USB Host Shield 2.0
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1 /* Copyright (C) 2011 Circuits At Home, LTD. All rights reserved.
3 This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU
4 General Public License version 2 (GPL2) as published by the Free Software
5 Foundation and appearing in the file GPL2.TXT included in the packaging of
6 this file. Please note that GPL2 Section 2[b] requires that all works based
7 on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of
8 the GPL2 ("Copyleft").
10 Contact information
11 -------------------
13 Circuits At Home, LTD
14 Web :
15 e-mail :
16  */
17 #if !defined(__HIDUSAGETITLEARRAYS_H__)
20 #include "hidusagestr.h"
22 // This is here why?
24 //const char *usagePageTitles0[] PROGMEM =
25 //{
26 // pstrUsagePageGenericDesktopControls ,
27 // pstrUsagePageSimulationControls ,
28 // pstrUsagePageVRControls ,
29 // pstrUsagePageSportControls ,
30 // pstrUsagePageGameControls ,
31 // pstrUsagePageGenericDeviceControls ,
32 // pstrUsagePageKeyboardKeypad ,
33 // pstrUsagePageLEDs ,
34 // pstrUsagePageButton ,
35 // pstrUsagePageOrdinal ,
36 // pstrUsagePageTelephone ,
37 // pstrUsagePageConsumer ,
38 // pstrUsagePageDigitizer ,
39 // pstrUsagePagePID ,
40 // pstrUsagePageUnicode
41 //};
42 //
43 //const char *usagePageTitles1[] PROGMEM =
44 //{
45 // pstrUsagePageBarCodeScanner ,
46 // pstrUsagePageScale ,
47 // pstrUsagePageMSRDevices ,
48 // pstrUsagePagePointOfSale ,
49 // pstrUsagePageCameraControl ,
50 // pstrUsagePageArcade
51 //};
52 //const char *genDesktopTitles0[] PROGMEM =
53 //{
54 // pstrUsagePointer ,
55 // pstrUsageMouse ,
56 // pstrUsageJoystick ,
57 // pstrUsageGamePad ,
58 // pstrUsageKeyboard ,
59 // pstrUsageKeypad ,
60 // pstrUsageMultiAxisController ,
61 // pstrUsageTabletPCSystemControls
62 //
63 //};
64 //const char *genDesktopTitles1[] PROGMEM =
65 //{
66 // pstrUsageX ,
67 // pstrUsageY ,
68 // pstrUsageZ ,
69 // pstrUsageRx ,
70 // pstrUsageRy ,
71 // pstrUsageRz ,
72 // pstrUsageSlider ,
73 // pstrUsageDial ,
74 // pstrUsageWheel ,
75 // pstrUsageHatSwitch ,
76 // pstrUsageCountedBuffer ,
77 // pstrUsageByteCount ,
78 // pstrUsageMotionWakeup ,
79 // pstrUsageStart ,
80 // pstrUsageSelect ,
81 // pstrUsagePageReserved ,
82 // pstrUsageVx ,
83 // pstrUsageVy ,
84 // pstrUsageVz ,
85 // pstrUsageVbrx ,
86 // pstrUsageVbry ,
87 // pstrUsageVbrz ,
88 // pstrUsageVno ,
89 // pstrUsageFeatureNotification ,
90 // pstrUsageResolutionMultiplier
91 //};
92 //const char *genDesktopTitles2[] PROGMEM =
93 //{
94 // pstrUsageSystemControl ,
95 // pstrUsageSystemPowerDown ,
96 // pstrUsageSystemSleep ,
97 // pstrUsageSystemWakeup ,
98 // pstrUsageSystemContextMenu ,
99 // pstrUsageSystemMainMenu ,
100 // pstrUsageSystemAppMenu ,
101 // pstrUsageSystemMenuHelp ,
102 // pstrUsageSystemMenuExit ,
103 // pstrUsageSystemMenuSelect ,
104 // pstrUsageSystemMenuRight ,
105 // pstrUsageSystemMenuLeft ,
106 // pstrUsageSystemMenuUp ,
107 // pstrUsageSystemMenuDown ,
108 // pstrUsageSystemColdRestart ,
109 // pstrUsageSystemWarmRestart ,
110 // pstrUsageDPadUp ,
111 // pstrUsageDPadDown ,
112 // pstrUsageDPadRight ,
113 // pstrUsageDPadLeft
114 //};
115 //const char *genDesktopTitles3[] PROGMEM =
116 //{
117 // pstrUsageSystemDock ,
118 // pstrUsageSystemUndock ,
119 // pstrUsageSystemSetup ,
120 // pstrUsageSystemBreak ,
121 // pstrUsageSystemDebuggerBreak ,
122 // pstrUsageApplicationBreak ,
123 // pstrUsageApplicationDebuggerBreak,
124 // pstrUsageSystemSpeakerMute ,
125 // pstrUsageSystemHibernate
126 //};
127 //const char *genDesktopTitles4[] PROGMEM =
128 //{
129 // pstrUsageSystemDisplayInvert ,
130 // pstrUsageSystemDisplayInternal ,
131 // pstrUsageSystemDisplayExternal ,
132 // pstrUsageSystemDisplayBoth ,
133 // pstrUsageSystemDisplayDual ,
134 // pstrUsageSystemDisplayToggleIntExt ,
