/* Copyright (C) 2011 Circuits At Home, LTD. All rights reserved. This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPL2) as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file GPL2.TXT included in the packaging of this file. Please note that GPL2 Section 2[b] requires that all works based on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of the GPL2 ("Copyleft"). Contact information ------------------- Circuits At Home, LTD Web : http://www.circuitsathome.com e-mail : support@circuitsathome.com */ #if !defined(__CDCPROLIFIC_H__) #define __CDCPROLIFIC_H__ #include "cdcacm.h" #define PL_VID 0x067B #define PL_PID ( 0x2303 || 0x0609 ) //#define PL_PID 0x0609 #define PROLIFIC_REV_H 0x0202 #define PROLIFIC_REV_X 0x0300 #define PROLIFIC_REV_HX_CHIP_D 0x0400 #define PROLIFIC_REV_1 0x0001 #define kXOnChar '\x11' #define kXOffChar '\x13' #define SPECIAL_SHIFT (5) #define SPECIAL_MASK ((1<<SPECIAL_SHIFT) - 1) #define STATE_ALL ( PD_RS232_S_MASK | PD_S_MASK ) #define FLOW_RX_AUTO ( PD_RS232_A_RFR | PD_RS232_A_DTR | PD_RS232_A_RXO ) #define FLOW_TX_AUTO ( PD_RS232_A_CTS | PD_RS232_A_DSR | PD_RS232_A_TXO | PD_RS232_A_DCD ) #define CAN_BE_AUTO ( FLOW_RX_AUTO | FLOW_TX_AUTO ) #define CAN_NOTIFY ( PD_RS232_N_MASK ) #define EXTERNAL_MASK ( PD_S_MASK | (PD_RS232_S_MASK & ~PD_RS232_S_LOOP) ) #define INTERNAL_DELAY ( PD_RS232_S_LOOP ) #define DEFAULT_AUTO ( PD_RS232_A_DTR | PD_RS232_A_RFR | PD_RS232_A_CTS | PD_RS232_A_DSR ) #define DEFAULT_NOTIFY 0x00 #define DEFAULT_STATE ( PD_S_TX_ENABLE | PD_S_RX_ENABLE | PD_RS232_A_TXO | PD_RS232_A_RXO ) #define CONTINUE_SEND 1 #define PAUSE_SEND 2 #define kRxAutoFlow ((UInt32)( PD_RS232_A_RFR | PD_RS232_A_DTR | PD_RS232_A_RXO )) #define kTxAutoFlow ((UInt32)( PD_RS232_A_CTS | PD_RS232_A_DSR | PD_RS232_A_TXO | PD_RS232_A_DCD )) #define kControl_StateMask ((UInt32)( PD_RS232_S_CTS | PD_RS232_S_DSR | PD_RS232_S_CAR | PD_RS232_S_RI )) #define kRxQueueState ((UInt32)( PD_S_RXQ_EMPTY | PD_S_RXQ_LOW_WATER | PD_S_RXQ_HIGH_WATER | PD_S_RXQ_FULL )) #define kTxQueueState ((UInt32)( PD_S_TXQ_EMPTY | PD_S_TXQ_LOW_WATER | PD_S_TXQ_HIGH_WATER | PD_S_TXQ_FULL )) #define kCONTROL_DTR 0x01 #define kCONTROL_RTS 0x02 enum tXO_State { kXOnSent = -2, kXOffSent = -1, kXO_Idle = 0, kXOffNeeded = 1, kXOnNeeded = 2 }; #define kStateTransientMask 0x74 #define kBreakError 0x04 #define kFrameError 0x10 #define kParityError 0x20 #define kOverrunError 0x40 #define kCTS 0x80 #define kDSR 0x02 #define kRI 0x08 #define kDCD 0x01 #define kHandshakeInMask ((UInt32)( PD_RS232_S_CTS | PD_RS232_S_DSR | PD_RS232_S_CAR | PD_RS232_S_RI )) #define VENDOR_WRITE_REQUEST_TYPE 0x40 #define VENDOR_WRITE_REQUEST 0x01 #define VENDOR_READ_REQUEST_TYPE 0xc0 #define VENDOR_READ_REQUEST 0x01 // Device Configuration Registers (DCR0, DCR1, DCR2) #define SET_DCR0 0x00 #define GET_DCR0 0x80 #define DCR0_INIT 0x01 #define DCR0_INIT_H 0x41 #define DCR0_INIT_X 0x61 #define SET_DCR1 0x01 #define GET_DCR1 0x81 #define DCR1_INIT_H 0x80 #define DCR1_INIT_X 0x00 #define SET_DCR2 0x02 #define GET_DCR2 0x82 #define DCR2_INIT_H 0x24 #define DCR2_INIT_X 0x44 // On-chip Data Buffers: #define RESET_DOWNSTREAM_DATA_PIPE 0x08 #define RESET_UPSTREAM_DATA_PIPE 0x09 enum pl2303_type { unknown, type_1, /* don't know the difference between type 0 and */ rev_X, /* type 1, until someone from prolific tells us... */ rev_HX, /* HX version of the pl2303 chip */ rev_H }; #define PL_MAX_ENDPOINTS 4 class PL2303 : public ACM { uint16_t wPLType; // Type of chip public: PL2303(USB *pusb, CDCAsyncOper *pasync); // USBDeviceConfig implementation virtual uint8_t Init(uint8_t parent, uint8_t port, bool lowspeed); //virtual uint8_t Release(); //virtual uint8_t Poll(); //virtual uint8_t GetAddress() { return bAddress; }; //// UsbConfigXtracter implementation //virtual void EndpointXtract(uint8_t conf, uint8_t iface, uint8_t alt, uint8_t proto, const USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR *ep); }; #endif // __CDCPROLIFIC_H__