2012-05-27 16:12:27 +02:00

242 lines
7.3 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2012 Kristian Lauszus, TKJ Electronics. All rights reserved.
This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU
General Public License version 2 (GPL2) as published by the Free Software
Foundation and appearing in the file GPL2.TXT included in the packaging of
this file. Please note that GPL2 Section 2[b] requires that all works based
on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of
the GPL2 ("Copyleft").
Contact information
Kristian Lauszus, TKJ Electronics
Web :
e-mail :
#ifndef _ps3usb_h_
#define _ps3usb_h_
#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WProgram.h"
#include "Usb.h"
/* PS3 data taken from descriptors */
#define EP_MAXPKTSIZE 64 // max size for data via USB
/* Endpoint types */
#define EP_INTERRUPT 0x03
/* Names we give to the 3 ps3 pipes - this is only used for setting the bluetooth address into the ps3 controllers */
#define PS3_CONTROL_PIPE 0
#define PS3_OUTPUT_PIPE 1
#define PS3_INPUT_PIPE 2
//PID and VID of the different devices
#define PS3_VID 0x054C // Sony Corporation
#define PS3_PID 0x0268 // PS3 Controller DualShock 3
#define PS3NAVIGATION_PID 0x042F // Navigation controller
#define PS3MOVE_PID 0x03D5 // Motion controller
#define PS3_REPORT_BUFFER_SIZE 48 // Size of the output report buffer for the Dualshock and Navigation controllers
#define MOVE_REPORT_BUFFER_SIZE 7 // Size of the output report buffer for the Move Controller
// used in control endpoint header for HID Commands
enum LED
LED1 = 0x01,
LED2 = 0x02,
LED3 = 0x04,
LED4 = 0x08,
LED5 = 0x09,
LED6 = 0x0A,
LED7 = 0x0C,
LED8 = 0x0D,
LED9 = 0x0E,
LED10 = 0x0F,
enum Colors
//Used to set the colors of the move controller
Red = 0xFF0000,//((255 << 16) | (0 << 8) | 0);
Green = 0xFF00,//((0 << 16) | (255 << 8) | 0);
Blue = 0xFF,//((0 << 16) | (0 << 8) | 255);
Yellow = 0xFFEB04,//((255 << 16) | (235 << 8) | 4);
Lightblue = 0xFFFF,//((0 << 16) | (255 << 8) | 255);
Purble = 0xFF00FF,//((255 << 16) | (0 << 8) | 255);
White = 0xFFFFFF,//((255 << 16) | (255 << 8) | 255);
Off = 0x00,//((0 << 16) | (0 << 8) | 0);
enum Button
// byte location | bit location
//Sixaxis Dualshcock 3 & Navigation controller
SELECT = (2 << 8) | 0x01,
L3 = (2 << 8) | 0x02,
R3 = (2 << 8) | 0x04,
START = (2 << 8) | 0x08,
UP = (2 << 8) | 0x10,
RIGHT = (2 << 8) | 0x20,
DOWN = (2 << 8) | 0x40,
LEFT = (2 << 8) | 0x80,
L2 = (3 << 8) | 0x01,
R2 = (3 << 8) | 0x02,
L1 = (3 << 8) | 0x04,
R1 = (3 << 8) | 0x08,
TRIANGLE = (3 << 8) | 0x10,
CIRCLE = (3 << 8) | 0x20,
CROSS = (3 << 8) | 0x40,
SQUARE = (3 << 8) | 0x80,
PS = (4 << 8) | 0x01,
enum AnalogButton
//Sixaxis Dualshcock 3 & Navigation controller
L2_ANALOG = 18,
R2_ANALOG = 19,
L1_ANALOG = 20,
R1_ANALOG = 21,
enum AnalogHat
LeftHatX = 6,
LeftHatY = 7,
RightHatX = 8,
RightHatY = 9,
enum Sensor
// Sensors inside the Sixaxis Dualshock 3 controller
aX = 41,
aY = 43,
aZ = 45,
gZ = 47,
enum Angle
Pitch = 0x01,
Roll = 0x02,
enum Status
// byte location | bit location
Plugged = (29 << 8) | 0x02,
Unplugged = (29 << 8) | 0x03,
Charging = (30 << 8) | 0xEE,
