/* Example sketch for the HID Bluetooth library - developed by Kristian Lauszus For more information visit my blog: http://blog.tkjelectronics.dk/ or send me an e-mail: kristianl@tkjelectronics.com */ #include #include #include "KeyboardParser.h" #include "MouseParser.h" USB Usb; //USBHub Hub1(&Usb); // Some dongles have a hub inside BTD Btd(&Usb); // You have to create the Bluetooth Dongle instance like so /* You can create the instance of the class in two ways */ // This will start an inquiry and then pair with your device - you only have to do this once // If you are using a Bluetooth keyboard, then you should type in the password on the keypad and then press enter BTHID hid(&Btd, PAIR, "0000"); // After that you can simply create the instance like so and then press any button on the device //BTHID hid(&Btd); KbdRptParser keyboardPrs(&hid); MouseRptParser mousePrs; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial); // Wait for serial port to connect - used on Leonardo, Teensy and other boards with built-in USB CDC serial connection if (Usb.Init() == -1) { Serial.print(F("\r\nOSC did not start")); while (1); // Halt } hid.SetReportParser(KEYBOARD_PARSER_ID, (HIDReportParser*)&keyboardPrs); hid.SetReportParser(MOUSE_PARSER_ID, (HIDReportParser*)&mousePrs); // If "Boot Protocol Mode" does not work, then try "Report Protocol Mode" // If that does not work either, then uncomment PRINTREPORT in BTHID.cpp to see the raw report hid.setProtocolMode(HID_BOOT_PROTOCOL); // Boot Protocol Mode //hid.setProtocolMode(HID_RPT_PROTOCOL); // Report Protocol Mode Serial.print(F("\r\nHID Bluetooth Library Started")); } void loop() { Usb.Task(); }