/* * Mega + USB storage + optional DS1307 + optional expansion RAM + funky status LED, * Includes interactive debug level setting, and supports hot-plug. * * IMPORTANT! PLEASE USE Arduino 1.0.5 or better! * Older versions HAVE MAJOR BUGS AND WILL NOT WORK AT ALL! * Use of gcc-avr and lib-c that is newer than the Arduino version is even better. * If you experience random crashes, use make. * The options that the IDE use can generate bad code and cause the AVR to crash. * * This sketch requires the following libraries: * https://github.com/felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0 Install as 'USB_Host_Shield_2_0' * https://github.com/xxxajk/xmem2 Install as 'xmem', provides memory services. * https://github.com/xxxajk/generic_storage provides access to FAT file system. * https://github.com/xxxajk/RTClib provides access to DS1307, or fake clock. * * Optional, to use the Makefile (Recommended! See above!): * https://github.com/xxxajk/Arduino_Makefile_master * */ // You can set this to 0 if you are not using a USB hub. // It will save a little bit of flash and RAM. // Set to 1 if you want to use a hub. #define WANT_HUB_TEST 0 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Please Note: This section is for Arduino IDE ONLY. // // Use of Make creates a flash image that is 3.3KB smaller // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef USING_MAKEFILE // Uncomment to enable debugging //#define DEBUG_USB_HOST // This is where stderr/USB debugging goes to #define USB_HOST_SERIAL Serial3 // If you have external memory, setting this to 0 enables FAT table caches. // The 0 setting is recommended only if you have external memory. #define _FS_TINY 1 // These you can safely leave alone. #define _USE_LFN 3 #define EXT_RAM_STACK 1 #define EXT_RAM_HEAP 1 #define _MAX_SS 512 #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End of Arduino IDE specific hacks // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if defined(AVR) #include #else #include #endif #if WANT_HUB_TEST #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(AVR) static FILE tty_stdio; static FILE tty_stderr; volatile uint32_t LEDnext_time; // fade timeout volatile uint32_t HEAPnext_time; // when to print out next heap report volatile int brightness = 0; // how bright the LED is volatile int fadeAmount = 80; // how many points to fade the LED by #endif USB Usb; volatile uint8_t current_state = 1; volatile uint8_t last_state = 0; volatile boolean fatready = false; volatile boolean partsready = false; volatile boolean notified = false; volatile boolean runtest = false; volatile boolean usbon = false; volatile uint32_t usbon_time; volatile boolean change = false; volatile boolean reportlvl = false; int cpart = 0; PCPartition *PT; #if WANT_HUB_TEST #define MAX_HUBS 1 USBHub *Hubs[MAX_HUBS]; #endif static PFAT *Fats[_VOLUMES]; static part_t parts[_VOLUMES]; static storage_t sto[_VOLUMES]; /*make sure this is a power of two. */ #define mbxs 128 static uint8_t My_Buff_x[mbxs]; /* File read buffer */ #if defined(AVR) #define prescale1 ((1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS10)) #define prescale8 ((1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS11)) #define prescale64 ((1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS10) | (1 << CS11)) #define prescale256 ((1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS12)) #define prescale1024 ((1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS12) | (1 << CS10)) extern "C" unsigned int freeHeap(); static