135 // pstrUsageSystemDisplaySwapPriSec ,
136 // pstrUsageSystemDisplayLCDAutoscale
137 //};
138 //const char *simuTitles0[] PROGMEM =
139 //{
140 // pstrUsageFlightSimulationDevice ,
141 // pstrUsageAutomobileSimulationDevice ,
142 // pstrUsageTankSimulationDevice ,
143 // pstrUsageSpaceshipSimulationDevice ,
144 // pstrUsageSubmarineSimulationDevice ,
145 // pstrUsageSailingSimulationDevice ,
146 // pstrUsageMotocicleSimulationDevice ,
147 // pstrUsageSportsSimulationDevice ,
148 // pstrUsageAirplaneSimulationDevice ,
149 // pstrUsageHelicopterSimulationDevice ,
150 // pstrUsageMagicCarpetSimulationDevice,
151 // pstrUsageBicycleSimulationDevice
152 //};
153 //const char *simuTitles1[] PROGMEM =
154 //{
155 // pstrUsageFlightControlStick ,
156 // pstrUsageFlightStick ,
157 // pstrUsageCyclicControl ,
158 // pstrUsageCyclicTrim ,
159 // pstrUsageFlightYoke ,
160 // pstrUsageTrackControl
161 //};
162 //const char *simuTitles2[] PROGMEM =
163 //{
164 // pstrUsageAileron ,
165 // pstrUsageAileronTrim ,
166 // pstrUsageAntiTorqueControl ,
167 // pstrUsageAutopilotEnable ,
168 // pstrUsageChaffRelease ,
169 // pstrUsageCollectiveControl ,
170 // pstrUsageDiveBrake ,
171 // pstrUsageElectronicCountermeasures ,
172 // pstrUsageElevator ,
173 // pstrUsageElevatorTrim ,
174 // pstrUsageRudder ,
175 // pstrUsageThrottle ,
176 // pstrUsageFlightCommunications ,
177 // pstrUsageFlareRelease ,
178 // pstrUsageLandingGear ,
179 // pstrUsageToeBrake ,
180 // pstrUsageTrigger ,
181 // pstrUsageWeaponsArm ,
182 // pstrUsageWeaponsSelect ,
183 // pstrUsageWingFlaps ,
184 // pstrUsageAccelerator ,
185 // pstrUsageBrake ,
186 // pstrUsageClutch ,
187 // pstrUsageShifter ,
188 // pstrUsageSteering ,
189 // pstrUsageTurretDirection ,
190 // pstrUsageBarrelElevation ,
191 // pstrUsageDivePlane ,
192 // pstrUsageBallast ,
193 // pstrUsageBicycleCrank ,
194 // pstrUsageHandleBars ,
195 // pstrUsageFrontBrake ,
196 // pstrUsageRearBrake
197 //};
198 //const char *vrTitles0[] PROGMEM =
199 //{
200 // pstrUsageBelt ,
201 // pstrUsageBodySuit ,
202 // pstrUsageFlexor ,
203 // pstrUsageGlove ,
204 // pstrUsageHeadTracker ,
205 // pstrUsageHeadMountedDisplay ,
206 // pstrUsageHandTracker ,
207 // pstrUsageOculometer ,
208 // pstrUsageVest ,
209 // pstrUsageAnimatronicDevice
210 //};
211 //const char *vrTitles1[] PROGMEM =
212 //{
213 // pstrUsageStereoEnable ,
214 // pstrUsageDisplayEnable
215 //};
216 //const char *sportsCtrlTitles0[] PROGMEM =
217 //{
218 // pstrUsageBaseballBat ,
219 // pstrUsageGolfClub ,
220 // pstrUsageRowingMachine ,
221 // pstrUsageTreadmill
222 //};
223 //const char *sportsCtrlTitles1[] PROGMEM =
224 //{
225 // pstrUsageOar ,
226 // pstrUsageSlope ,
227 // pstrUsageRate ,
228 // pstrUsageStickSpeed ,
229 // pstrUsageStickFaceAngle ,
230 // pstrUsageStickHeelToe ,
231 // pstrUsageStickFollowThough ,
232 // pstrUsageStickTempo ,
233 // pstrUsageStickType ,
234 // pstrUsageStickHeight
235 //};
236 //const char *sportsCtrlTitles2[] PROGMEM =
237 //{
238 // pstrUsagePutter ,
239 // pstrUsage1Iron ,
240 // pstrUsage2Iron ,
241 // pstrUsage3Iron ,
242 // pstrUsage4Iron ,
243 // pstrUsage5Iron ,
244 // pstrUsage6Iron ,
245 // pstrUsage7Iron ,
246 // pstrUsage8Iron ,
247 // pstrUsage9Iron ,
248 // pstrUsage10Iron ,
249 // pstrUsage11Iron ,
250 // pstrUsageSandWedge ,
251 // pstrUsageLoftWedge ,
252 // pstrUsagePowerWedge ,
253 // pstrUsage1Wood ,
254 // pstrUsage3Wood ,
255 // pstrUsage5Wood ,
256 // pstrUsage7Wood ,
257 // pstrUsage9Wood
258 //};
259 //const char *gameTitles0[] PROGMEM =
260 //{
261 // pstrUsage3DGameController ,
262 // pstrUsagePinballDevice ,
263 // pstrUsageGunDevice
264 //};
265 //const char *gameTitles1[] PROGMEM =
266 //{
267 // pstrUsagePointOfView ,
268 // pstrUsageTurnRightLeft ,
269 // pstrUsagePitchForwardBackward ,
