2021-05-09 21:07:14 +02:00

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/* Copyright (C) 2021 Kristian Sloth Lauszus. All rights reserved.
This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU
General Public License version 2 (GPL2) as published by the Free Software
Foundation and appearing in the file GPL2.TXT included in the packaging of
this file. Please note that GPL2 Section 2[b] requires that all works based
on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of
the GPL2 ("Copyleft").
Contact information
Kristian Sloth Lauszus
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#ifndef _switch_pro_parser_h_
#define _switch_pro_parser_h_
#include "Usb.h"
#include "controllerEnums.h"
/** Used to set the LEDs on the controller */
const uint8_t SWITCH_PRO_LEDS[] PROGMEM = {
0x00, // OFF
0x01, // LED1
0x02, // LED2
0x04, // LED3
0x08, // LED4
0x09, // LED5
0x0A, // LED6
0x0C, // LED7
0x0D, // LED8
0x0E, // LED9
0x0F, // LED10
/** Buttons on the controller */
const uint8_t SWITCH_PRO_BUTTONS[] PROGMEM = {
0x11, // UP
0x12, // RIGHT
0x10, // DOWN
0x13, // LEFT
0x0D, // Capture
0x09, // PLUS
0x0B, // L3
0x0A, // R3
0x08, // MINUS
0x0C, // HOME
0, 0, // Skip
0x02, // B
0x03, // A
0x01, // X
0x00, // Y
0x16, // L
0x06, // R
0x17, // ZL
0x07, // ZR
union SwitchProButtons {
struct {
uint8_t y : 1;
uint8_t x : 1;
uint8_t b : 1;
uint8_t a : 1;
uint8_t dummy1 : 2;
uint8_t r : 1;
uint8_t zr : 1;
uint8_t minus : 1;
uint8_t plus : 1;
uint8_t r3 : 1;
uint8_t l3 : 1;
uint8_t home : 1;
uint8_t capture : 1;
uint8_t dummy2 : 2;
uint8_t dpad : 4;
uint8_t dummy3 : 2;
uint8_t l : 1;
uint8_t zl : 1;
} __attribute__((packed));
uint32_t val : 24;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct ImuData {
int16_t accX, accY, accZ;
int16_t gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct SwitchProData {
struct {
uint8_t connection_info : 4;
uint8_t battery_level : 4;
} __attribute__((packed));
/* Button and joystick values */
SwitchProButtons btn; // Bytes 3-5
// Bytes 6-11
uint16_t leftHatX : 12;
uint16_t leftHatY : 12;
uint16_t rightHatX : 12;
uint16_t rightHatY : 12;
uint8_t vibratorInput; // What is this used for?
// Bytes 13-48
// Three samples of the IMU is sent in one message
// See:
ImuData imu[3];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct SwitchProOutput {
bool leftRumbleOn;
bool rightRumbleOn;
uint8_t ledMask; // Higher nibble flashes the LEDs, lower nibble sets them on/off
bool ledHome;
// Used to send the reports at the same rate as the controller is sending messages
bool ledReportChanged;
bool ledHomeReportChanged;
bool enableFullReportMode;
int8_t enableImu; // -1 == Do nothing, 0 == disable IMU, 1 == enable IMU
bool sendHandshake;
bool disableTimeout;
} __attribute__((packed));
/** This class parses all the data sent by the Switch Pro controller */
class SwitchProParser {
/** Constructor for the SwitchProParser class. */
SwitchProParser() : output_sequence_counter(0) {
/** @name Switch Pro Controller functions */
* getButtonPress(ButtonEnum b) will return true as long as the button is held down.
* While getButtonClick(ButtonEnum b) will only return it once.
* So you instance if you need to increase a variable once you would use getButtonClick(ButtonEnum b),
* but if you need to drive a robot forward you would use getButtonPress(ButtonEnum b).
* @param b ::ButtonEnum to read.
* @return getButtonPress(ButtonEnum b) will return a true as long as a button is held down, while getButtonClick(ButtonEnum b) will return true once for each button press.
bool getButtonPress(ButtonEnum b);
bool getButtonClick(ButtonEnum b);
/** @name Switch Pro Controller functions */
* Used to read the analog joystick.
* @param a ::LeftHatX, ::LeftHatY, ::RightHatX, and ::RightHatY.
* @return Return the analog value as a signed 16-bit value.
int16_t getAnalogHat(AnalogHatEnum a);
* Used to enable/disable the IMU. By default it is disabled.
* @param enable Enable/disable the IMU.
void enableImu(bool enable) {
// TODO: Should we just always enable it?
switchProOutput.enableImu = enable ? 1 : 0;
* Get the angle of the controller calculated using the accelerometer.
* @param a Either ::Pitch or ::Roll.
* @return Return the angle in the range of 0-360.
float getAngle(AngleEnum a) {
if (a == Pitch)
return (atan2f(-switchProData.imu[0].accY, -switchProData.imu[0].accZ) + PI) * RAD_TO_DEG;
return (atan2f(switchProData.imu[0].accX, -switchProData.imu[0].accZ) + PI) * RAD_TO_DEG;
* Used to get the raw values from the 3-axis gyroscope and 3-axis accelerometer inside the PS5 controller.
* @param s The sensor to read.
