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/* Copyright (C) 2021 Kristian Sloth Lauszus. All rights reserved.
This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU
General Public License version 2 (GPL2) as published by the Free Software
Foundation and appearing in the file GPL2.TXT included in the packaging of
this file. Please note that GPL2 Section 2[b] requires that all works based
on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of
the GPL2 ("Copyleft").
Contact information
Kristian Sloth Lauszus
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#include "SwitchProParser.h"
// To enable serial debugging see "settings.h"
//#define PRINTREPORT // Uncomment to print the report send by the Switch Pro Controller
int8_t SwitchProParser::getButtonIndexSwitchPro(ButtonEnum b) {
const int8_t index = ButtonIndex(b);
if ((uint8_t) index >= (sizeof(SWITCH_PRO_BUTTONS) / sizeof(SWITCH_PRO_BUTTONS[0]))) return -1;
return index;
bool SwitchProParser::getButtonPress(ButtonEnum b) {
const int8_t index = getButtonIndexSwitchPro(b); if (index < 0) return 0;
return switchProData.btn.val & (1UL << pgm_read_byte(&SWITCH_PRO_BUTTONS[index]));
bool SwitchProParser::getButtonClick(ButtonEnum b) {
const int8_t index = getButtonIndexSwitchPro(b); if (index < 0) return 0;
uint32_t mask = 1UL << pgm_read_byte(&SWITCH_PRO_BUTTONS[index]);
bool click = buttonClickState.val & mask;
buttonClickState.val &= ~mask; // Clear "click" event
return click;
int16_t SwitchProParser::getAnalogHat(AnalogHatEnum a) {
switch((uint8_t)a) {
case 0:
return switchProData.leftHatX - 2048; // Subtract the center value
case 1:
return 2048 - switchProData.leftHatY; // Invert, so it follows the same coordinate as the simple report
case 2:
return switchProData.rightHatX - 2048; // Subtract the center value
return 2048 - switchProData.rightHatY; // Invert, so it follows the same coordinate as the simple report
void SwitchProParser::Parse(uint8_t len, uint8_t *buf) {
if (len > 0 && buf) {
Notify(PSTR("\r\nLen: "), 0x80); Notify(len, 0x80);
Notify(PSTR(", data: "), 0x80);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
D_PrintHex<uint8_t > (buf[i], 0x80);
Notify(PSTR(" "), 0x80);
// This driver always uses the standard full report that includes the IMU data.
// The downside is that it requires more processing power, as the data is send contentiously
// while the simple input report is only send when the button state changes however the simple
// input report is not available via USB and does not include the IMU data.
if (buf[0] == 0x3F) // Simple input report via Bluetooth
switchProOutput.enableFullReportMode = true; // Switch over to the full report
else if (buf[0] == 0x30) { // Standard full mode
if (len < 3) {
Notify(PSTR("\r\nReport is too short: "), 0x80);
D_PrintHex<uint8_t > (len, 0x80);
memcpy(&switchProData, buf + 2, min((uint8_t)(len - 2), MFK_CASTUINT8T sizeof(switchProData)));
if (switchProData.btn.val != oldButtonState.val) { // Check if anything has changed
buttonClickState.val = switchProData.btn.val & ~oldButtonState.val; // Update click state variable
oldButtonState.val = switchProData.btn.val;
} else if (buf[0] == 0x21) {
// Subcommand reply via Bluetooth
} else if (buf[0] == 0x81) {
// Subcommand reply via USB
} else {
Notify(PSTR("\r\nUnknown report id: "), 0x80);
D_PrintHex<uint8_t > (buf[0], 0x80);
Notify(PSTR(", len: "), 0x80);
D_PrintHex<uint8_t > (len, 0x80);
if (switchProOutput.sendHandshake)
else if (switchProOutput.disableTimeout)
else if (switchProOutput.ledReportChanged || switchProOutput.ledHomeReportChanged ||
switchProOutput.enableFullReportMode || switchProOutput.enableImu != -1)
else if (switchProOutput.leftRumbleOn || switchProOutput.rightRumbleOn) {