270 // pstrUsageRollRightLeft ,
271 // pstrUsageMoveRightLeft ,
272 // pstrUsageMoveForwardBackward ,
273 // pstrUsageMoveUpDown ,
274 // pstrUsageLeanRightLeft ,
275 // pstrUsageLeanForwardBackward ,
276 // pstrUsageHeightOfPOV ,
277 // pstrUsageFlipper ,
278 // pstrUsageSecondaryFlipper ,
279 // pstrUsageBump ,
280 // pstrUsageNewGame ,
281 // pstrUsageShootBall ,
282 // pstrUsagePlayer ,
283 // pstrUsageGunBolt ,
284 // pstrUsageGunClip ,
285 // pstrUsageGunSelector ,
286 // pstrUsageGunSingleShot ,
287 // pstrUsageGunBurst ,
288 // pstrUsageGunAutomatic ,
289 // pstrUsageGunSafety ,
290 // pstrUsageGamepadFireJump ,
291 // pstrUsageGamepadTrigger
292 //};
293 //const char *genDevCtrlTitles[] PROGMEM =
294 //{
295 // pstrUsageBatteryStrength,
296 // pstrUsageWirelessChannel,
297 // pstrUsageWirelessID,
298 // pstrUsageDiscoverWirelessControl,
299 // pstrUsageSecurityCodeCharEntered,
300 // pstrUsageSecurityCodeCharErased,
301 // pstrUsageSecurityCodeCleared
302 //};
303 //const char *ledTitles[] PROGMEM =
304 //{
305 // pstrUsageNumLock ,
306 // pstrUsageCapsLock ,
307 // pstrUsageScrollLock ,
308 // pstrUsageCompose ,
309 // pstrUsageKana ,
310 // pstrUsagePower ,
311 // pstrUsageShift ,
312 // pstrUsageDoNotDisturb ,
313 // pstrUsageMute ,
314 // pstrUsageToneEnable ,
315 // pstrUsageHighCutFilter ,
316 // pstrUsageLowCutFilter ,
317 // pstrUsageEqualizerEnable ,
318 // pstrUsageSoundFieldOn ,
319 // pstrUsageSurroundOn ,
320 // pstrUsageRepeat ,
321 // pstrUsageStereo ,
322 // pstrUsageSamplingRateDetect ,
323 // pstrUsageSpinning ,
324 // pstrUsageCAV ,
325 // pstrUsageCLV ,
326 // pstrUsageRecordingFormatDetect ,
327 // pstrUsageOffHook ,
328 // pstrUsageRing ,
329 // pstrUsageMessageWaiting ,
330 // pstrUsageDataMode ,
331 // pstrUsageBatteryOperation ,
332 // pstrUsageBatteryOK ,
333 // pstrUsageBatteryLow ,
334 // pstrUsageSpeaker ,
335 // pstrUsageHeadSet ,
336 // pstrUsageHold ,
337 // pstrUsageMicrophone ,
338 // pstrUsageCoverage ,
339 // pstrUsageNightMode ,
340 // pstrUsageSendCalls ,
341 // pstrUsageCallPickup ,
342 // pstrUsageConference ,
343 // pstrUsageStandBy ,
344 // pstrUsageCameraOn ,
345 // pstrUsageCameraOff ,
346 // pstrUsageOnLine ,
347 // pstrUsageOffLine ,
348 // pstrUsageBusy ,
349 // pstrUsageReady ,
350 // pstrUsagePaperOut ,
351 // pstrUsagePaperJam ,
352 // pstrUsageRemote ,
353 // pstrUsageForward ,
354 // pstrUsageReverse ,
355 // pstrUsageStop ,
356 // pstrUsageRewind ,
357 // pstrUsageFastForward ,
358 // pstrUsagePlay ,
359 // pstrUsagePause ,
360 // pstrUsageRecord ,
361 // pstrUsageError ,
362 // pstrUsageSelectedIndicator ,
363 // pstrUsageInUseIndicator ,
364 // pstrUsageMultiModeIndicator ,
365 // pstrUsageIndicatorOn ,
366 // pstrUsageIndicatorFlash ,
367 // pstrUsageIndicatorSlowBlink ,
368 // pstrUsageIndicatorFastBlink ,
369 // pstrUsageIndicatorOff ,
370 // pstrUsageFlashOnTime ,
371 // pstrUsageSlowBlinkOnTime ,
372 // pstrUsageSlowBlinkOffTime ,
373 // pstrUsageFastBlinkOnTime ,
374 // pstrUsageFastBlinkOffTime ,
375 // pstrUsageIndicatorColor ,
376 // pstrUsageIndicatorRed ,
377 // pstrUsageIndicatorGreen ,
378 // pstrUsageIndicatorAmber ,
379 // pstrUsageGenericIndicator ,
380 // pstrUsageSystemSuspend ,
381 // pstrUsageExternalPowerConnected
382 //};
383 //const char *telTitles0 [] PROGMEM =
384 //{
385 // pstrUsagePhone ,
386 // pstrUsageAnsweringMachine ,
387 // pstrUsageMessageControls ,
388 // pstrUsageHandset ,
389 // pstrUsageHeadset ,
390 // pstrUsageTelephonyKeyPad ,
391 // pstrUsageProgrammableButton
392 //};
393 //const char *telTitles1 [] PROGMEM =
394 //{
395 // pstrUsageHookSwitch ,
396 // pstrUsageFlash ,
397 // pstrUsageFeature ,
398 // pstrUsageHold ,
399 // pstrUsageRedial ,
400 // pstrUsageTransfer ,
401 // pstrUsageDrop ,
402 // pstrUsagePark ,
403 // pstrUsageForwardCalls ,
