/* Copyright (C) 2014 Kristian Lauszus, TKJ Electronics. All rights reserved. This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPL2) as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file GPL2.TXT included in the packaging of this file. Please note that GPL2 Section 2[b] requires that all works based on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of the GPL2 ("Copyleft"). Contact information ------------------- Kristian Lauszus, TKJ Electronics Web : http://www.tkjelectronics.com e-mail : kristianl@tkjelectronics.com */ #ifndef _ps4parser_h_ #define _ps4parser_h_ #include "Usb.h" #include "controllerEnums.h" /** Buttons on the controller */ const uint8_t PS4_BUTTONS[] PROGMEM = { UP, // UP RIGHT, // RIGHT DOWN, // DOWN LEFT, // LEFT 0x0C, // SHARE 0x0D, // OPTIONS 0x0E, // L3 0x0F, // R3 0x0A, // L2 0x0B, // R2 0x08, // L1 0x09, // R1 0x07, // TRIANGLE 0x06, // CIRCLE 0x05, // CROSS 0x04, // SQUARE 0x10, // PS 0x11, // TOUCHPAD }; union PS4Buttons { struct { uint8_t dpad : 4; uint8_t square : 1; uint8_t cross : 1; uint8_t circle : 1; uint8_t triangle : 1; uint8_t l1 : 1; uint8_t r1 : 1; uint8_t l2 : 1; uint8_t r2 : 1; uint8_t share : 1; uint8_t options : 1; uint8_t l3 : 1; uint8_t r3 : 1; uint8_t ps : 1; uint8_t touchpad : 1; uint8_t reportCounter : 6; } __attribute__((packed)); uint32_t val : 24; } __attribute__((packed)); struct touchpadXY { uint8_t dummy; // I can not figure out what this data is for, it seems to change randomly, maybe a timestamp? struct { uint8_t counter : 7; // Increments every time a finger is touching the touchpad uint8_t touching : 1; // The top bit is cleared if the finger is touching the touchpad uint16_t x : 12; uint16_t y : 12; } __attribute__((packed)) finger[2]; // 0 = first finger, 1 = second finger } __attribute__((packed)); struct PS4Status { uint8_t battery : 4; uint8_t usb : 1; uint8_t audio : 1; uint8_t mic : 1; uint8_t unknown : 1; // Extension port? } __attribute__((packed)); struct PS4Data { /* Button and joystick values */ uint8_t hatValue[4]; PS4Buttons btn; uint8_t trigger[2]; /* Gyro and accelerometer values */ uint8_t dummy[3]; // First two looks random, while the third one might be some kind of status - it increments once in a while int16_t gyroY, gyroZ, gyroX; int16_t accX, accZ, accY; uint8_t dummy2[5]; PS4Status status; uint8_t dummy3[3]; /* The rest is data for the touchpad */ touchpadXY xy[3]; // It looks like it sends out three coordinates each time, this might be because the microcontroller inside the PS4 controller is much faster than the Bluetooth connection. // The last data is read from the last position in the array while the oldest measurement is from the first position. // The first position will also keep it's value after the finger is released, while the other two will set them to zero. // Note that if you read fast enough from the device, then only the first one will contain any data. // The last three bytes are always: 0x00, 0x80, 0x00 } __attribute__((packed)); struct PS4Output { uint8_t bigRumble, smallRumble; // Rumble uint8_t r, g, b; // RGB uint8_t flashOn, flashOff; // Time to flash bright/dark (255 = 2.5 seconds) bool reportChanged; // The data is send when data is received from the controller } __attribute__((packed)); /** This class parses all the data sent by the PS4 controller */ class PS4Parser { public: /** Constructor for the PS4Parser class. */ PS4Parser() { Reset(); }; /** @name PS4 Controller functions */ /** * getButtonPress(ButtonEnum b) will return true as long as the button is held down. * * While getButtonClick(ButtonEnum b) will only return it once. * * So you instance if you need to increase a variable once you would use getButtonClick(ButtonEnum b), * but if you need to drive a robot forward you would use getButtonPress(ButtonEnum b). * @param b ::ButtonEnum to read. * @return getButtonPress(ButtonEnum b) will return a true as long as a button is held down, while getButtonClick(ButtonEnum b) will return true once for each button press. */ bool getButtonPress(ButtonEnum b); bool getButtonClick(ButtonEnum b); /**@}*/ /** @name PS4 Controller functions */ /** * Used to get the analog value from button presses. * @param b The ::ButtonEnum to read. * The supported buttons are: * ::L2 and ::R2. * @return Analog value in the range of 0-255. */ uint8_t getAnalogButton(ButtonEnum b); /** * Used to read the analog joystick. * @param a ::LeftHatX, ::LeftHatY, ::RightHatX, and ::RightHatY. * @return Return the analog value in the range of 0-255. */ uint8_t getAnalogHat(AnalogHatEnum a); /** * Get the x-coordinate of the touchpad. Position 0 is in the top left. * @param finger 0 = first finger, 1 = second finger. If omitted, then 0 will be used. * @param xyId The controller sends out three packets with the same structure. * The third one will contain the last measure, but if you read from the controller then there is only be data in the first one. * For that reason it will be set to 0 if the argument is omitted. * @return Returns the x-coordinate of the finger. */ uint16_t getX(uint8_t finger = 0, uint8_t xyId = 0) { return ps4Data.xy[xyId].finger[finger].x; }; /** * Get the y-coordinate of the touchpad. Position 0 is in the top left. * @param finger 0 = first finger, 1 = second finger. If omitted, then 0 will be used. * @param xyId The controller