* Developer of the [BTD](#bluetooth-libraries), [BTHID](#bthid-library), [SPP](#spp-library), [PS4](#ps4-library), [PS3](#ps3-library), [Wii](#wii-library), [Xbox](#xbox-library), and [PSBuzz](#ps-buzz-library) libraries
First download the library by clicking on the following link: <https://github.com/felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0/archive/master.zip>.
Then uncompress the zip folder and rename the directory to "USB\_Host\_Shield\_20", as any special characters are not supported by the Arduino IDE.
Now open up the Arduino IDE and open "File>Preferences". There you will see the location of your sketchbook. Open that directory and create a directory called "libraries" inside that directory.
Now move the "USB\_Host\_Shield\_20" directory to the "libraries" directory.
Now you should be able to go open all the examples codes by navigating to "File>Examples>USB\_Host\_Shield\_20" and then select the example you will like to open.
For more information visit the following sites: <http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries> and <https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-all-about-arduino-libraries-install-use>.
* Note that the Intel Galileo uses pin 2 and 3 as INT and SS pin respectively by default, so some modifications to the shield are needed. See the "Interface modifications" section in the [hardware manual](https://chome.nerpa.tech/usb-host-shield-hardware-manual) for more information.
* Note if you are using the Teensy 3.x you should download this SPI library as well: <https://github.com/xxxajk/spi4teensy3>. You should then add ```#include <spi4teensy3.h>``` to your .ino file.
* Currently the [NUCLEO-F446RE](http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM116/SC959/SS1532/LN1847/PF262063) is supported featuring the STM32F446. Take a look at the following example code: <https://github.com/Lauszus/Nucleo_F446RE_USBHost>.
This library make it easy to add support for different Bluetooth services like a PS3 or a Wii controller or SPP which is a virtual serial port via Bluetooth.
It uses the standard Boot protocol by default, but it is also able to use the Report protocol as well. You would simply have to call ```setProtocolMode()``` and then parse ```HID_RPT_PROTOCOL``` as an argument. You will then have to modify the parser for your device. See the example: [BTHID.ino](examples/Bluetooth/BTHID/BTHID.ino) for more information.
SPP stands for "Serial Port Profile" and is a Bluetooth protocol that implements a virtual comport which allows you to send data back and forth from your computer/phone to your Arduino via Bluetooth.
It has been tested successfully on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Android.
To implement the SPP protocol I used a Bluetooth sniffing tool called [PacketLogger](http://www.tkjelectronics.com/uploads/PacketLogger.zip) developed by Apple.
The PS4BT library is split up into the [PS4BT](PS4BT.h) and the [PS4USB](PS4USB.h) library. These allow you to use the Sony PS4 controller via Bluetooth and USB.
The [PS4BT.ino](examples/Bluetooth/PS4BT/PS4BT.ino) and [PS4USB.ino](examples/PS4USB/PS4USB.ino) examples shows how to easily read the buttons, joysticks, touchpad and IMU on the controller via Bluetooth and USB respectively. It is also possible to control the rumble and light on the controller and get the battery level.
Simply create the PS4BT instance like so: ```PS4BT PS4(&Btd, PAIR);``` and then hold down the Share button and then hold down the PS without releasing the Share button. The PS4 controller will then start to blink rapidly indicating that it is in pairing mode.
Also check out this excellent Wiki by Frank Zhao about the PS4 controller: <http://eleccelerator.com/wiki/index.php?title=DualShock_4> and this Linux driver: <https://github.com/chrippa/ds4drv>.
Several guides on how to use the PS4 library has been written by Dr. James E. Barger and are available at the following link: <https://sites.google.com/view/vbatc-engineeringtechnology2/control-system-tutorials/ps4-tutorials>.
These libraries consist of the [PS3BT](PS3BT.cpp) and [PS3USB](PS3USB.cpp). These libraries allows you to use a Dualshock 3, Navigation or a Motion controller with the USB Host Shield both via Bluetooth and USB.
In order to use your Playstation controller via Bluetooth you have to set the Bluetooth address of the dongle internally to your PS3 Controller. This can be achieved by first plugging in the Bluetooth dongle and wait a few seconds. Now plug in the controller via USB and wait until the LEDs start to flash. The library has now written the Bluetooth address of the dongle to the PS3 controller.
Finally simply plug in the Bluetooth dongle again and press PS on the PS3 controller. After a few seconds it should be connected to the dongle and ready to use.
__Note:__ You will have to plug in the Bluetooth dongle before connecting the controller, as the library needs to read the address of the dongle. Alternatively you could set it in code like so: [PS3BT.ino#L20](examples/Bluetooth/PS3BT/PS3BT.ino#L20).
2._Tomoyuki Tanaka_ for releasing his code for the Arduino USB Host shield connected to the wiimote: <http://chome.nerpa.tech/mcu/rc-car-controlled-by-wii-remote-on-arduino>
The library support one Xbox 360 via USB or up to four Xbox 360 controllers wirelessly by using a [Xbox 360 wireless receiver](http://blog.tkjelectronics.dk/wp-content/uploads/xbox360-wireless-receiver.jpg).
A Xbox ONE controller is supported via USB in the [XBOXONE](XBOXONE.cpp) class. It is heavily based on the 360 library above. In addition to cross referencing the above, information on the protocol was found at:
A Xbox ONE controller is supported via Bluetooth in the [XBOXONESBT](XBOXONESBT.cpp) class.
Special thanks to [HisashiKato](https://github.com/HisashiKato) for his help: <https://github.com/felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0/issues/252#issuecomment-716912362>.
The [Wii](Wii.cpp) library support the Wiimote, but also the Nunchuch and Motion Plus extensions via Bluetooth. The Wii U Pro Controller and Wii Balance Board are also supported via Bluetooth.
The Wii IR camera can also be used, but you will have to activate the code for it manually as it is quite large. Simply set ```ENABLE_WII_IR_CAMERA``` to 1 in [settings.h](settings.h).
The [WiiIRCamera.ino](examples/Bluetooth/WiiIRCamera/WiiIRCamera.ino) example shows how it can be used.
This library implements support for the Playstation Buzz controllers via USB.
It is essentially just a wrapper around the [HIDUniversal](hiduniversal.cpp) which takes care of the initializing and reading of the controllers. The [PSBuzz](PSBuzz.cpp) class simply inherits this and parses the data, so it is easy for users to read the buttons and turn the big red button on the controllers on and off.
HID devices are also supported by the library. However these require you to write your own driver. A few example are provided in the [examples/HID](examples/HID) directory. Including an example for the [SteelSeries SRW-S1 Steering Wheel](examples/HID/SRWS1/SRWS1.ino).
Furthermore it uses one pin as SS and one INT pin. These are by default located on pin 10 and 9 respectively. They can easily be reconfigured in case you need to use them for something else by cutting the jumper on the shield and then solder a wire from the pad to the new pin.
After that you need modify the following entry in [UsbCore.h](UsbCore.h):
typedef MAX3421e<P10,P9> MAX3421E;
For instance if you have rerouted SS to pin 7 it should read:
* You can also use a powered hub between the device and the USB Host Shield. You should then include the USB hub library: ```#include <usbhub.h>``` and create the instance like so: ```USBHub Hub1(&Usb);```.
* This means that your dongle does not support 2.0+EDR, so you will need another dongle. Please see the following [list](https://github.com/felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0/wiki/Bluetooth-dongles) for tested working dongles.