404 // pstrUsageAlternateFunction ,
405 // pstrUsageLine ,
406 // pstrUsageSpeakerPhone ,
407 // pstrUsageConference ,
408 // pstrUsageRingEnable ,
409 // pstrUsageRingSelect ,
410 // pstrUsagePhoneMute ,
411 // pstrUsageCallerID ,
412 // pstrUsageSend
413 //};
414 //const char *telTitles2 [] PROGMEM =
415 //{
416 // pstrUsageSpeedDial ,
417 // pstrUsageStoreNumber ,
418 // pstrUsageRecallNumber ,
419 // pstrUsagePhoneDirectory
420 //};
421 //const char *telTitles3 [] PROGMEM =
422 //{
423 // pstrUsageVoiceMail ,
424 // pstrUsageScreenCalls ,
425 // pstrUsageDoNotDisturb ,
426 // pstrUsageMessage ,
427 // pstrUsageAnswerOnOff
428 //};
429 //const char *telTitles4 [] PROGMEM =
430 //{
431 // pstrUsageInsideDialTone ,
432 // pstrUsageOutsideDialTone ,
433 // pstrUsageInsideRingTone ,
434 // pstrUsageOutsideRingTone ,
435 // pstrUsagePriorityRingTone ,
436 // pstrUsageInsideRingback ,
437 // pstrUsagePriorityRingback ,
438 // pstrUsageLineBusyTone ,
439 // pstrUsageReorderTone ,
440 // pstrUsageCallWaitingTone ,
441 // pstrUsageConfirmationTone1 ,
442 // pstrUsageConfirmationTone2 ,
443 // pstrUsageTonesOff ,
444 // pstrUsageOutsideRingback ,
445 // pstrUsageRinger
446 //};
447 //const char *telTitles5 [] PROGMEM =
448 //{
449 // pstrUsagePhoneKey0 ,
450 // pstrUsagePhoneKey1 ,
451 // pstrUsagePhoneKey2 ,
452 // pstrUsagePhoneKey3 ,
453 // pstrUsagePhoneKey4 ,
454 // pstrUsagePhoneKey5 ,
455 // pstrUsagePhoneKey6 ,
456 // pstrUsagePhoneKey7 ,
457 // pstrUsagePhoneKey8 ,
458 // pstrUsagePhoneKey9 ,
459 // pstrUsagePhoneKeyStar ,
460 // pstrUsagePhoneKeyPound ,
461 // pstrUsagePhoneKeyA ,
462 // pstrUsagePhoneKeyB ,
463 // pstrUsagePhoneKeyC ,
464 // pstrUsagePhoneKeyD
465 //};
466 //const char *consTitles0[] PROGMEM =
467 //{
468 // pstrUsageConsumerControl,
469 // pstrUsageNumericKeyPad,
470 // pstrUsageProgrammableButton,
471 // pstrUsageMicrophone,
472 // pstrUsageHeadphone,
473 // pstrUsageGraphicEqualizer
474 //};
475 //const char *consTitles1[] PROGMEM =
476 //{
477 // pstrUsagePlus10 ,
478 // pstrUsagePlus100,
479 // pstrUsageAMPM
480 //};
481 //const char *consTitles2[] PROGMEM =
482 //{
483 // pstrUsagePower ,
484 // pstrUsageReset ,
485 // pstrUsageSleep ,
486 // pstrUsageSleepAfter ,
487 // pstrUsageSleepMode ,
488 // pstrUsageIllumination ,
489 // pstrUsageFunctionButtons
490 //
491 //};
492 //const char *consTitles3[] PROGMEM =
493 //{
494 // pstrUsageMenu ,
495 // pstrUsageMenuPick ,
496 // pstrUsageMenuUp ,
497 // pstrUsageMenuDown ,
498 // pstrUsageMenuLeft ,
499 // pstrUsageMenuRight ,
500 // pstrUsageMenuEscape ,
501 // pstrUsageMenuValueIncrease,
502 // pstrUsageMenuValueDecrease
503 //};
504 //const char *consTitles4[] PROGMEM =
505 //{
506 // pstrUsageDataOnScreen ,
507 // pstrUsageClosedCaption ,
508 // pstrUsageClosedCaptionSelect,
509 // pstrUsageVCRTV ,
510 // pstrUsageBroadcastMode ,
511 // pstrUsageSnapshot ,
512 // pstrUsageStill
513 //};
514 //const char *consTitles5[] PROGMEM =
515 //{
516 // pstrUsageSelection ,
517 // pstrUsageAssignSelection ,
518 // pstrUsageModeStep ,
519 // pstrUsageRecallLast ,
520 // pstrUsageEnterChannel ,
521 // pstrUsageOrderMovie ,
522 // pstrUsageChannel ,
523 // pstrUsageMediaSelection ,
524 // pstrUsageMediaSelectComputer ,
525 // pstrUsageMediaSelectTV ,
526 // pstrUsageMediaSelectWWW ,
527 // pstrUsageMediaSelectDVD ,
528 // pstrUsageMediaSelectTelephone ,
529 // pstrUsageMediaSelectProgramGuide ,
530 // pstrUsageMediaSelectVideoPhone ,
531 // pstrUsageMediaSelectGames ,
532 // pstrUsageMediaSelectMessages ,
533 // pstrUsageMediaSelectCD ,
534 // pstrUsageMediaSelectVCR ,
535 // pstrUsageMediaSelectTuner ,
536 // pstrUsageQuit ,
537 // pstrUsageHelp ,
538 // pstrUsageMediaSelectTape ,
539 // pstrUsageMediaSelectCable ,
540 // pstrUsageMediaSelectSatellite ,
541 // pstrUsageMediaSelectSecurity ,
