Kristian Sloth Lauszus 6c36eed239 Renamed USB class to USBHost, so it does not collide with the one defined in the Arduino Zero core
Also renamed the struct UsbDevice to UsbDeviceDefinition
2016-01-19 16:34:45 +01:00

283 lines
10 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2011 Circuits At Home, LTD. All rights reserved.
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#if !defined(_usb_h_) || defined(__ADDRESS_H__)
#error "Never include address.h directly; include Usb.h instead"
#define __ADDRESS_H__
/* NAK powers. To save space in endpoint data structure, amount of retries before giving up and returning 0x4 is stored in */
/* bmNakPower as a power of 2. The actual nak_limit is then calculated as nak_limit = ( 2^bmNakPower - 1) */
#define USB_NAK_MAX_POWER 15 //NAK binary order maximum value
#define USB_NAK_DEFAULT 14 //default 32K-1 NAKs before giving up
#define USB_NAK_NOWAIT 1 //Single NAK stops transfer
#define USB_NAK_NONAK 0 //Do not count NAKs, stop retrying after USB Timeout
struct EpInfo {
uint8_t epAddr; // Endpoint address
uint8_t maxPktSize; // Maximum packet size
union {
uint8_t epAttribs;
struct {
uint8_t bmSndToggle : 1; // Send toggle, when zero bmSNDTOG0, bmSNDTOG1 otherwise
uint8_t bmRcvToggle : 1; // Send toggle, when zero bmRCVTOG0, bmRCVTOG1 otherwise
uint8_t bmNakPower : 6; // Binary order for NAK_LIMIT value
} __attribute__((packed));
} __attribute__((packed));
// 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
// ---------------------------------
// | | H | P | P | P | A | A | A |
// ---------------------------------
// H - if 1 the address is a hub address
// P - parent hub address
// A - device address / port number in case of hub
struct UsbDeviceAddress {
union {
struct {
uint8_t bmAddress : 3; // device address/port number
uint8_t bmParent : 3; // parent hub address
uint8_t bmHub : 1; // hub flag
uint8_t bmReserved : 1; // reserved, must be zero
} __attribute__((packed));
uint8_t devAddress;
} __attribute__((packed));
#define bmUSB_DEV_ADDR_ADDRESS 0x07
#define bmUSB_DEV_ADDR_PARENT 0x38
#define bmUSB_DEV_ADDR_HUB 0x40
struct UsbDeviceDefinition {
EpInfo *epinfo; // endpoint info pointer
UsbDeviceAddress address;
uint8_t epcount; // number of endpoints
bool lowspeed; // indicates if a device is the low speed one
// uint8_t devclass; // device class
} __attribute__((packed));
class AddressPool {
virtual UsbDeviceDefinition* GetUsbDevicePtr(uint8_t addr) = 0;
virtual uint8_t AllocAddress(uint8_t parent, bool is_hub = false, uint8_t port = 0) = 0;
virtual void FreeAddress(uint8_t addr) = 0;
typedef void (*UsbDeviceHandleFunc)(UsbDeviceDefinition *pdev);
template <const uint8_t MAX_DEVICES_ALLOWED>
class AddressPoolImpl : public AddressPool {
EpInfo dev0ep; //Endpoint data structure used during enumeration for uninitialized device
uint8_t hubCounter; // hub counter is kept
// in order to avoid hub address duplication
UsbDeviceDefinition thePool[MAX_DEVICES_ALLOWED];
// Initializes address pool entry
void InitEntry(uint8_t index) {
thePool[index].address.devAddress = 0;
thePool[index].epcount = 1;
thePool[index].lowspeed = 0;
thePool[index].epinfo = &dev0ep;
// Returns thePool index for a given address
uint8_t FindAddressIndex(uint8_t address = 0) {
for(uint8_t i = 1; i < MAX_DEVICES_ALLOWED; i++) {
