_t lValue , uint8_t rValue ) {
writeBuf [ 0 ] = 0x00 ;
writeBuf [ 1 ] = 0x01 ;
writeBuf [ 2 ] = 0x0f ;
writeBuf [ 3 ] = 0xc0 ;
writeBuf [ 4 ] = 0x00 ;
writeBuf [ 5 ] = lValue ; // big weight
writeBuf [ 6 ] = rValue ; // small weight
2013-01-06 03:43:03 +01:00
XboxCommand ( controller , writeBuf , 7 ) ;
2012-12-28 06:37:42 +01:00