* @return Returns the raw sensor reading.
int16_t getSensor(SensorEnum s) {
switch(s) {
case gX:
return switchProData.imu[0].gyroX;
case gY:
return switchProData.imu[0].gyroY;
case gZ:
return switchProData.imu[0].gyroZ;
case aX:
return switchProData.imu[0].accX;
case aY:
return switchProData.imu[0].accY;
case aZ:
return switchProData.imu[0].accZ;
return 0;
/** Turn both rumble and the LEDs off. */
void setAllOff() {
/** Set rumble off. */
void setRumbleOff() {
setRumble(false, false);
/** Toggle rumble. */
void setRumbleToggle() {
setRumble(!switchProOutput.leftRumbleOn, !switchProOutput.rightRumbleOn);
* Turn on/off rumble.
* @param leftRumbleOn Turn on/off left rumble motor.
* @param rightRumbleOn Turn on/off right rumble motor.
void setRumble(bool leftRumbleOn, bool rightRumbleOn) {
switchProOutput.leftRumbleOn = leftRumbleOn;
switchProOutput.rightRumbleOn = rightRumbleOn;
switchProOutput.ledReportChanged = true; // Set this, so the rumble effect gets changed immediately
* Turn on/off the left rumble.
* @param on Turn on/off left rumble motor.
void setRumbleLeft(bool on) {
switchProOutput.leftRumbleOn = on;
switchProOutput.ledReportChanged = true; // Set this, so the rumble effect gets changed immediately
* Turn on/off the right rumble.
* @param on Turn on/off right rumble motor.
void setRumbleRight(bool on) {
switchProOutput.rightRumbleOn = on;
switchProOutput.ledReportChanged = true; // Set this, so the rumble effect gets changed immediately
* Set LED value without using the ::LEDEnum.
* This can also be used to flash the LEDs by setting the high 4-bits of the mask.
* @param value See: ::LEDEnum.
void setLedRaw(uint8_t mask) {
switchProOutput.ledMask = mask;
switchProOutput.ledReportChanged = true;
/** Turn all LEDs off. */
void setLedOff() {
* Turn the specific ::LEDEnum off.
* @param a The ::LEDEnum to turn off.
void setLedOff(LEDEnum a) {
switchProOutput.ledMask &= ~((uint8_t)(pgm_read_byte(&SWITCH_PRO_LEDS[(uint8_t)a]) & 0x0f));
switchProOutput.ledReportChanged = true;
* Turn the specific ::LEDEnum on.
* @param a The ::LEDEnum to turn on.
void setLedOn(LEDEnum a) {
switchProOutput.ledMask |= (uint8_t)(pgm_read_byte(&SWITCH_PRO_LEDS[(uint8_t)a]) & 0x0f);
switchProOutput.ledReportChanged = true;
* Toggle the specific ::LEDEnum.
* @param a The ::LEDEnum to toggle.
void setLedToggle(LEDEnum a) {
switchProOutput.ledMask ^= (uint8_t)(pgm_read_byte(&SWITCH_PRO_LEDS[(uint8_t)a]) & 0x0f);
switchProOutput.ledReportChanged = true;
/** Turn home LED off. */
void setLedHomeOff() {
switchProOutput.ledHome = false;
switchProOutput.ledHomeReportChanged = true;
/** Turn home LED on. */
void setLedHomeOn() {
switchProOutput.ledHome = true;
switchProOutput.ledHomeReportChanged = true;
/** Toggle home LED. */
void setLedHomeToggle() {
switchProOutput.ledHome = !switchProOutput.ledHome;
switchProOutput.ledHomeReportChanged = true;
/** Get the incoming message count. */
uint16_t getMessageCounter() {
return message_counter;
* Return the battery level of the Switch Pro Controller.
* @return The battery level as a bit mask according to ::SwitchProBatteryLevel:
* 4=full, 3=medium, 2=low, 1=critical, 0=empty.
uint8_t getBatteryLevel() {
return switchProData.battery_level >> 1;
* Returns whenever the controller is plugged in and charging.
* @return Returns True if the controller is charging.
bool isCharging() {
return switchProData.battery_level & 0x01;
* Used to parse data sent from the Switch Pro controller.
* @param len Length of the data.
* @param buf Pointer to the data buffer.
void Parse(uint8_t len, uint8_t *buf);
/** Used to reset the different buffers to their default values */
void Reset();
* Send the output to the Switch Pro controller. This is implemented in SwitchProBT.h and SwitchProUSB.h.
* @param data Pointer to buffer to send by the derived class.
* @param len Length of buffer.
virtual void sendOutputReport(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len) = 0;
/** Used to send a handshake command via USB before disabling the timeout. */
virtual void sendHandshake() {}
* Needed to disable USB timeout for the controller,
* so it sends out data without the host having to send data continuously.
virtual void disableTimeout() {}
/** Allow derived classes to access the output variables. */
SwitchProOutput switchProOutput;
static int8_t getButtonIndexSwitchPro(ButtonEnum b);
void sendOutputCmd();
void sendRumbleOutputReport();
SwitchProData switchProData;
SwitchProButtons oldButtonState, buttonClickState;
uint16_t message_counter = 0;
uint8_t output_sequence_counter : 4;
uint32_t rumble_on_timer = 0;