int tty_stderr_putc(char c, FILE *t) { USB_HOST_SERIAL.write(c); return 0; } static int tty_stderr_flush(FILE *t) { USB_HOST_SERIAL.flush(); return 0; } static int tty_std_putc(char c, FILE *t) { Serial.write(c); return 0; } static int tty_std_getc(FILE *t) { while (!Serial.available()); return Serial.read(); } static int tty_std_flush(FILE *t) { Serial.flush(); return 0; } #else extern "C" { int _write(int fd, const char *ptr, int len) { int j; for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { if (fd == 1) Serial.write(*ptr++); else if (fd == 2) USB_HOST_SERIAL.write(*ptr++); } return len; } int _read(int fd, char *ptr, int len) { if (len > 0 && fd == 0) { while (!Serial.available()); *ptr = Serial.read(); return 1; } return 0; } #include int _fstat(int fd, struct stat *st) { memset(st, 0, sizeof (*st)); st->st_mode = S_IFCHR; st->st_blksize = 1024; return 0; } int _isatty(int fd) { return (fd < 3) ? 1 : 0; } } #endif void setup() { boolean serr = false; for (int i = 0; i < _VOLUMES; i++) { Fats[i] = NULL; sto[i].private_data = new pvt_t; ((pvt_t *)sto[i].private_data)->B = 255; // impossible } // Set this to higher values to enable more debug information // minimum 0x00, maximum 0xff UsbDEBUGlvl = 0x51; #if defined(AVR) // make LED pin as an output: pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // Ensure TX is off _SFR_BYTE(UCSR0B) &= ~_BV(TXEN0); // Initialize 'debug' serial port USB_HOST_SERIAL.begin(115200); // Do not start primary Serial port if already started. if (bit_is_clear(UCSR0B, TXEN0)) { Serial.begin(115200); serr = true; } // Set up stdio/stderr tty_stdio.put = tty_std_putc; tty_stdio.get = tty_std_getc; tty_stdio.flags = _FDEV_SETUP_RW; tty_stdio.udata = 0; tty_stderr.put = tty_stderr_putc; tty_stderr.get = NULL; tty_stderr.flags = _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE; tty_stderr.udata = 0; stdout = &tty_stdio; stdin = &tty_stdio; stderr = &tty_stderr; // Blink LED delay(500); analogWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 255); delay(500); analogWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 0); delay(500); #else while (!Serial); #endif printf_P(PSTR("\r\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStart\r\n")); printf_P(PSTR("Current UsbDEBUGlvl %02x\r\n"), UsbDEBUGlvl); printf_P(PSTR("'+' and '-' increase/decrease by 0x01\r\n")); printf_P(PSTR("'.' and ',' increase/decrease by 0x10\r\n")); printf_P(PSTR("'t' will run a 10MB write/read test and print out the time it took.\r\n")); printf_P(PSTR("'e' will toggle vbus off for a few moments.\r\n\r\n")); printf_P(PSTR("Long filename support: " #if _USE_LFN "Enabled" #else "Disabled" #endif "\r\n")); if (serr) { fprintf_P(stderr, PSTR("\r\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStart\r\n")); fprintf_P(stderr, PSTR("Current UsbDEBUGlvl %02x\r\n"), UsbDEBUGlvl); fprintf_P(stderr, PSTR("Long filename support: " #if _USE_LFN "Enabled" #else "Disabled" #endif "\r\n")); } #if defined(AVR) analogWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 255); delay(500); analogWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 0); delay(500); analogWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 255); delay(500); analogWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 0); delay(500); analogWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 255); delay(500); analogWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 0); delay(500); LEDnext_time = millis() + 1; #ifdef EXT_RAM printf_P(PSTR("Total