This is the complete list of members for BTD, including all inherited members.
bAddress | BTD | protected |
bConfNum | BTD | protected |
bNumEP | BTD | protected |
BTD(USB *p) | BTD | |
BTD_DATAIN_PIPE | BTD | protectedstatic |
BTD_DATAOUT_PIPE | BTD | protectedstatic |
BTD_EVENT_PIPE | BTD | protectedstatic |
btdName | BTD | |
btdPin | BTD | |
connectToWii | BTD | |
disc_bdaddr | BTD | |
disconnect() | BTD | inline |
EndpointXtract(uint8_t conf, uint8_t iface, uint8_t alt, uint8_t proto, const USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR *ep) | BTD | virtual |
epInfo | BTD | protected |
GetAddress() | BTD | inlinevirtual |
hci_accept_connection() | BTD | |
hci_authentication_request() | BTD | |
HCI_Command(uint8_t *data, uint16_t nbytes) | BTD | |
hci_connect() | BTD | |
hci_disconnect(uint16_t handle) | BTD | |
hci_handle | BTD | |
hci_inquiry() | BTD | |
hci_inquiry_cancel() | BTD | |
hci_link_key_request_negative_reply() | BTD | |
hci_pin_code_negative_request_reply() | BTD | |
hci_pin_code_request_reply() | BTD | |
hci_read_bdaddr() | BTD | |
hci_read_local_version_information() | BTD | |
hci_remote_name() | BTD | |
hci_reset() | BTD | |
hci_set_local_name(const char *name) | BTD | |
hci_version | BTD | |
hci_write_scan_disable() | BTD | |
hci_write_scan_enable() | BTD | |
incomingWii | BTD | |
Init(uint8_t parent, uint8_t port, bool lowspeed) | BTD | virtual |
isReady() | BTD | inlinevirtual |
L2CAP_Command(uint16_t handle, uint8_t *data, uint8_t nbytes, uint8_t channelLow=0x01, uint8_t channelHigh=0x00) | BTD | |
l2cap_config_request(uint16_t handle, uint8_t rxid, uint8_t *dcid) | BTD | |
l2cap_config_response(uint16_t handle, uint8_t rxid, uint8_t *scid) | BTD | |
l2cap_connection_request(uint16_t handle, uint8_t rxid, uint8_t *scid, uint16_t psm) | BTD | |
l2cap_connection_response(uint16_t handle, uint8_t rxid, uint8_t *dcid, uint8_t *scid, uint8_t result) | BTD | |
l2cap_disconnection_request(uint16_t handle, uint8_t rxid, uint8_t *dcid, uint8_t *scid) | BTD | |
l2cap_disconnection_response(uint16_t handle, uint8_t rxid, uint8_t *dcid, uint8_t *scid) | BTD | |
l2cap_information_response(uint16_t handle, uint8_t rxid, uint8_t infoTypeLow, uint8_t infoTypeHigh) | BTD | |
l2capConnectionClaimed | BTD | |
motionPlusInside | BTD | |
my_bdaddr | BTD | |
pairWithWii | BTD | |
Poll() | BTD | virtual |
PrintEndpointDescriptor(const USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR *ep_ptr) | BTD | protected |
pUsb | BTD | protected |
qNextPollTime | BTD | protected |
registerServiceClass(BluetoothService *pService) | BTD | inline |
Release() | BTD | virtual |
remote_name | BTD | |
watingForConnection | BTD |