542 // pstrUsageMediaSelectHome ,
543 // pstrUsageMediaSelectCall ,
544 // pstrUsageChannelIncrement ,
545 // pstrUsageChannelDecrement ,
546 // pstrUsageMediaSelectSAP ,
547 // pstrUsagePageReserved ,
548 // pstrUsageVCRPlus ,
549 // pstrUsageOnce ,
550 // pstrUsageDaily ,
551 // pstrUsageWeekly ,
552 // pstrUsageMonthly
553 //};
554 //const char *consTitles6[] PROGMEM =
555 //{
556 // pstrUsagePlay ,
557 // pstrUsagePause ,
558 // pstrUsageRecord ,
559 // pstrUsageFastForward ,
560 // pstrUsageRewind ,
561 // pstrUsageScanNextTrack ,
562 // pstrUsageScanPreviousTrack ,
563 // pstrUsageStop ,
564 // pstrUsageEject ,
565 // pstrUsageRandomPlay ,
566 // pstrUsageSelectDisk ,
567 // pstrUsageEnterDisk ,
568 // pstrUsageRepeat ,
569 // pstrUsageTracking ,
570 // pstrUsageTrackNormal ,
571 // pstrUsageSlowTracking ,
572 // pstrUsageFrameForward ,
573 // pstrUsageFrameBackwards ,
574 // pstrUsageMark ,
575 // pstrUsageClearMark ,
576 // pstrUsageRepeatFromMark ,
577 // pstrUsageReturnToMark ,
578 // pstrUsageSearchMarkForward ,
579 // pstrUsageSearchMarkBackwards ,
580 // pstrUsageCounterReset ,
581 // pstrUsageShowCounter ,
582 // pstrUsageTrackingIncrement ,
583 // pstrUsageTrackingDecrement ,
584 // pstrUsageStopEject ,
585 // pstrUsagePlayPause ,
586 // pstrUsagePlaySkip
587 //};
588 //const char *consTitles7[] PROGMEM =
589 //{
590 // pstrUsageVolume ,
591 // pstrUsageBalance ,
592 // pstrUsageMute ,
593 // pstrUsageBass ,
594 // pstrUsageTreble ,
595 // pstrUsageBassBoost ,
596 // pstrUsageSurroundMode ,
597 // pstrUsageLoudness ,
598 // pstrUsageMPX ,
599 // pstrUsageVolumeIncrement ,
600 // pstrUsageVolumeDecrement
601 //};
602 //const char *consTitles8[] PROGMEM =
603 //{
604 // pstrUsageSpeedSelect ,
605 // pstrUsagePlaybackSpeed ,
606 // pstrUsageStandardPlay ,
607 // pstrUsageLongPlay ,
608 // pstrUsageExtendedPlay ,
609 // pstrUsageSlow
610 //};
611 //const char *consTitles9[] PROGMEM =
612 //{
613 // pstrUsageFanEnable ,
614 // pstrUsageFanSpeed ,
615 // pstrUsageLightEnable ,
616 // pstrUsageLightIlluminationLevel ,
617 // pstrUsageClimateControlEnable ,
618 // pstrUsageRoomTemperature ,
619 // pstrUsageSecurityEnable ,
620 // pstrUsageFireAlarm ,
621 // pstrUsagePoliceAlarm ,
622 // pstrUsageProximity ,
623 // pstrUsageMotion ,
624 // pstrUsageDuresAlarm ,
625 // pstrUsageHoldupAlarm ,
626 // pstrUsageMedicalAlarm
627 //};
628 //const char *consTitlesA[] PROGMEM =
629 //{
630 // pstrUsageBalanceRight ,
631 // pstrUsageBalanceLeft ,
632 // pstrUsageBassIncrement ,
633 // pstrUsageBassDecrement ,
634 // pstrUsageTrebleIncrement ,
635 // pstrUsageTrebleDecrement
636 //};
637 //const char *consTitlesB[] PROGMEM =
638 //{
639 // pstrUsageSpeakerSystem ,
640 // pstrUsageChannelLeft ,
641 // pstrUsageChannelRight ,
642 // pstrUsageChannelCenter ,
643 // pstrUsageChannelFront ,
644 // pstrUsageChannelCenterFront ,
645 // pstrUsageChannelSide ,
646 // pstrUsageChannelSurround ,
647 // pstrUsageChannelLowFreqEnhancement ,
648 // pstrUsageChannelTop ,
649 // pstrUsageChannelUnknown
650 //};
651 //const char *consTitlesC[] PROGMEM =
652 //{
653 // pstrUsageSubChannel ,
654 // pstrUsageSubChannelIncrement ,
655 // pstrUsageSubChannelDecrement ,
656 // pstrUsageAlternateAudioIncrement ,
657 // pstrUsageAlternateAudioDecrement
658 //};
659 //const char *consTitlesD[] PROGMEM =
660 //{
661 // pstrUsageApplicationLaunchButtons ,
662 // pstrUsageALLaunchButtonConfigTool ,
663 // pstrUsageALProgrammableButton ,
664 // pstrUsageALConsumerControlConfig ,
665 // pstrUsageALWordProcessor ,
666 // pstrUsageALTextEditor ,
667 // pstrUsageALSpreadsheet ,
668 // pstrUsageALGraphicsEditor ,
669 // pstrUsageALPresentationApp ,
670 // pstrUsageALDatabaseApp ,
671 // pstrUsageALEmailReader ,
672 // pstrUsageALNewsreader ,
673 // pstrUsageALVoicemail ,