// We need to send the rumble report repeatedly to keep it on
uint32_t now = millis();
if (now - rumble_on_timer > 1000) {
rumble_on_timer = now;
void SwitchProParser::sendOutputCmd() {
// See:
uint8_t buf[14] = { 0 };
buf[0x00] = 0x01; // Report ID - PROCON_CMD_AND_RUMBLE
buf[0x01] = output_sequence_counter++; // Lowest 4-bit is a sequence number, which needs to be increased for every report
// Left rumble data
if (switchProOutput.leftRumbleOn) {
buf[0x02 + 0] = 0x28;
buf[0x02 + 1] = 0x88;
buf[0x02 + 2] = 0x60;
buf[0x02 + 3] = 0x61;
} else {
buf[0x02 + 0] = 0x00;
buf[0x02 + 1] = 0x01;
buf[0x02 + 2] = 0x40;
buf[0x02 + 3] = 0x40;
// Right rumble data
if (switchProOutput.rightRumbleOn) {
buf[0x02 + 4] = 0x28;
buf[0x02 + 5] = 0x88;
buf[0x02 + 6] = 0x60;
buf[0x02 + 7] = 0x61;
} else {
buf[0x02 + 4] = 0x00;
buf[0x02 + 5] = 0x01;
buf[0x02 + 6] = 0x40;
buf[0x02 + 7] = 0x40;
// Sub commands
if (switchProOutput.ledReportChanged) {
switchProOutput.ledReportChanged = false;
// See:
buf[0x0A + 0] = 0x30; // PROCON_CMD_LED
buf[0x0A + 1] = switchProOutput.ledMask; // Lower 4-bits sets the LEDs constantly on, the higher 4-bits can be used to flash the LEDs
sendOutputReport(buf, 10 + 2);
} else if (switchProOutput.ledHomeReportChanged) {
switchProOutput.ledHomeReportChanged = false;
// It is possible set up to 15 mini cycles, but we simply just set the LED constantly on/off
// See:
buf[0x0A + 0] = 0x38; // PROCON_CMD_LED_HOME
buf[0x0A + 1] = (0 /* Number of cycles */ << 4) | (switchProOutput.ledHome ? 0xF : 0) /* Global mini cycle duration */;
buf[0x0A + 2] = (0xF /* LED start intensity */ << 4) | 0x0 /* Number of full cycles */;
buf[0x0A + 3] = (0xF /* Mini Cycle 1 LED intensity */ << 4) | 0x0 /* Mini Cycle 2 LED intensity */;
sendOutputReport(buf, 10 + 4);
} else if (switchProOutput.enableFullReportMode) {
switchProOutput.enableFullReportMode = false;
// See:
buf[0x0A + 0] = 0x03; // PROCON_CMD_MODE
buf[0x0A + 1] = 0x30; // PROCON_ARG_INPUT_FULL
sendOutputReport(buf, 10 + 2);
} else if (switchProOutput.enableImu != -1) {
// See:
buf[0x0A + 0] = 0x40; // PROCON_CMD_GYRO
buf[0x0A + 1] = switchProOutput.enableImu ? 1 : 0; // The new state is stored in the variable
switchProOutput.enableImu = -1;
sendOutputReport(buf, 12);
void SwitchProParser::sendRumbleOutputReport() {
// See:
uint8_t buf[10] = { 0 };
buf[0x00] = 0x10; // Report ID - PROCON_CMD_RUMBLE_ONLY
buf[0x01] = output_sequence_counter++; // Lowest 4-bit is a sequence number, which needs to be increased for every report
// Left rumble data
if (switchProOutput.leftRumbleOn) {
buf[0x02 + 0] = 0x28;
buf[0x02 + 1] = 0x88;
buf[0x02 + 2] = 0x60;
buf[0x02 + 3] = 0x61;
} else {
buf[0x02 + 0] = 0x00;
buf[0x02 + 1] = 0x01;
buf[0x02 + 2] = 0x40;
buf[0x02 + 3] = 0x40;
// Right rumble data
if (switchProOutput.rightRumbleOn) {
buf[0x02 + 4] = 0x28;
buf[0x02 + 5] = 0x88;
buf[0x02 + 6] = 0x60;
buf[0x02 + 7] = 0x61;
} else {
buf[0x02 + 4] = 0x00;
buf[0x02 + 5] = 0x01;
buf[0x02 + 6] = 0x40;
buf[0x02 + 7] = 0x40;
sendOutputReport(buf, 10);
void SwitchProParser::Reset() {
// Center joysticks
switchProData.leftHatX = switchProData.leftHatY = switchProData.rightHatX = switchProData.rightHatY = 2048;
// Reset buttons variables
switchProData.btn.val = 0;
oldButtonState.val = 0;
buttonClickState.val = 0;
output_sequence_counter = 0;
rumble_on_timer = 0;
switchProOutput.leftRumbleOn = false;
switchProOutput.rightRumbleOn = false;
switchProOutput.ledMask = 0;
switchProOutput.ledHome = false;
switchProOutput.ledReportChanged = false;
switchProOutput.ledHomeReportChanged = false;
switchProOutput.enableFullReportMode = false;
switchProOutput.enableImu = -1;
switchProOutput.sendHandshake = false;
switchProOutput.disableTimeout = false;