sends out three packets with the same structure. * The third one will contain the last measure, but if you read from the controller then there is only be data in the first one. * For that reason it will be set to 0 if the argument is omitted. * @return Returns the y-coordinate of the finger. */ uint16_t getY(uint8_t finger = 0, uint8_t xyId = 0) { return ps4Data.xy[xyId].finger[finger].y; }; /** * Returns whenever the user is toucing the touchpad. * @param finger 0 = first finger, 1 = second finger. If omitted, then 0 will be used. * @param xyId The controller sends out three packets with the same structure. * The third one will contain the last measure, but if you read from the controller then there is only be data in the first one. * For that reason it will be set to 0 if the argument is omitted. * @return Returns true if the specific finger is touching the touchpad. */ bool isTouching(uint8_t finger = 0, uint8_t xyId = 0) { return !(ps4Data.xy[xyId].finger[finger].touching); // The bit is cleared when a finger is touching the touchpad }; /** * This counter increments every time a finger touches the touchpad. * @param finger 0 = first finger, 1 = second finger. If omitted, then 0 will be used. * @param xyId The controller sends out three packets with the same structure. * The third one will contain the last measure, but if you read from the controller then there is only be data in the first one. * For that reason it will be set to 0 if the argument is omitted. * @return Return the value of the counter, note that it is only a 7-bit value. */ uint8_t getTouchCounter(uint8_t finger = 0, uint8_t xyId = 0) { return ps4Data.xy[xyId].finger[finger].counter; }; /** * Get the angle of the controller calculated using the accelerometer. * @param a Either ::Pitch or ::Roll. * @return Return the angle in the range of 0-360. */ float getAngle(AngleEnum a) { if (a == Pitch) return (atan2f(ps4Data.accY, ps4Data.accZ) + PI) * RAD_TO_DEG; else return (atan2f(ps4Data.accX, ps4Data.accZ) + PI) * RAD_TO_DEG; }; /** * Used to get the raw values from the 3-axis gyroscope and 3-axis accelerometer inside the PS4 controller. * @param s The sensor to read. * @return Returns the raw sensor reading. */ int16_t getSensor(SensorEnum s) { switch(s) { case gX: return ps4Data.gyroX; case gY: return ps4Data.gyroY; case gZ: return ps4Data.gyroZ; case aX: return ps4Data.accX; case aY: return ps4Data.accY; case aZ: return ps4Data.accZ; default: return 0; } }; /** * Return the battery level of the PS4 controller. * @return The battery level in the range 0-15. */ uint8_t getBatteryLevel() { return ps4Data.status.battery; }; /** * Use this to check if an USB cable is connected to the PS4 controller. * @return Returns true if an USB cable is connected. */ bool getUsbStatus() { return ps4Data.status.usb; }; /** * Use this to check if an audio jack cable is connected to the PS4 controller. * @return Returns true if an audio jack cable is connected. */ bool getAudioStatus() { return ps4Data.status.audio; }; /** * Use this to check if a microphone is connected to the PS4 controller. * @return Returns true if a microphone is connected. */ bool getMicStatus() { return ps4Data.status.mic; }; /** Turn both rumble and the LEDs off. */ void setAllOff() { setRumbleOff(); setLedOff(); }; /** Set rumble off. */ void setRumbleOff() { setRumbleOn(0, 0); }; /** * Turn on rumble. * @param mode Either ::RumbleHigh or ::RumbleLow. */ void setRumbleOn(RumbleEnum mode) { if (mode == RumbleLow) setRumbleOn(0x00, 0xFF); else setRumbleOn(0xFF, 0x00); }; /** * Turn on rumble. * @param bigRumble Value for big motor. * @param smallRumble Value for small motor. */ void setRumbleOn(uint8_t bigRumble, uint8_t smallRumble) { ps4Output.bigRumble = bigRumble; ps4Output.smallRumble = smallRumble; ps4Output.reportChanged = true; }; /** Turn all LEDs off. */ void setLedOff() { setLed(0, 0, 0); }; /** * Use this to set the color using RGB values. * @param r,g,b RGB value. */ void setLed(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { ps4Output.r = r; ps4Output.g = g; ps4Output.b = b; ps4Output.reportChanged = true; }; /** * Use this to set the color using the predefined colors in ::ColorsEnum. * @param color The desired color. */ void setLed(ColorsEnum color) { setLed((uint8_t)(color >> 16), (uint8_t)(color >> 8), (uint8_t)(color)); }; /** * Set the LEDs flash time. * @param flashOn Time to flash bright (255 = 2.5 seconds). * @param flashOff Time to flash dark (255 = 2.5 seconds). */ void setLedFlash(uint8_t flashOn, uint8_t flashOff) { ps4Output.flashOn = flashOn; ps4Output.flashOff = flashOff; ps4Output.reportChanged = true; }; /**@}*/ protected: /** * Used to parse data sent from the PS4 controller. * @param len Length of the data. * @param buf Pointer to the data buffer. */ void Parse(uint8_t len, uint8_t *buf); /** Used to reset the different buffers to their default values */ void Reset(); /** * Send the output to the PS4 controller. This is implemented in PS4BT.h and PS4USB.h. * @param output Pointer to PS4Output buffer; */ virtual void sendOutputReport(PS4Output *output) = 0; private: static int8_t getButtonIndex(ButtonEnum b); bool checkDpad(ButtonEnum b); // Used to check PS4 DPAD buttons PS4Data ps4Data; PS4Buttons oldButtonState, buttonClickState; PS4Output ps4Output; uint8_t oldDpad; }; #endif