674 // pstrUsageALContactsAddressBook ,
675 // pstrUsageALCalendarSchedule ,
676 // pstrUsageALTaskProjectManager ,
677 // pstrUsageALLogJournalTimecard ,
678 // pstrUsageALCheckbookFinance ,
679 // pstrUsageALCalculator ,
680 // pstrUsageALAVCapturePlayback ,
681 // pstrUsageALLocalMachineBrowser ,
682 // pstrUsageALLANWANBrow ,
683 // pstrUsageALInternetBrowser ,
684 // pstrUsageALRemoteNetISPConnect ,
685 // pstrUsageALNetworkConference ,
686 // pstrUsageALNetworkChat ,
687 // pstrUsageALTelephonyDialer ,
688 // pstrUsageALLogon ,
689 // pstrUsageALLogoff ,
690 // pstrUsageALLogonLogoff ,
691 // pstrUsageALTermLockScrSav ,
692 // pstrUsageALControlPannel ,
693 // pstrUsageALCommandLineProcessorRun ,
694 // pstrUsageALProcessTaskManager ,
695 // pstrUsageALSelectTaskApplication ,
696 // pstrUsageALNextTaskApplication ,
697 // pstrUsageALPreviousTaskApplication ,
698 // pstrUsageALPreemptiveHaltTaskApp ,
699 // pstrUsageALIntegratedHelpCenter ,
700 // pstrUsageALDocuments ,
701 // pstrUsageALThesaurus ,
702 // pstrUsageALDictionary ,
703 // pstrUsageALDesktop ,
704 // pstrUsageALSpellCheck ,
705 // pstrUsageALGrammarCheck ,
706 // pstrUsageALWirelessStatus ,
707 // pstrUsageALKeyboardLayout ,
708 // pstrUsageALVirusProtection ,
709 // pstrUsageALEncryption ,
710 // pstrUsageALScreenSaver ,
711 // pstrUsageALAlarms ,
712 // pstrUsageALClock ,
713 // pstrUsageALFileBrowser ,
714 // pstrUsageALPowerStatus ,
715 // pstrUsageALImageBrowser ,
716 // pstrUsageALAudioBrowser ,
717 // pstrUsageALMovieBrowser ,
718 // pstrUsageALDigitalRightsManager ,
719 // pstrUsageALDigitalWallet ,
720 // pstrUsagePageReserved ,
721 // pstrUsageALInstantMessaging ,
722 // pstrUsageALOEMFeaturesBrowser ,
723 // pstrUsageALOEMHelp ,
724 // pstrUsageALOnlineCommunity ,
725 // pstrUsageALEntertainmentContentBrow ,
726 // pstrUsageALOnlineShoppingBrowser ,
727 // pstrUsageALSmartCardInfoHelp ,
728 // pstrUsageALMarketMonitorFinBrowser ,
729 // pstrUsageALCustomCorpNewsBrowser ,
730 // pstrUsageALOnlineActivityBrowser ,
731 // pstrUsageALResearchSearchBrowser ,
732 // pstrUsageALAudioPlayer
733 //};
734 //const char *consTitlesE[] PROGMEM =
735 //{
736 // pstrUsageGenericGUIAppControls ,
737 // pstrUsageACNew ,
738 // pstrUsageACOpen ,
739 // pstrUsageACClose ,
740 // pstrUsageACExit ,
741 // pstrUsageACMaximize ,
742 // pstrUsageACMinimize ,
743 // pstrUsageACSave ,
744 // pstrUsageACPrint ,
745 // pstrUsageACProperties ,
746 // pstrUsageACUndo ,
747 // pstrUsageACCopy ,
748 // pstrUsageACCut ,
749 // pstrUsageACPaste ,
750 // pstrUsageACSelectAll ,
751 // pstrUsageACFind ,
752 // pstrUsageACFindAndReplace ,
753 // pstrUsageACSearch ,
754 // pstrUsageACGoto ,
755 // pstrUsageACHome ,
756 // pstrUsageACBack ,
757 // pstrUsageACForward ,
758 // pstrUsageACStop ,
759 // pstrUsageACRefresh ,
760 // pstrUsageACPreviousLink ,
761 // pstrUsageACNextLink ,
762 // pstrUsageACBookmarks ,
763 // pstrUsageACHistory ,
764 // pstrUsageACSubscriptions ,
765 // pstrUsageACZoomIn ,
766 // pstrUsageACZoomOut ,
767 // pstrUsageACZoom ,
768 // pstrUsageACFullScreenView ,
769 // pstrUsageACNormalView ,
770 // pstrUsageACViewToggle ,
771 // pstrUsageACScrollUp ,
772 // pstrUsageACScrollDown ,
773 // pstrUsageACScroll ,
774 // pstrUsageACPanLeft ,
775 // pstrUsageACPanRight ,
776 // pstrUsageACPan ,
777 // pstrUsageACNewWindow ,
778 // pstrUsageACTileHoriz ,
779 // pstrUsageACTileVert ,
780 // pstrUsageACFormat ,
781 // pstrUsageACEdit ,
782 // pstrUsageACBold ,
783 // pstrUsageACItalics ,
784 // pstrUsageACUnderline ,
785 // pstrUsageACStrikethrough ,
786 // pstrUsageACSubscript ,
787 // pstrUsageACSuperscript ,
788 // pstrUsageACAllCaps ,
789 // pstrUsageACRotate ,
790 // pstrUsageACResize ,
791 // pstrUsageACFlipHorizontal ,
792 // pstrUsageACFlipVertical ,
793 // pstrUsageACMirrorHorizontal ,