NotCharging = (30 << 8) | 0xF1,
Shutdown = (30 << 8) | 0x01,
Dying = (30 << 8) | 0x02,
Low = (30 << 8) | 0x03,
High = (30 << 8) | 0x04,
Full = (30 << 8) | 0x05,
CableRumble = (31 << 8) | 0x10, // Opperating by USB and rumble is turned on
Cable = (31 << 8) | 0x12, // Opperating by USB and rumble is turned off
BluetoothRumble = (31 << 8) | 0x14, // Opperating by bluetooth and rumble is turned on
Bluetooth = (31 << 8) | 0x16, // Opperating by bluetooth and rumble is turned off
enum Rumble
RumbleHigh = 0x10,
RumbleLow = 0x20,
class PS3USB : public USBDeviceConfig
PS3USB(USB *pUsb, uint8_t btadr5=0, uint8_t btadr4=0, uint8_t btadr3=0, uint8_t btadr2=0, uint8_t btadr1=0, uint8_t btadr0=0);
// USBDeviceConfig implementation
virtual uint8_t Init(uint8_t parent, uint8_t port, bool lowspeed);
virtual uint8_t Release();
virtual uint8_t Poll();
virtual uint8_t GetAddress() { return bAddress; };
virtual bool isReady() { return bPollEnable; };
void setBdaddr(uint8_t* BDADDR);
void setMoveBdaddr(uint8_t* BDADDR);
/* PS3 Controller Commands */
bool getButton(Button b);
uint8_t getAnalogButton(AnalogButton a);
uint8_t getAnalogHat(AnalogHat a);
uint16_t getSensor(Sensor a);
double getAngle(Angle a);
bool getStatus(Status c);
String getStatusString();
/* Commands for Dualshock 3 and Navigation controller */
void setAllOff();
void setRumbleOff();
void setRumbleOn(Rumble mode);
void setLedOff(LED a);
void setLedOn(LED a);
void setLedToggle(LED a);
/* Commands for Motion controller only */
void moveSetBulb(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);//Use this to set the Color using RGB values
void moveSetBulb(Colors color);//Use this to set the Color using the predefined colors in "enum Colors"
void moveSetRumble(uint8_t rumble);
bool PS3Connected;// Variable used to indicate if the normal playstation controller is successfully connected
bool PS3MoveConnected;// Variable used to indicate if the move controller is successfully connected
bool PS3NavigationConnected;// Variable used to indicate if the navigation controller is successfully connected */
bool buttonChanged;//Indicate if a button has been changed
bool buttonPressed;//Indicate if a button has been pressed
bool buttonReleased;//Indicate if a button has been released
/* mandatory members */
USB *pUsb;
uint8_t bAddress; // device address
EpInfo epInfo[PS3_MAX_ENDPOINTS]; //endpoint info structure
bool bPollEnable;
uint32_t timer; // used to continuously set PS3 Move controller Bulb and rumble values
uint32_t ButtonState;
uint32_t OldButtonState;
uint8_t my_bdaddr[6]; // Change to your dongles Bluetooth address in PS3BT.cpp
uint8_t readBuf[EP_MAXPKTSIZE]; // General purpose buffer for input data
uint8_t writeBuf[EP_MAXPKTSIZE]; // General purpose buffer for output data
void readReport(); // read incoming data
void printReport(); // print incoming date - Uncomment for debugging
/* Private commands */
void PS3_Command(uint8_t* data, uint16_t nbytes);
void enable_sixaxis();//Command used to enable the Dualshock 3 and Navigation controller to send data via USB
void Move_Command(uint8_t* data, uint16_t nbytes);