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Canvas model
BlueCanary: a startup that detects and prevents data breaches.
Building blocks
1. Customer segments
An organization serves one or several customer segments. CS are different groups of people or organizations an enterprise aims to reach and serve.
Grouping customers by:
- common needs
- common behaviors
- attributes (various)
BlueCanary customer segments
Business and enterprises with many layers of authentication and hierarchil or scattered user management.
One segment:
- Businesses and enterprises willing to pay subscription fees yearly
Types of segments:
Niche market
Segmented since different payment options
Customer segments:
Privacy oriented, paying users
Privacy oriented, freemium users
2. Value Propositions
An organization seeks to solve customer problems and satisfy customer needs with value propositions. Value propositions are an -aggregation of benefits* offered by the business to the customers.
-Cost of the product < Customer net price < customer perceived value.*
BlueCanary Value propositions
Element descripition:
Getting the job done
Risk reduction
Value propositions
Paying user:
- BlueCanary's managed accounts that can be created using web API
- 10 Slack accounts
- 150 accounts from common email providers
- mail redirect
- Irc support
- Mail support
- Phone support
3. Channels
Value propositions are delivered to customers trough channels of -communication, distribution and sales*.
BlueCanary Channels
- Awareness: free advertisement through blogging / posting on forums, online communities, social networks.
- Partnership with haveibeenpwned.com
- Communication: Support forum, chatting / micro-blogging platforms (IRC, twitter)
Offline: none
4. Customer relationships
Customer relationships are established and mantained with each customer segment.
Paying users:
- Automated and assisted account creation
- Self-service account renewal and payment procedure
- Irc channels, e-mail contacts for dedicated personal assistance
- Social network and online communities for information broadcast to all users.
5. Revenue Streams
Revenue streams result from value propositions succesfully offered to customers.
BlueCanary revenue streams
Subscription fees: of paying users, fixed per month. List price fixed, customers can get a discount for long-time subscription.
Possibility of automated online payments: Paypla, etsy, Monero, etc
6. Key resources
Assets required to offer and deliver the previously described building blocks.
BlueCanary Key resources
- Server (hosting) provider with flexible configuration of network bandwidth.
- Large scraping facility by in-house machines.
- Data Backup facility for hosted and in-house data (especially paying customers' data).
- Sysadmin(s) with experience in BlueCanary server management
- In-house lawyer for public relationships
- Support technicians with night-hours disponibility.
- social/community manager for social network communication.
7. Key activities
Activities required to offer and deliver the previously described building blocks. Connected to -key resources*.
BlueCanary key activities
BlueCanary account management:
- Dark Web monitoring
- Private forum monitoring
- Irc channel monitoring
- Pastebin monitoring
- Auction monitoring
- Cross account usage monitoring
- Account breach monitoring
Customer Support:
- social/community manager for broadcast of important information
- Alert in case of breach
- Analysis of current regulations regarding external accounts collection, privacy-oriented services by one or more lawyers.
8. Key partnerships
Activities can be outsourced and resources can be acquired outside the enterprise.
BlueCanary key partners
- Cloud / hosting provider for cheap server deployment and data backup.
- Possible partnership: lawyers' firm for analysis of regulations
- Partnership with security research labs
- Partnership with haveibeenpwned.com
9. Cost structure
Busisness model elements result in a cost structure. The two possible classes of cost structures are -cost-driven* and value-driven.
BlueCanary cost structure
Businesses and Enterprises: value-driven cost structure
- Cost of deployment and server mantainance is low but increases with the number of servers needed.
- Cost of support is fixed, based on the number of people employed (ideally 5-10).
- Backup management is one-time deployment and low cost, 1 sysadmin employed.