794 // pstrUsageACMirrorVertical ,
795 // pstrUsageACFontSelect ,
796 // pstrUsageACFontColor ,
797 // pstrUsageACFontSize ,
798 // pstrUsageACJustifyLeft ,
799 // pstrUsageACJustifyCenterH ,
800 // pstrUsageACJustifyRight ,
801 // pstrUsageACJustifyBlockH ,
802 // pstrUsageACJustifyTop ,
803 // pstrUsageACJustifyCenterV ,
804 // pstrUsageACJustifyBottom ,
805 // pstrUsageACJustifyBlockV ,
806 // pstrUsageACIndentDecrease ,
807 // pstrUsageACIndentIncrease ,
808 // pstrUsageACNumberedList ,
809 // pstrUsageACRestartNumbering ,
810 // pstrUsageACBulletedList ,
811 // pstrUsageACPromote ,
812 // pstrUsageACDemote ,
813 // pstrUsageACYes ,
814 // pstrUsageACNo ,
815 // pstrUsageACCancel ,
816 // pstrUsageACCatalog ,
817 // pstrUsageACBuyChkout ,
818 // pstrUsageACAddToCart ,
819 // pstrUsageACExpand ,
820 // pstrUsageACExpandAll ,
821 // pstrUsageACCollapse ,
822 // pstrUsageACCollapseAll ,
823 // pstrUsageACPrintPreview ,
824 // pstrUsageACPasteSpecial ,
825 // pstrUsageACInsertMode ,
826 // pstrUsageACDelete ,
827 // pstrUsageACLock ,
828 // pstrUsageACUnlock ,
829 // pstrUsageACProtect ,
830 // pstrUsageACUnprotect ,
831 // pstrUsageACAttachComment ,
832 // pstrUsageACDeleteComment ,
833 // pstrUsageACViewComment ,
834 // pstrUsageACSelectWord ,
835 // pstrUsageACSelectSentence ,
836 // pstrUsageACSelectParagraph ,
837 // pstrUsageACSelectColumn ,
838 // pstrUsageACSelectRow ,
839 // pstrUsageACSelectTable ,
840 // pstrUsageACSelectObject ,
841 // pstrUsageACRedoRepeat ,
842 // pstrUsageACSort ,
843 // pstrUsageACSortAscending ,
844 // pstrUsageACSortDescending ,
845 // pstrUsageACFilter ,
846 // pstrUsageACSetClock ,
847 // pstrUsageACViewClock ,
848 // pstrUsageACSelectTimeZone ,
849 // pstrUsageACEditTimeZone ,
850 // pstrUsageACSetAlarm ,
851 // pstrUsageACClearAlarm ,
852 // pstrUsageACSnoozeAlarm ,
853 // pstrUsageACResetAlarm ,
854 // pstrUsageACSyncronize ,
855 // pstrUsageACSendReceive ,
856 // pstrUsageACSendTo ,
857 // pstrUsageACReply ,
858 // pstrUsageACReplyAll ,
859 // pstrUsageACForwardMessage ,
860 // pstrUsageACSend ,
861 // pstrUsageACAttachFile ,
862 // pstrUsageACUpload ,
863 // pstrUsageACDownload ,
864 // pstrUsageACSetBorders ,
865 // pstrUsageACInsertRow ,
866 // pstrUsageACInsertColumn ,
867 // pstrUsageACInsertFile ,
868 // pstrUsageACInsertPicture ,
869 // pstrUsageACInsertObject ,
870 // pstrUsageACInsertSymbol ,
871 // pstrUsageACSaveAndClose ,
872 // pstrUsageACRename ,
873 // pstrUsageACMerge ,
874 // pstrUsageACSplit ,
875 // pstrUsageACDistributeHorizontaly ,
876 // pstrUsageACDistributeVerticaly
877 //};
878 //const char *digitTitles0[] PROGMEM =
879 //{
880 // pstrUsageDigitizer ,
881 // pstrUsagePen ,
882 // pstrUsageLightPen ,
883 // pstrUsageTouchScreen ,
884 // pstrUsageTouchPad ,
885 // pstrUsageWhiteBoard ,
886 // pstrUsageCoordinateMeasuringMachine ,
887 // pstrUsage3DDigitizer ,
888 // pstrUsageStereoPlotter ,
889 // pstrUsageArticulatedArm ,
890 // pstrUsageArmature ,
891 // pstrUsageMultiplePointDigitizer ,
892 // pstrUsageFreeSpaceWand
893 //};
894 //const char *digitTitles1[] PROGMEM =
895 //{
896 // pstrUsageStylus ,
897 // pstrUsagePuck ,
898 // pstrUsageFinger
899 //
900 //};
901 //const char *digitTitles2[] PROGMEM =
902 //{
903 // pstrUsageTipPressure ,
904 // pstrUsageBarrelPressure ,
905 // pstrUsageInRange ,
906 // pstrUsageTouch ,
907 // pstrUsageUntouch ,
908 // pstrUsageTap ,
909 // pstrUsageQuality ,
910 // pstrUsageDataValid ,
911 // pstrUsageTransducerIndex ,
912 // pstrUsageTabletFunctionKeys ,
913 // pstrUsageProgramChangeKeys ,
914 // pstrUsageBatteryStrength ,
915 // pstrUsageInvert ,
916 // pstrUsageXTilt ,
917 // pstrUsageYTilt ,
918 // pstrUsageAzimuth ,
919 // pstrUsageAltitude ,
920 // pstrUsageTwist ,
921 // pstrUsageTipSwitch ,
922 // pstrUsageSecondaryTipSwitch ,
923 // pstrUsageBarrelSwitch ,