if(thePool[i].address.devAddress == address)
return i;
return 0;
// Returns thePool child index for a given parent
uint8_t FindChildIndex(UsbDeviceAddress addr, uint8_t start = 1) {
for(uint8_t i = (start < 1 || start >= MAX_DEVICES_ALLOWED) ? 1 : start; i < MAX_DEVICES_ALLOWED; i++) {
if(thePool[i].address.bmParent == addr.bmAddress)
return i;
return 0;
// Frees address entry specified by index parameter
void FreeAddressByIndex(uint8_t index) {
// Zero field is reserved and should not be affected
if(index == 0)
UsbDeviceAddress uda = thePool[index].address;
// If a hub was switched off all port addresses should be freed
if(uda.bmHub == 1) {
for(uint8_t i = 1; (i = FindChildIndex(uda, i));)
// If the hub had the last allocated address, hubCounter should be decremented
if(hubCounter == uda.bmAddress)
// Initializes the whole address pool at once
void InitAllAddresses() {
for(uint8_t i = 1; i < MAX_DEVICES_ALLOWED; i++)
hubCounter = 0;
AddressPoolImpl() : hubCounter(0) {
// Zero address is reserved
thePool[0].address.devAddress = 0;
thePool[0].epinfo = &dev0ep;
dev0ep.epAddr = 0;
dev0ep.maxPktSize = 8;
dev0ep.bmSndToggle = 0; // Set DATA0/1 toggles to 0
dev0ep.bmRcvToggle = 0;
dev0ep.bmNakPower = USB_NAK_MAX_POWER;
// Returns a pointer to a specified address entry
virtual UsbDeviceDefinition* GetUsbDevicePtr(uint8_t addr) {
return thePool;
uint8_t index = FindAddressIndex(addr);
return (!index) ? NULL : thePool + index;
// Performs an operation specified by pfunc for each addressed device
void ForEachUsbDevice(UsbDeviceHandleFunc pfunc) {
for(uint8_t i = 1; i < MAX_DEVICES_ALLOWED; i++)
pfunc(thePool + i);
// Allocates new address
virtual uint8_t AllocAddress(uint8_t parent, bool is_hub = false, uint8_t port = 0) {
/* if (parent != 0 && port == 0)
USB_HOST_SERIAL.println("PRT:0"); */
UsbDeviceAddress _parent;
_parent.devAddress = parent;
if(_parent.bmReserved || port > 7)
//if(parent > 127 || port > 7)
return 0;
if(is_hub && hubCounter == 7)
return 0;
// finds first empty address entry starting from one
uint8_t index = FindAddressIndex(0);
if(!index) // if empty entry is not found
return 0;
if(_parent.devAddress == 0) {
if(is_hub) {
thePool[index].address.devAddress = 0x41;
} else
thePool[index].address.devAddress = 1;
return thePool[index].address.devAddress;
UsbDeviceAddress addr;
addr.devAddress = 0; // Ensure all bits are zero
addr.bmParent = _parent.bmAddress;
if(is_hub) {
addr.bmHub = 1;
addr.bmAddress = ++hubCounter;
} else {
addr.bmHub = 0;
addr.bmAddress = port;
thePool[index].address = addr;
USB_HOST_SERIAL.print(addr.bmHub, HEX);
USB_HOST_SERIAL.print(addr.bmParent, HEX);
USB_HOST_SERIAL.println(addr.bmAddress, HEX);
return thePool[index].address.devAddress;
// Empties pool entry
virtual void FreeAddress(uint8_t addr) {
// if the root hub is disconnected all the addresses should be initialized
if(addr == 0x41) {
uint8_t index = FindAddressIndex(addr);
// Returns number of hubs attached
// It can be rather helpfull to find out if there are hubs attached than getting the exact number of hubs.
//uint8_t GetNumHubs()
// return hubCounter;
//uint8_t GetNumDevices()
// uint8_t counter = 0;
// for (uint8_t i=1; i<MAX_DEVICES_ALLOWED; i++)
// if (thePool[i].address != 0);
// counter ++;
// return counter;
#endif // __ADDRESS_H__