/* Copyright (C) 2011 Circuits At Home, LTD. All rights reserved. This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPL2) as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file GPL2.TXT included in the packaging of this file. Please note that GPL2 Section 2[b] requires that all works based on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of the GPL2 ("Copyleft"). Contact information ------------------- Circuits At Home, LTD Web : http://www.circuitsathome.com e-mail : support@circuitsathome.com */ #if !defined(__HIDUSAGETITLEARRAYS_H__) #define __HIDUSAGETITLEARRAYS_H__ #include "hidusagestr.h" //const char *usagePageTitles0[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsagePageGenericDesktopControls , // pstrUsagePageSimulationControls , // pstrUsagePageVRControls , // pstrUsagePageSportControls , // pstrUsagePageGameControls , // pstrUsagePageGenericDeviceControls , // pstrUsagePageKeyboardKeypad , // pstrUsagePageLEDs , // pstrUsagePageButton , // pstrUsagePageOrdinal , // pstrUsagePageTelephone , // pstrUsagePageConsumer , // pstrUsagePageDigitizer , // pstrUsagePagePID , // pstrUsagePageUnicode //}; // //const char *usagePageTitles1[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsagePageBarCodeScanner , // pstrUsagePageScale , // pstrUsagePageMSRDevices , // pstrUsagePagePointOfSale , // pstrUsagePageCameraControl , // pstrUsagePageArcade //}; //const char *genDesktopTitles0[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsagePointer , // pstrUsageMouse , // pstrUsageJoystick , // pstrUsageGamePad , // pstrUsageKeyboard , // pstrUsageKeypad , // pstrUsageMultiAxisController , // pstrUsageTabletPCSystemControls // //}; //const char *genDesktopTitles1[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageX , // pstrUsageY , // pstrUsageZ , // pstrUsageRx , // pstrUsageRy , // pstrUsageRz , // pstrUsageSlider , // pstrUsageDial , // pstrUsageWheel , // pstrUsageHatSwitch , // pstrUsageCountedBuffer , // pstrUsageByteCount , // pstrUsageMotionWakeup , // pstrUsageStart , // pstrUsageSelect , // pstrUsagePageReserved , // pstrUsageVx , // pstrUsageVy , // pstrUsageVz , // pstrUsageVbrx , // pstrUsageVbry , // pstrUsageVbrz , // pstrUsageVno , // pstrUsageFeatureNotification , // pstrUsageResolutionMultiplier //}; //const char *genDesktopTitles2[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageSystemControl , // pstrUsageSystemPowerDown , // pstrUsageSystemSleep , // pstrUsageSystemWakeup , // pstrUsageSystemContextMenu , // pstrUsageSystemMainMenu , // pstrUsageSystemAppMenu , // pstrUsageSystemMenuHelp , // pstrUsageSystemMenuExit , // pstrUsageSystemMenuSelect , // pstrUsageSystemMenuRight , // pstrUsageSystemMenuLeft , // pstrUsageSystemMenuUp , // pstrUsageSystemMenuDown , // pstrUsageSystemColdRestart , // pstrUsageSystemWarmRestart , // pstrUsageDPadUp , // pstrUsageDPadDown , // pstrUsageDPadRight , // pstrUsageDPadLeft //}; //const char *genDesktopTitles3[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageSystemDock , // pstrUsageSystemUndock , // pstrUsageSystemSetup , // pstrUsageSystemBreak , // pstrUsageSystemDebuggerBreak , // pstrUsageApplicationBreak , // pstrUsageApplicationDebuggerBreak, // pstrUsageSystemSpeakerMute , // pstrUsageSystemHibernate //}; //const char *genDesktopTitles4[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageSystemDisplayInvert , // pstrUsageSystemDisplayInternal , // pstrUsageSystemDisplayExternal , // pstrUsageSystemDisplayBoth , // pstrUsageSystemDisplayDual , // pstrUsageSystemDisplayToggleIntExt , // pstrUsageSystemDisplaySwapPriSec , // pstrUsageSystemDisplayLCDAutoscale //}; //const char *simuTitles0[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageFlightSimulationDevice , // pstrUsageAutomobileSimulationDevice , // pstrUsageTankSimulationDevice , // pstrUsageSpaceshipSimulationDevice , // pstrUsageSubmarineSimulationDevice , // pstrUsageSailingSimulationDevice , // pstrUsageMotocicleSimulationDevice , // pstrUsageSportsSimulationDevice , // pstrUsageAirplaneSimulationDevice , // pstrUsageHelicopterSimulationDevice , // pstrUsageMagicCarpetSimulationDevice, // pstrUsageBicycleSimulationDevice //}; //const char *simuTitles1[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageFlightControlStick , // pstrUsageFlightStick , // pstrUsageCyclicControl , // pstrUsageCyclicTrim , // pstrUsageFlightYoke , // pstrUsageTrackControl //}; //const char *simuTitles2[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageAileron , // pstrUsageAileronTrim , // pstrUsageAntiTorqueControl , // pstrUsageAutopilotEnable , // pstrUsageChaffRelease , // pstrUsageCollectiveControl , // pstrUsageDiveBrake , // pstrUsageElectronicCountermeasures , // pstrUsageElevator , // pstrUsageElevatorTrim , // pstrUsageRudder , // pstrUsageThrottle , // pstrUsageFlightCommunications , // pstrUsageFlareRelease , // pstrUsageLandingGear , // pstrUsageToeBrake , // pstrUsageTrigger , // pstrUsageWeaponsArm , // pstrUsageWeaponsSelect , // pstrUsageWingFlaps , // pstrUsageAccelerator , // pstrUsageBrake , // pstrUsageClutch , // pstrUsageShifter , // pstrUsageSteering , // pstrUsageTurretDirection , // pstrUsageBarrelElevation , // pstrUsageDivePlane , // pstrUsageBallast , // pstrUsageBicycleCrank , // pstrUsageHandleBars , // pstrUsageFrontBrake , // pstrUsageRearBrake //}; //const char *vrTitles0[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageBelt , // pstrUsageBodySuit , // pstrUsageFlexor , // pstrUsageGlove , // pstrUsageHeadTracker , // pstrUsageHeadMountedDisplay , // pstrUsageHandTracker , // pstrUsageOculometer , // pstrUsageVest , // pstrUsageAnimatronicDevice //}; //const char *vrTitles1[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageStereoEnable , // pstrUsageDisplayEnable //}; //const char *sportsCtrlTitles0[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageBaseballBat , // pstrUsageGolfClub , // pstrUsageRowingMachine , // pstrUsageTreadmill //}; //const char *sportsCtrlTitles1[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageOar , // pstrUsageSlope , // pstrUsageRate , // pstrUsageStickSpeed , // pstrUsageStickFaceAngle , // pstrUsageStickHeelToe , // pstrUsageStickFollowThough , // pstrUsageStickTempo , // pstrUsageStickType , // pstrUsageStickHeight //}; //const char *sportsCtrlTitles2[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsagePutter , // pstrUsage1Iron , // pstrUsage2Iron , // pstrUsage3Iron , // pstrUsage4Iron , // pstrUsage5Iron , // pstrUsage6Iron , // pstrUsage7Iron , // pstrUsage8Iron , // pstrUsage9Iron , // pstrUsage10Iron , // pstrUsage11Iron , // pstrUsageSandWedge , // pstrUsageLoftWedge , // pstrUsagePowerWedge , // pstrUsage1Wood , // pstrUsage3Wood , // pstrUsage5Wood , // pstrUsage7Wood , // pstrUsage9Wood //}; //const char *gameTitles0[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsage3DGameController , // pstrUsagePinballDevice , // pstrUsageGunDevice //}; //const char *gameTitles1[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsagePointOfView , // pstrUsageTurnRightLeft , // pstrUsagePitchForwardBackward , // pstrUsageRollRightLeft , // pstrUsageMoveRightLeft , // pstrUsageMoveForwardBackward , // pstrUsageMoveUpDown , // pstrUsageLeanRightLeft , // pstrUsageLeanForwardBackward , // pstrUsageHeightOfPOV , // pstrUsageFlipper , // pstrUsageSecondaryFlipper , // pstrUsageBump , // pstrUsageNewGame , // pstrUsageShootBall , // pstrUsagePlayer , // pstrUsageGunBolt , // pstrUsageGunClip , // pstrUsageGunSelector , // pstrUsageGunSingleShot , // pstrUsageGunBurst , // pstrUsageGunAutomatic , // pstrUsageGunSafety , // pstrUsageGamepadFireJump , // pstrUsageGamepadTrigger //}; //const char *genDevCtrlTitles[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageBatteryStrength, // pstrUsageWirelessChannel, // pstrUsageWirelessID, // pstrUsageDiscoverWirelessControl, // pstrUsageSecurityCodeCharEntered, // pstrUsageSecurityCodeCharErased, // pstrUsageSecurityCodeCleared //}; //const char *ledTitles[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageNumLock , // pstrUsageCapsLock , // pstrUsageScrollLock , // pstrUsageCompose , // pstrUsageKana , // pstrUsagePower , // pstrUsageShift , // pstrUsageDoNotDisturb , // pstrUsageMute , // pstrUsageToneEnable , // pstrUsageHighCutFilter , // pstrUsageLowCutFilter , // pstrUsageEqualizerEnable , // pstrUsageSoundFieldOn , // pstrUsageSurroundOn , // pstrUsageRepeat , // pstrUsageStereo , // pstrUsageSamplingRateDetect , // pstrUsageSpinning , // pstrUsageCAV , // pstrUsageCLV , // pstrUsageRecordingFormatDetect , // pstrUsageOffHook , // pstrUsageRing , // pstrUsageMessageWaiting , // pstrUsageDataMode , // pstrUsageBatteryOperation , // pstrUsageBatteryOK , // pstrUsageBatteryLow , // pstrUsageSpeaker , // pstrUsageHeadSet , // pstrUsageHold , // pstrUsageMicrophone , // pstrUsageCoverage , // pstrUsageNightMode , // pstrUsageSendCalls , // pstrUsageCallPickup , // pstrUsageConference , // pstrUsageStandBy , // pstrUsageCameraOn , // pstrUsageCameraOff , // pstrUsageOnLine , // pstrUsageOffLine , // pstrUsageBusy , // pstrUsageReady , // pstrUsagePaperOut , // pstrUsagePaperJam , // pstrUsageRemote , // pstrUsageForward , // pstrUsageReverse , // pstrUsageStop , // pstrUsageRewind , // pstrUsageFastForward , // pstrUsagePlay , // pstrUsagePause , // pstrUsageRecord , // pstrUsageError , // pstrUsageSelectedIndicator , // pstrUsageInUseIndicator , // pstrUsageMultiModeIndicator , // pstrUsageIndicatorOn , // pstrUsageIndicatorFlash , // pstrUsageIndicatorSlowBlink , // pstrUsageIndicatorFastBlink , // pstrUsageIndicatorOff , // pstrUsageFlashOnTime , // pstrUsageSlowBlinkOnTime , // pstrUsageSlowBlinkOffTime , // pstrUsageFastBlinkOnTime , // pstrUsageFastBlinkOffTime , // pstrUsageIndicatorColor , // pstrUsageIndicatorRed , // pstrUsageIndicatorGreen , // pstrUsageIndicatorAmber , // pstrUsageGenericIndicator , // pstrUsageSystemSuspend , // pstrUsageExternalPowerConnected //}; //const char *telTitles0 [] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsagePhone , // pstrUsageAnsweringMachine , // pstrUsageMessageControls , // pstrUsageHandset , // pstrUsageHeadset , // pstrUsageTelephonyKeyPad , // pstrUsageProgrammableButton //}; //const char *telTitles1 [] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageHookSwitch , // pstrUsageFlash , // pstrUsageFeature , // pstrUsageHold , // pstrUsageRedial , // pstrUsageTransfer , // pstrUsageDrop , // pstrUsagePark , // pstrUsageForwardCalls , // pstrUsageAlternateFunction , // pstrUsageLine , // pstrUsageSpeakerPhone , // pstrUsageConference , // pstrUsageRingEnable , // pstrUsageRingSelect , // pstrUsagePhoneMute , // pstrUsageCallerID , // pstrUsageSend //}; //const char *telTitles2 [] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageSpeedDial , // pstrUsageStoreNumber , // pstrUsageRecallNumber , // pstrUsagePhoneDirectory //}; //const char *telTitles3 [] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageVoiceMail , // pstrUsageScreenCalls , // pstrUsageDoNotDisturb , // pstrUsageMessage , // pstrUsageAnswerOnOff //}; //const char *telTitles4 [] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageInsideDialTone , // pstrUsageOutsideDialTone , // pstrUsageInsideRingTone , // pstrUsageOutsideRingTone , // pstrUsagePriorityRingTone , // pstrUsageInsideRingback , // pstrUsagePriorityRingback , // pstrUsageLineBusyTone , // pstrUsageReorderTone , // pstrUsageCallWaitingTone , // pstrUsageConfirmationTone1 , // pstrUsageConfirmationTone2 , // pstrUsageTonesOff , // pstrUsageOutsideRingback , // pstrUsageRinger //}; //const char *telTitles5 [] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsagePhoneKey0 , // pstrUsagePhoneKey1 , // pstrUsagePhoneKey2 , // pstrUsagePhoneKey3 , // pstrUsagePhoneKey4 , // pstrUsagePhoneKey5 , // pstrUsagePhoneKey6 , // pstrUsagePhoneKey7 , // pstrUsagePhoneKey8 , // pstrUsagePhoneKey9 , // pstrUsagePhoneKeyStar , // pstrUsagePhoneKeyPound , // pstrUsagePhoneKeyA , // pstrUsagePhoneKeyB , // pstrUsagePhoneKeyC , // pstrUsagePhoneKeyD //}; //const char *consTitles0[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageConsumerControl, // pstrUsageNumericKeyPad, // pstrUsageProgrammableButton, // pstrUsageMicrophone, // pstrUsageHeadphone, // pstrUsageGraphicEqualizer //}; //const char *consTitles1[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsagePlus10 , // pstrUsagePlus100, // pstrUsageAMPM //}; //const char *consTitles2[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsagePower , // pstrUsageReset , // pstrUsageSleep , // pstrUsageSleepAfter , // pstrUsageSleepMode , // pstrUsageIllumination , // pstrUsageFunctionButtons // //}; //const char *consTitles3[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageMenu , // pstrUsageMenuPick , // pstrUsageMenuUp , // pstrUsageMenuDown , // pstrUsageMenuLeft , // pstrUsageMenuRight , // pstrUsageMenuEscape , // pstrUsageMenuValueIncrease, // pstrUsageMenuValueDecrease //}; //const char *consTitles4[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageDataOnScreen , // pstrUsageClosedCaption , // pstrUsageClosedCaptionSelect, // pstrUsageVCRTV , // pstrUsageBroadcastMode , // pstrUsageSnapshot , // pstrUsageStill //}; //const char *consTitles5[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageSelection , // pstrUsageAssignSelection , // pstrUsageModeStep , // pstrUsageRecallLast , // pstrUsageEnterChannel , // pstrUsageOrderMovie , // pstrUsageChannel , // pstrUsageMediaSelection , // pstrUsageMediaSelectComputer , // pstrUsageMediaSelectTV , // pstrUsageMediaSelectWWW , // pstrUsageMediaSelectDVD , // pstrUsageMediaSelectTelephone , // pstrUsageMediaSelectProgramGuide , // pstrUsageMediaSelectVideoPhone , // pstrUsageMediaSelectGames , // pstrUsageMediaSelectMessages , // pstrUsageMediaSelectCD , // pstrUsageMediaSelectVCR , // pstrUsageMediaSelectTuner , // pstrUsageQuit , // pstrUsageHelp , // pstrUsageMediaSelectTape , // pstrUsageMediaSelectCable , // pstrUsageMediaSelectSatellite , // pstrUsageMediaSelectSecurity , // pstrUsageMediaSelectHome , // pstrUsageMediaSelectCall , // pstrUsageChannelIncrement , // pstrUsageChannelDecrement , // pstrUsageMediaSelectSAP , // pstrUsagePageReserved , // pstrUsageVCRPlus , // pstrUsageOnce , // pstrUsageDaily , // pstrUsageWeekly , // pstrUsageMonthly //}; //const char *consTitles6[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsagePlay , // pstrUsagePause , // pstrUsageRecord , // pstrUsageFastForward , // pstrUsageRewind , // pstrUsageScanNextTrack , // pstrUsageScanPreviousTrack , // pstrUsageStop , // pstrUsageEject , // pstrUsageRandomPlay , // pstrUsageSelectDisk , // pstrUsageEnterDisk , // pstrUsageRepeat , // pstrUsageTracking , // pstrUsageTrackNormal , // pstrUsageSlowTracking , // pstrUsageFrameForward , // pstrUsageFrameBackwards , // pstrUsageMark , // pstrUsageClearMark , // pstrUsageRepeatFromMark , // pstrUsageReturnToMark , // pstrUsageSearchMarkForward , // pstrUsageSearchMarkBackwards , // pstrUsageCounterReset , // pstrUsageShowCounter , // pstrUsageTrackingIncrement , // pstrUsageTrackingDecrement , // pstrUsageStopEject , // pstrUsagePlayPause , // pstrUsagePlaySkip //}; //const char *consTitles7[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageVolume , // pstrUsageBalance , // pstrUsageMute , // pstrUsageBass , // pstrUsageTreble , // pstrUsageBassBoost , // pstrUsageSurroundMode , // pstrUsageLoudness , // pstrUsageMPX , // pstrUsageVolumeIncrement , // pstrUsageVolumeDecrement //}; //const char *consTitles8[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageSpeedSelect , // pstrUsagePlaybackSpeed , // pstrUsageStandardPlay , // pstrUsageLongPlay , // pstrUsageExtendedPlay , // pstrUsageSlow //}; //const char *consTitles9[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageFanEnable , // pstrUsageFanSpeed , // pstrUsageLightEnable , // pstrUsageLightIlluminationLevel , // pstrUsageClimateControlEnable , // pstrUsageRoomTemperature , // pstrUsageSecurityEnable , // pstrUsageFireAlarm , // pstrUsagePoliceAlarm , // pstrUsageProximity , // pstrUsageMotion , // pstrUsageDuresAlarm , // pstrUsageHoldupAlarm , // pstrUsageMedicalAlarm //}; //const char *consTitlesA[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageBalanceRight , // pstrUsageBalanceLeft , // pstrUsageBassIncrement , // pstrUsageBassDecrement , // pstrUsageTrebleIncrement , // pstrUsageTrebleDecrement //}; //const char *consTitlesB[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageSpeakerSystem , // pstrUsageChannelLeft , // pstrUsageChannelRight , // pstrUsageChannelCenter , // pstrUsageChannelFront , // pstrUsageChannelCenterFront , // pstrUsageChannelSide , // pstrUsageChannelSurround , // pstrUsageChannelLowFreqEnhancement , // pstrUsageChannelTop , // pstrUsageChannelUnknown //}; //const char *consTitlesC[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageSubChannel , // pstrUsageSubChannelIncrement , // pstrUsageSubChannelDecrement , // pstrUsageAlternateAudioIncrement , // pstrUsageAlternateAudioDecrement //}; //const char *consTitlesD[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageApplicationLaunchButtons , // pstrUsageALLaunchButtonConfigTool , // pstrUsageALProgrammableButton , // pstrUsageALConsumerControlConfig , // pstrUsageALWordProcessor , // pstrUsageALTextEditor , // pstrUsageALSpreadsheet , // pstrUsageALGraphicsEditor , // pstrUsageALPresentationApp , // pstrUsageALDatabaseApp , // pstrUsageALEmailReader , // pstrUsageALNewsreader , // pstrUsageALVoicemail , // pstrUsageALContactsAddressBook , // pstrUsageALCalendarSchedule , // pstrUsageALTaskProjectManager , // pstrUsageALLogJournalTimecard , // pstrUsageALCheckbookFinance , // pstrUsageALCalculator , // pstrUsageALAVCapturePlayback , // pstrUsageALLocalMachineBrowser , // pstrUsageALLANWANBrow , // pstrUsageALInternetBrowser , // pstrUsageALRemoteNetISPConnect , // pstrUsageALNetworkConference , // pstrUsageALNetworkChat , // pstrUsageALTelephonyDialer , // pstrUsageALLogon , // pstrUsageALLogoff , // pstrUsageALLogonLogoff , // pstrUsageALTermLockScrSav , // pstrUsageALControlPannel , // pstrUsageALCommandLineProcessorRun , // pstrUsageALProcessTaskManager , // pstrUsageALSelectTaskApplication , // pstrUsageALNextTaskApplication , // pstrUsageALPreviousTaskApplication , // pstrUsageALPreemptiveHaltTaskApp , // pstrUsageALIntegratedHelpCenter , // pstrUsageALDocuments , // pstrUsageALThesaurus , // pstrUsageALDictionary , // pstrUsageALDesktop , // pstrUsageALSpellCheck , // pstrUsageALGrammarCheck , // pstrUsageALWirelessStatus , // pstrUsageALKeyboardLayout , // pstrUsageALVirusProtection , // pstrUsageALEncryption , // pstrUsageALScreenSaver , // pstrUsageALAlarms , // pstrUsageALClock , // pstrUsageALFileBrowser , // pstrUsageALPowerStatus , // pstrUsageALImageBrowser , // pstrUsageALAudioBrowser , // pstrUsageALMovieBrowser , // pstrUsageALDigitalRightsManager , // pstrUsageALDigitalWallet , // pstrUsagePageReserved , // pstrUsageALInstantMessaging , // pstrUsageALOEMFeaturesBrowser , // pstrUsageALOEMHelp , // pstrUsageALOnlineCommunity , // pstrUsageALEntertainmentContentBrow , // pstrUsageALOnlineShoppingBrowser , // pstrUsageALSmartCardInfoHelp , // pstrUsageALMarketMonitorFinBrowser , // pstrUsageALCustomCorpNewsBrowser , // pstrUsageALOnlineActivityBrowser , // pstrUsageALResearchSearchBrowser , // pstrUsageALAudioPlayer //}; //const char *consTitlesE[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageGenericGUIAppControls , // pstrUsageACNew , // pstrUsageACOpen , // pstrUsageACClose , // pstrUsageACExit , // pstrUsageACMaximize , // pstrUsageACMinimize , // pstrUsageACSave , // pstrUsageACPrint , // pstrUsageACProperties , // pstrUsageACUndo , // pstrUsageACCopy , // pstrUsageACCut , // pstrUsageACPaste , // pstrUsageACSelectAll , // pstrUsageACFind , // pstrUsageACFindAndReplace , // pstrUsageACSearch , // pstrUsageACGoto , // pstrUsageACHome , // pstrUsageACBack , // pstrUsageACForward , // pstrUsageACStop , // pstrUsageACRefresh , // pstrUsageACPreviousLink , // pstrUsageACNextLink , // pstrUsageACBookmarks , // pstrUsageACHistory , // pstrUsageACSubscriptions , // pstrUsageACZoomIn , // pstrUsageACZoomOut , // pstrUsageACZoom , // pstrUsageACFullScreenView , // pstrUsageACNormalView , // pstrUsageACViewToggle , // pstrUsageACScrollUp , // pstrUsageACScrollDown , // pstrUsageACScroll , // pstrUsageACPanLeft , // pstrUsageACPanRight , // pstrUsageACPan , // pstrUsageACNewWindow , // pstrUsageACTileHoriz , // pstrUsageACTileVert , // pstrUsageACFormat , // pstrUsageACEdit , // pstrUsageACBold , // pstrUsageACItalics , // pstrUsageACUnderline , // pstrUsageACStrikethrough , // pstrUsageACSubscript , // pstrUsageACSuperscript , // pstrUsageACAllCaps , // pstrUsageACRotate , // pstrUsageACResize , // pstrUsageACFlipHorizontal , // pstrUsageACFlipVertical , // pstrUsageACMirrorHorizontal , // pstrUsageACMirrorVertical , // pstrUsageACFontSelect , // pstrUsageACFontColor , // pstrUsageACFontSize , // pstrUsageACJustifyLeft , // pstrUsageACJustifyCenterH , // pstrUsageACJustifyRight , // pstrUsageACJustifyBlockH , // pstrUsageACJustifyTop , // pstrUsageACJustifyCenterV , // pstrUsageACJustifyBottom , // pstrUsageACJustifyBlockV , // pstrUsageACIndentDecrease , // pstrUsageACIndentIncrease , // pstrUsageACNumberedList , // pstrUsageACRestartNumbering , // pstrUsageACBulletedList , // pstrUsageACPromote , // pstrUsageACDemote , // pstrUsageACYes , // pstrUsageACNo , // pstrUsageACCancel , // pstrUsageACCatalog , // pstrUsageACBuyChkout , // pstrUsageACAddToCart , // pstrUsageACExpand , // pstrUsageACExpandAll , // pstrUsageACCollapse , // pstrUsageACCollapseAll , // pstrUsageACPrintPreview , // pstrUsageACPasteSpecial , // pstrUsageACInsertMode , // pstrUsageACDelete , // pstrUsageACLock , // pstrUsageACUnlock , // pstrUsageACProtect , // pstrUsageACUnprotect , // pstrUsageACAttachComment , // pstrUsageACDeleteComment , // pstrUsageACViewComment , // pstrUsageACSelectWord , // pstrUsageACSelectSentence , // pstrUsageACSelectParagraph , // pstrUsageACSelectColumn , // pstrUsageACSelectRow , // pstrUsageACSelectTable , // pstrUsageACSelectObject , // pstrUsageACRedoRepeat , // pstrUsageACSort , // pstrUsageACSortAscending , // pstrUsageACSortDescending , // pstrUsageACFilter , // pstrUsageACSetClock , // pstrUsageACViewClock , // pstrUsageACSelectTimeZone , // pstrUsageACEditTimeZone , // pstrUsageACSetAlarm , // pstrUsageACClearAlarm , // pstrUsageACSnoozeAlarm , // pstrUsageACResetAlarm , // pstrUsageACSyncronize , // pstrUsageACSendReceive , // pstrUsageACSendTo , // pstrUsageACReply , // pstrUsageACReplyAll , // pstrUsageACForwardMessage , // pstrUsageACSend , // pstrUsageACAttachFile , // pstrUsageACUpload , // pstrUsageACDownload , // pstrUsageACSetBorders , // pstrUsageACInsertRow , // pstrUsageACInsertColumn , // pstrUsageACInsertFile , // pstrUsageACInsertPicture , // pstrUsageACInsertObject , // pstrUsageACInsertSymbol , // pstrUsageACSaveAndClose , // pstrUsageACRename , // pstrUsageACMerge , // pstrUsageACSplit , // pstrUsageACDistributeHorizontaly , // pstrUsageACDistributeVerticaly //}; //const char *digitTitles0[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageDigitizer , // pstrUsagePen , // pstrUsageLightPen , // pstrUsageTouchScreen , // pstrUsageTouchPad , // pstrUsageWhiteBoard , // pstrUsageCoordinateMeasuringMachine , // pstrUsage3DDigitizer , // pstrUsageStereoPlotter , // pstrUsageArticulatedArm , // pstrUsageArmature , // pstrUsageMultiplePointDigitizer , // pstrUsageFreeSpaceWand //}; //const char *digitTitles1[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageStylus , // pstrUsagePuck , // pstrUsageFinger // //}; //const char *digitTitles2[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageTipPressure , // pstrUsageBarrelPressure , // pstrUsageInRange , // pstrUsageTouch , // pstrUsageUntouch , // pstrUsageTap , // pstrUsageQuality , // pstrUsageDataValid , // pstrUsageTransducerIndex , // pstrUsageTabletFunctionKeys , // pstrUsageProgramChangeKeys , // pstrUsageBatteryStrength , // pstrUsageInvert , // pstrUsageXTilt , // pstrUsageYTilt , // pstrUsageAzimuth , // pstrUsageAltitude , // pstrUsageTwist , // pstrUsageTipSwitch , // pstrUsageSecondaryTipSwitch , // pstrUsageBarrelSwitch , // pstrUsageEraser , // pstrUsageTabletPick //}; //const char *aplphanumTitles0[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageAlphanumericDisplay, // pstrUsageBitmappedDisplay //}; //const char *aplphanumTitles1[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageDisplayAttributesReport , // pstrUsageASCIICharacterSet , // pstrUsageDataReadBack , // pstrUsageFontReadBack , // pstrUsageDisplayControlReport , // pstrUsageClearDisplay , // pstrUsageDisplayEnable , // pstrUsageScreenSaverDelay , // pstrUsageScreenSaverEnable , // pstrUsageVerticalScroll , // pstrUsageHorizontalScroll , // pstrUsageCharacterReport , // pstrUsageDisplayData , // pstrUsageDisplayStatus , // pstrUsageStatusNotReady , // pstrUsageStatusReady , // pstrUsageErrorNotALoadableCharacter , // pstrUsageErrorFotDataCanNotBeRead , // pstrUsageCursorPositionReport , // pstrUsageRow , // pstrUsageColumn , // pstrUsageRows , // pstrUsageColumns , // pstrUsageCursorPixelPosition , // pstrUsageCursorMode , // pstrUsageCursorEnable , // pstrUsageCursorBlink , // pstrUsageFontReport , // pstrUsageFontData , // pstrUsageCharacterWidth , // pstrUsageCharacterHeight , // pstrUsageCharacterSpacingHorizontal , // pstrUsageCharacterSpacingVertical , // pstrUsageUnicodeCharset , // pstrUsageFont7Segment , // pstrUsage7SegmentDirectMap , // pstrUsageFont14Segment , // pstrUsage14SegmentDirectMap , // pstrUsageDisplayBrightness , // pstrUsageDisplayContrast , // pstrUsageCharacterAttribute , // pstrUsageAttributeReadback , // pstrUsageAttributeData , // pstrUsageCharAttributeEnhance , // pstrUsageCharAttributeUnderline , // pstrUsageCharAttributeBlink //}; //const char *aplphanumTitles2[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageBitmapSizeX , // pstrUsageBitmapSizeY , // pstrUsagePageReserved , // pstrUsageBitDepthFormat , // pstrUsageDisplayOrientation , // pstrUsagePaletteReport , // pstrUsagePaletteDataSize , // pstrUsagePaletteDataOffset , // pstrUsagePaletteData , // pstrUsageBlitReport , // pstrUsageBlitRectangleX1 , // pstrUsageBlitRectangleY1 , // pstrUsageBlitRectangleX2 , // pstrUsageBlitRectangleY2 , // pstrUsageBlitData , // pstrUsageSoftButton , // pstrUsageSoftButtonID , // pstrUsageSoftButtonSide , // pstrUsageSoftButtonOffset1 , // pstrUsageSoftButtonOffset2 , // pstrUsageSoftButtonReport //}; //const char *medInstrTitles0[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageVCRAcquisition , // pstrUsageFreezeThaw , // pstrUsageClipStore , // pstrUsageUpdate , // pstrUsageNext , // pstrUsageSave , // pstrUsagePrint , // pstrUsageMicrophoneEnable //}; //const char *medInstrTitles1[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageCine , // pstrUsageTransmitPower , // pstrUsageVolume , // pstrUsageFocus , // pstrUsageDepth //}; //const char *medInstrTitles2[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageSoftStepPrimary , // pstrUsageSoftStepSecondary //}; //const char *medInstrTitles3[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageZoomSelect , // pstrUsageZoomAdjust , // pstrUsageSpectralDopplerModeSelect , // pstrUsageSpectralDopplerModeAdjust , // pstrUsageColorDopplerModeSelect , // pstrUsageColorDopplerModeAdjust , // pstrUsageMotionModeSelect , // pstrUsageMotionModeAdjust , // pstrUsage2DModeSelect , // pstrUsage2DModeAdjust //}; //const char *medInstrTitles4[] PROGMEM = //{ // pstrUsageSoftControlSelect , // pstrUsageSoftControlAdjust //}; #endif // __HIDUSAGETITLEARRAYS_H__