924 // pstrUsageEraser ,
925 // pstrUsageTabletPick
926 //};
927 //const char *aplphanumTitles0[] PROGMEM =
928 //{
929 // pstrUsageAlphanumericDisplay,
930 // pstrUsageBitmappedDisplay
931 //};
932 //const char *aplphanumTitles1[] PROGMEM =
933 //{
934 // pstrUsageDisplayAttributesReport ,
935 // pstrUsageASCIICharacterSet ,
936 // pstrUsageDataReadBack ,
937 // pstrUsageFontReadBack ,
938 // pstrUsageDisplayControlReport ,
939 // pstrUsageClearDisplay ,
940 // pstrUsageDisplayEnable ,
941 // pstrUsageScreenSaverDelay ,
942 // pstrUsageScreenSaverEnable ,
943 // pstrUsageVerticalScroll ,
944 // pstrUsageHorizontalScroll ,
945 // pstrUsageCharacterReport ,
946 // pstrUsageDisplayData ,
947 // pstrUsageDisplayStatus ,
948 // pstrUsageStatusNotReady ,
949 // pstrUsageStatusReady ,
950 // pstrUsageErrorNotALoadableCharacter ,
951 // pstrUsageErrorFotDataCanNotBeRead ,
952 // pstrUsageCursorPositionReport ,
953 // pstrUsageRow ,
954 // pstrUsageColumn ,
955 // pstrUsageRows ,
956 // pstrUsageColumns ,
957 // pstrUsageCursorPixelPosition ,
958 // pstrUsageCursorMode ,
959 // pstrUsageCursorEnable ,
960 // pstrUsageCursorBlink ,
961 // pstrUsageFontReport ,
962 // pstrUsageFontData ,
963 // pstrUsageCharacterWidth ,
964 // pstrUsageCharacterHeight ,
965 // pstrUsageCharacterSpacingHorizontal ,
966 // pstrUsageCharacterSpacingVertical ,
967 // pstrUsageUnicodeCharset ,
968 // pstrUsageFont7Segment ,
969 // pstrUsage7SegmentDirectMap ,
970 // pstrUsageFont14Segment ,
971 // pstrUsage14SegmentDirectMap ,
972 // pstrUsageDisplayBrightness ,
973 // pstrUsageDisplayContrast ,
974 // pstrUsageCharacterAttribute ,
975 // pstrUsageAttributeReadback ,
976 // pstrUsageAttributeData ,
977 // pstrUsageCharAttributeEnhance ,
978 // pstrUsageCharAttributeUnderline ,
979 // pstrUsageCharAttributeBlink
980 //};
981 //const char *aplphanumTitles2[] PROGMEM =
982 //{
983 // pstrUsageBitmapSizeX ,
984 // pstrUsageBitmapSizeY ,
985 // pstrUsagePageReserved ,
986 // pstrUsageBitDepthFormat ,
987 // pstrUsageDisplayOrientation ,
988 // pstrUsagePaletteReport ,
989 // pstrUsagePaletteDataSize ,
990 // pstrUsagePaletteDataOffset ,
991 // pstrUsagePaletteData ,
992 // pstrUsageBlitReport ,
993 // pstrUsageBlitRectangleX1 ,
994 // pstrUsageBlitRectangleY1 ,
995 // pstrUsageBlitRectangleX2 ,
996 // pstrUsageBlitRectangleY2 ,
997 // pstrUsageBlitData ,
998 // pstrUsageSoftButton ,
999 // pstrUsageSoftButtonID ,
1000 // pstrUsageSoftButtonSide ,
1001 // pstrUsageSoftButtonOffset1 ,
1002 // pstrUsageSoftButtonOffset2 ,
1003 // pstrUsageSoftButtonReport
1004 //};
1005 //const char *medInstrTitles0[] PROGMEM =
1006 //{
1007 // pstrUsageVCRAcquisition ,
1008 // pstrUsageFreezeThaw ,
1009 // pstrUsageClipStore ,
1010 // pstrUsageUpdate ,
1011 // pstrUsageNext ,
1012 // pstrUsageSave ,
1013 // pstrUsagePrint ,
1014 // pstrUsageMicrophoneEnable
1015 //};
1016 //const char *medInstrTitles1[] PROGMEM =
1017 //{
1018 // pstrUsageCine ,
1019 // pstrUsageTransmitPower ,
1020 // pstrUsageVolume ,
1021 // pstrUsageFocus ,
1022 // pstrUsageDepth
1023 //};
1024 //const char *medInstrTitles2[] PROGMEM =
1025 //{
1026 // pstrUsageSoftStepPrimary ,
1027 // pstrUsageSoftStepSecondary
1028 //};
1029 //const char *medInstrTitles3[] PROGMEM =
1030 //{
1031 // pstrUsageZoomSelect ,
1032 // pstrUsageZoomAdjust ,
1033 // pstrUsageSpectralDopplerModeSelect ,
1034 // pstrUsageSpectralDopplerModeAdjust ,
1035 // pstrUsageColorDopplerModeSelect ,
1036 // pstrUsageColorDopplerModeAdjust ,
1037 // pstrUsageMotionModeSelect ,
1038 // pstrUsageMotionModeAdjust ,
1039 // pstrUsage2DModeSelect ,
1040 // pstrUsage2DModeAdjust
1041 //};
1042 //const char *medInstrTitles4[] PROGMEM =
1043 //{
1044 // pstrUsageSoftControlSelect ,
1045 // pstrUsageSoftControlAdjust
1046 //};
1048 #endif // __HIDUSAGETITLEARRAYS_H__