EXT RAM banks %i\r\n"), xmem::getTotalBanks()); #endif printf_P(PSTR("Available heap: %u Bytes\r\n"), freeHeap()); printf_P(PSTR("SP %x\r\n"), (uint8_t *)(SP)); #endif // Even though I'm not going to actually be deleting, // I want to be able to have slightly more control. // Besides, it is easier to initialize stuff... #if WANT_HUB_TEST for (int i = 0; i < MAX_HUBS; i++) { Hubs[i] = new USBHub(&Usb); #if defined(AVR) printf_P(PSTR("Available heap: %u Bytes\r\n"), freeHeap()); #endif } #endif // Initialize generic storage. This must be done before USB starts. InitStorage(); while (Usb.Init(1000) == -1) { printf_P(PSTR("No USB HOST Shield?\r\n")); Notify(PSTR("OSC did not start."), 0x40); } #if defined(AVR) cli(); TCCR3A = 0; TCCR3B = 0; // (0.01/(1/((16 *(10^6)) / 8))) - 1 = 19999 OCR3A = 19999; TCCR3B |= prescale8; TIMSK3 |= (1 << OCIE1A); sei(); HEAPnext_time = millis() + 10000; #else #if 0 // // On the teensy 3 we can raise the speed of SPI here. // // Default seen is 0xB8011001. // uint32_t ctar = SPI0_CTAR0; //printf("SPI_CTAR0 = %8.8X\r\n", ctar); ctar &= 0x7FFCFFF0; // 1/4 fSYS, 12.5Mhz //printf("SPI_CTAR0 = %8.8X\r\n", ctar); ctar |= 0x80000000; // 1/2 fSYS 25Mhz //printf("SPI_CTAR0 = %8.8X\r\n", ctar); uint32_t mcr = SPI0_MCR; if (mcr & SPI_MCR_MDIS) { SPI0_CTAR0 = ctar; } else { SPI0_MCR = mcr | SPI_MCR_MDIS | SPI_MCR_HALT; SPI0_CTAR0 = ctar; SPI0_MCR = mcr; } #endif #endif } void serialEvent() { // Adjust UsbDEBUGlvl level on-the-fly. // + to increase, - to decrease, * to display current level. // . to increase by 16, , to decrease by 16 // e to flick VBUS // * to report debug level if (Serial.available()) { int inByte = Serial.read(); switch (inByte) { case '+': if (UsbDEBUGlvl < 0xff) UsbDEBUGlvl++; reportlvl = true; break; case '-': if (UsbDEBUGlvl > 0x00) UsbDEBUGlvl--; reportlvl = true; break; case '.': if (UsbDEBUGlvl < 0xf0) UsbDEBUGlvl += 16; reportlvl = true; break; case ',': if (UsbDEBUGlvl > 0x0f) UsbDEBUGlvl -= 16; reportlvl = true; break; case '*': reportlvl = true; break; case 't': runtest = true; break; case 'e': change = true; usbon = false; break; } } } #if defined(AVR) ISR(TIMER3_COMPA_vect) { if (millis() >= LEDnext_time) { LEDnext_time = millis() + 30; // set the brightness of LED analogWrite(LED_BUILTIN, brightness); // change the brightness for next time through the loop: brightness = brightness + fadeAmount; // reverse the direction of the fading at the ends of the fade: if (brightness <= 0) { brightness = 0; fadeAmount = -fadeAmount; } if (brightness >= 255) { brightness = 255; fadeAmount = -fadeAmount; } } } #endif bool isfat(uint8_t t) { return (t == 0x01 || t == 0x04 || t == 0x06 || t == 0x0b || t == 0x0c || t == 0x0e || t == 0x1); } void die(FRESULT rc) { printf_P(PSTR("Failed with rc=%u.\r\n"), rc); //for (;;); } void loop() { FIL My_File_Object_x; /* File object */ #if defined(AVR) // Print a heap status report about every 10 seconds. if (millis() >= HEAPnext_time) { if (UsbDEBUGlvl > 0x50) { printf_P(PSTR("Available heap: %u Bytes\r\n"), freeHeap()); } HEAPnext_time = millis() + 10000; } TCCR3B = 0; #else // Arm suffers here, oh well... serialEvent(); #endif // Horrid! This sort of thing really belongs in an ISR, not here! // We also will be needing to test each hub port, we don't do this yet! if (!change && !usbon && millis() >= usbon_time) { change = true; usbon = true; } if (change) { change = false; if (usbon) { Usb.vbusPower(vbus_on); printf_P(PSTR("VBUS on\r\n")); } else { Usb.vbusPower(vbus_off); usbon_time = millis() + 2000; } } Usb.Task(); current_state = Usb.getUsbTaskState(); if (current_state != last_state) { if (UsbDEBUGlvl > 0x50) printf_P(PSTR("USB state = %x\r\n"), current_state); #if defined(AVR) if (current_state == USB_STATE_RUNNING) { fadeAmount = 30; } #endif if (current_state == USB_DETACHED_SUBSTATE_WAIT_FOR_DEVICE) { #if defined(AVR) fadeAmount = 80; #endif partsready = false; for (int i = 0; i < cpart; i++) { if (Fats[i] != NULL) delete Fats[i]; Fats[i] = NULL; } fatready = false; notified = false; cpart = 0; } last_state = current_state; } // only do any of this if usb is on if (usbon) { if (partsready && !fatready) { if (cpart > 0) fatready = true; } // This is horrible, and needs to be moved elsewhere! for (int B = 0; B < MAX_USB_MS_DRIVERS; B++) { if (!partsready && (Bulk[B]->GetAddress() != NULL)) { // Build a list. int ML = Bulk[B]->GetbMaxLUN(); //printf("MAXLUN = %i\r\n", ML); ML++; for (int i = 0; i < ML; i++) { if (Bulk[B]->LUNIsGood(i)) { partsready = true; ((pvt_t *)(sto[i].private_data))->lun = i; ((pvt_t *)(sto[i].private_data))->B = B; sto[i].Read = *PRead; sto[i].Write = *PWrite; sto[i].Reads = *PReads; sto[i].Writes = *PWrites; sto[i].Status = *PStatus; sto[i].TotalSectors = Bulk[B]->GetCapacity(i); sto[i].SectorSize = Bulk[B]->GetSectorSize(i); printf_P(PSTR("LUN:\t\t%u\r\n"), i); printf_P(PSTR("Total Sectors:\t%08lx\t%lu\r\n"), sto[i].TotalSectors, sto[i].TotalSectors); printf_P(PSTR("Sector Size:\t%04x\t\t%u\r\n"), sto[i].SectorSize, sto[i].SectorSize); // get the partition data... PT = new PCPartition; if (!PT->Init(&sto[i])) { part_t *apart; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { apart = PT->GetPart(j); if (apart != NULL && apart->type != 0x00) { memcpy(&(parts[cpart]), apart, sizeof (part_t)); printf_P(PSTR("Partition %u type %#02x\r\n"), j, parts[cpart].type); // for now if (isfat(parts[cpart].type)) { Fats[cpart] = new PFAT(&sto[i], cpart, parts[cpart].firstSector); //int r = Fats[cpart]->Good(); if (Fats[cpart]->MountStatus()) { delete Fats[cpart]; Fats[cpart] = NULL; } else cpart++; } } } } else { // try superblock Fats[cpart] = new PFAT(&sto[i], cpart, 0); //int r = Fats[cpart]->Good(); if (Fats[cpart]->MountStatus()) { //printf_P(PSTR("Superblock error %x\r\n"), r); delete Fats[cpart]; Fats[cpart] = NULL; } else cpart++; } delete PT; } else { sto[i].Read = NULL; sto[i].Write = NULL; sto[i].Writes = NULL; sto[i].Reads = NULL; sto[i].TotalSectors = 0UL; sto[i].SectorSize = 0; } } } } if (fatready) { if (Fats[0] != NULL) { struct Pvt * p; p = ((struct Pvt *)(Fats[0]->storage->private_data)); if (!Bulk[p->B]->LUNIsGood(p->lun)) { // media change #if defined(AVR) fadeAmount = 80; #endif partsready = false; for (int i = 0; i < cpart; i++) { if (Fats[i] != NULL) delete Fats[i]; Fats[cpart] = NULL; } fatready = false; notified = false; cpart = 0; } } } if (fatready) { FRESULT rc; /* Result code */ UINT bw, br, i; if (!notified) { #if defined(AVR) fadeAmount = 5; #endif notified = true; printf_P(PSTR("\r\nOpen an existing file (message.txt).\r\n")); rc = f_open(&My_File_Object_x, "0:/MESSAGE.TXT", FA_READ); if (rc) printf_P(PSTR("Error %i, message.txt not found.\r\n"), rc); else { printf_P(PSTR("\r\nType the file content.\r\n")); for (;;) { rc = f_read(&My_File_Object_x, My_Buff_x, mbxs, &br); /* Read a chunk of file */ if (rc || !br) break; /* Error or end of file */ for (i = 0; i < br; i++) { /* Type the data */ if (My_Buff_x[i] == '\n') Serial.write('\r'); if (My_Buff_x[i] != '\r') Serial.write(My_Buff_x[i]); Serial.flush(); } } if (rc) { f_close(&My_File_Object_x); goto out; } printf_P(PSTR("\r\nClose the file.\r\n")); rc = f_close(&My_File_Object_x); if (rc) goto out; } printf_P(PSTR("\r\nCreate a new file (hello.txt).\r\n")); rc = f_open(&My_File_Object_x, "0:/Hello.TxT", FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS); if (rc) { die(rc); goto outdir; } printf_P(PSTR("\r\nWrite a text data. (Hello world!)\r\n")); rc = f_write(&My_File_Object_x, "Hello world!\r\n", 14, &bw); if (rc) { goto out; } printf_P(PSTR("%u bytes written.\r\n"), bw); printf_P(PSTR("\r\nClose the file.\r\n")); rc = f_close(&My_File_Object_x); if (rc) { die(rc); goto out; } outdir: { #if _USE_LFN char lfn[_MAX_LFN + 1]; FILINFO My_File_Info_Object_x; /* File information object */ My_File_Info_Object_x.lfname = lfn; #endif DIR My_Dir_Object_x; /* Directory object */ printf_P(PSTR("\r\nOpen root directory.\r\n")); rc = f_opendir(&My_Dir_Object_x, "0:/"); if (rc) { die(rc); goto out; } printf_P(PSTR("\r\nDirectory listing...\r\n")); #if defined(AVR) printf_P(PSTR("Available heap: %u Bytes\r\n"), freeHeap()); #endif for (;;) { #if _USE_LFN My_File_Info_Object_x.lfsize = _MAX_LFN; #endif rc = f_readdir(&My_Dir_Object_x, &My_File_Info_Object_x); /* Read a directory item */ if (rc || !My_File_Info_Object_x.fname[0]) break; /* Error or end of dir */ if (My_File_Info_Object_x.fattrib & AM_DIR) { Serial.write('d'); } else { Serial.write('-'); } Serial.write('r'); if (My_File_Info_Object_x.fattrib & AM_RDO) { Serial.write('-'); } else { Serial.write('w'); } if (My_File_Info_Object_x.fattrib & AM_HID) { Serial.write('h'); } else { Serial.write('-'); } if (My_File_Info_Object_x.fattrib & AM_SYS) { Serial.write('s'); } else { Serial.write('-'); } if (My_File_Info_Object_x.fattrib & AM_ARC) { Serial.write('a'); } else { Serial.write('-'); } #if _USE_LFN if (*My_File_Info_Object_x.lfname) printf_P(PSTR(" %8lu %s (%s)\r\n"), My_File_Info_Object_x.fsize, My_File_Info_Object_x.fname, My_File_Info_Object_x.lfname); else #endif printf_P(PSTR(" %8lu %s\r\n"), My_File_Info_Object_x.fsize, &(My_File_Info_Object_x.fname[0])); } } out: if (rc) die(rc); printf_P(PSTR("\r\nTest completed.\r\n")); } if (runtest) { ULONG ii, wt, rt, start, end; runtest = false; f_unlink("0:/10MB.bin"); printf_P(PSTR("\r\nCreate a new 10MB test file (10MB.bin).\r\n")); rc = f_open(&My_File_Object_x, "0:/10MB.bin", FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS); if (rc) goto failed; for (bw = 0; bw < mbxs; bw++) My_Buff_x[bw] = bw & 0xff; fflush(stdout); start = millis(); while (start == millis()); for (ii = 10485760LU / mbxs; ii > 0LU; ii--) { rc = f_write(&My_File_Object_x, My_Buff_x, mbxs, &bw); if (rc || !bw) goto failed; } rc = f_close(&My_File_Object_x); if (rc) goto failed; end = millis(); wt = (end - start) - 1; printf_P(PSTR("Time to write 10485760 bytes: %lu ms (%lu sec) \r\n"), wt, (500 + wt) / 1000UL); rc = f_open(&My_File_Object_x, "0:/10MB.bin", FA_READ); fflush(stdout); start = millis(); while (start == millis()); if (rc) goto failed; for (;;) { rc = f_read(&My_File_Object_x, My_Buff_x, mbxs, &bw); /* Read a chunk of file */ if (rc || !bw) break; /* Error or end of file */ } end = millis(); if (rc) goto failed; rc = f_close(&My_File_Object_x); if (rc) goto failed; rt = (end - start) - 1; printf_P(PSTR("Time to read 10485760 bytes: %lu ms (%lu sec)\r\nDelete test file\r\n"), rt, (500 + rt) / 1000UL); failed: if (rc) die(rc); printf_P(PSTR("10MB timing test finished.\r\n")); } } } }